android - Can't see the bitmap I saved to new directory -

I was looking for a way to save bitmap (with the name of my app) in a folder, like this The default gallery will recognize it from.

So I managed to save the image, but I can not see it with the gallery or my PC (using Explorer)

This is my code:

< Pre-save the bitmap to save the private bit in the internal // internal memory (bitmap BMP) {string appname = "mypad"; String file_path = environment GettyStyle StorePaulic Directory (Environmental. DIRECTORY_PICTURES) + file. Separator + appname; File directory = new file (file_path); If (! Dir.exists ()) dir.mkdirs (); // image file file file = new file (dir, "img" + "_" + system. Contenttime millilias () + ".jpg"); FileOutputStream Out = Null; {Out} Try new FileOutputStream (file); Bmp.compress (bitmap.compress format.jpeg, 100, out); Out.flush (); Out.close (); Out = null; } Hold (exception e) {e.printStackTrace (); }}

I can see it using some file manager installed on my galaxy, but it does not help much. I know that I should notify the gallery using a media scanner (which needs to cross a second bridge), but someone can help me understand that I do not even get the file. Will I change my visibility in some way?

And one more thing: I read on another issue about this issue, that I should add the metadata to the image / folder so that the gallery showed it to me. Is it necessary?

Many thanks!

Apparently there was something to do with the media scanner, I have added this line

  MediaScannerConnection.scanFile (this, new string [] {file.getAbsolutePath ()}, blank, zero);  

And now it works.

From the document:

MediaScannerConnection provides a method for creating or downloading a media file in the media scanner service. The media scanner reads the metadata from the service file and connects the file to the media content provider.


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