amazon web services - pointing domain to AWS Server causes redirect loop -

I have taken these precise steps here:

Actually, I first made S3 bucket, The rules were added to the Route 53 and then the Registrar (which I do not have a domain from) the Amazon name server I just started from and then repeated the steps for and now when I go to the site, So giving me an error saying "This web page is a redirect loop and as a result a lot That redirection are ". When I use www and whenever I do not do well, why not consider any? I followed the exact steps given in the given link.

I had a similar problem in my case I had two ec2 servers in two areas.

In both the servers I was running Apache. I included the status of IF in my

000-default.conf file. (This file is found in the CD / etc / apache2 / sites-available)

I had a redirect statement in this file. I removed it and started working on it.


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