if statement - if word found play macro -
var ret; While (rate = 1) {rate = IIMplay ("macro.IIM"); If (rate == - 9 21) IIMplay ("macro 2.iim"); }
It works wonders but sometimes the session ends but I do not know how much the last session is, do you know that if you are in a specific url then enter Is there a way "or something like that? Runtime error: IMG: 100 not found, line 20 (-921), "
as you can see that I already have the element specified by WIDTH I'm using -921 to do a macro, but is there a way to do this, if this specific tag is not found?
It may be that a new JS file can be created And this is my new "macro 2" with something like this "if the word macro 3 game is found then the old game No 2 "Test for a tag I usually try to extract some part of it and examine the extracted text for" # EANF # ". If the tag is not found, you will get a string and you can get your program Here's an example:
var macro, return code; macro = "CODE:"; macro + = "url goto = http: // www .google.com / \ ""; Macro + = "tag pos = 1 type = button forums = id: gff ATTR = ID: gbqfba EXTRACT = TXT \ n"; ReturnCode = iimPlay (macro); Final Extract = IIMGatlast Extract (); If (lastExtract.localeCompare ("#EANF #")! == 0) {Warning ("found tag"); } And {warnings ("tag not found"); } Macro = "CODE:"; Macro + = "URL goto = http: //www.google.com/ \" "macro + =" tag pos = 1 type = button form = id: gbf ATTR = ID: GBFFABA extract = TXT \ n "; ReturnCode = IimPlay (macro); Final Extract = IIMGLSText Extract (); If (lastExtract.localeCompare ("# EANF #")! == 0) {Warning ("found tag");} and {warnings ("tag not found" );}
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