android - Fragment to activity intent not working -
So, I'm doing a project, and I have a piece called and I try to link him I'm doing the image button to go to another activity called MensAllShoes but it keeps crashing, can someone help me? I'm new to Android programming, as you can see.
This is my
package com .op.slidingmenu.slidelist; Import com.nyp.integrateshoebox.MensAllShoes; @SuppressLint ("NewAP") enhances the HOMEPG_Fragment slice of the public class (ImageButton Women, Gentlemen; Crate on Public Zero (Bundle Saved Instantstate) {Super.New (Saved Instantstate); setContentView (R.layout.homepg_fragment); Women = (ImageButton) findViewById (; gentlemen = (ImageButton) findViewById (;} public void cookies (views) {intent cookie = new intent (getActivity (), MensAllShoes.class); StartActivity (cookie);} Private Zero setContentView (integer viewallFragment) {// TODO auto-created method stub} @Override abstract View public onCreateView (LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, bundle savedInstanceState) {see rootView = inflater.inflate (R.layout.homepg_fragment, container, false); returning root view;} personal reference getApplicationContext () {// TODO auto generated method stub return null;} private Imejiwu Viduviaiaidi (Int Ladies 1) {// Tudo auto-generated by the method stub return null;}
and XML
& lt; imageView android: id = "@ + id / reception" Android: layout_width = "fill_parent" Android: layout_height = "wrap_content" Android: layout_alignParentTop = "true" android: src = "@ drawable / Wardkst" / & gt; & Lt; ImageButton Android: id = "@ + id / ladies1" Android: layout_width = "320dp" Android: layout_height = "210dp" Android: layout_below = "@ + id / welcome" Android: layout_marginBottom = "18dp" Android: layout_marginLeft = "31dp "Android: src =" @Drawable / FemaleHome "/> & Lt; Android: layout_hearg = "212dp" Android: layout_below = "@ + id / ladies1" Android: layout_marginBottom = "18dp" Android: layout_marginLeft = "31dp" "Android: src =" @drawable / mainhome "android: onClick =" cookie "/> & Lt; / RelativeLayout & gt; to setContentView
Why have you define your methods
? Get rid of them - it's definitely something you should not do. onCreate
Remove the following line from the setContentView (R.layout.homepg_fragment);
... and move the following lines to that line after onCreateView
where you inflate your routeview ...
Find Ladies = (Image Button) VVBIID (Raid. Lady 1); Gentlemen = (ImageButton) findViewById (;
In addition, as a separate, piece
should be self-contained and reusable and not directly activity
Should start. Instead, you should create a 'callback' interface implemented by fragment
hosting activity
. You then used to call activity
which was pressed on the button
and to specify the activity
to trigger other activity
Call the interface method. .
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