facebook - FB.ui not returing post id in response -

I'm finding to follow this thread whether or not the user shares the link given to me Allow the user to reach the next level when they share.

How am I doing this:

  FB.ui ({display: 'popup', method: 'share', href: 'url-here',} , Function (response) {console.log (response.e2e) if (response and response) {$ .ajax ({url: ajaxurl, type: 'post', data: {action: 'unlock_om_gmap'}, success: function ( Race) {}});}});  

But every time its return object {e2e = "{" submit_0 ": 1406412308276}"} No post ID is anyone familiar with this issue? How do I check whether the user has shared my link or not?

As I mentioned in the comments, to determine whether an open graph story Shared, you will need to check the property of the object_id in the response data, but it will only be available if the user is logged into your app using Facebook and given the code publish_actions


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