php - Laravel 4.0 Using Codesleeve Asset Pipeline Downloding all Assets on Each Refresh -

We have got Kodhaave's asset pipeline - up is running on our server, but for some reason it is completely The ignoring of the Htaccess header and your cache settings config files look like this:

  'cache' = & gt; Array ('output'), 'cache_services' = & gt; New Acetic \ cache \ filesystem cache (App :: Mac (''). '/ Cache / asset-pipeline'), 'cache_client' = & gt; Any help will be highly appreciated - App is online test mode   

= "post -The text "itemproc =" text ">

PHP also does not know about your .htaccess file. PHP allows content in your server (in this case Apache), and the server parses the .htaccess file to determine the appropriate headers. You can set the header in PHP, but if your server is actually sent to the last message and any header attribute can like it.

The problem with this is that the .htaccess file is not configured correctly, or the content is being served with the wrong content-type header information, So that it does not match with your .htaccess instructions.

Looking at the site, the images look fine cached, both JS and CSS have large scale cache-control: Max-age = 31536000 properties, but cache- Control: No-cache is set to . I suppose that there are no mapped '' .js' and '.css' extensions to cache in your Apache .htaccess file.

If this does not work, then you can setup SSL / TLS on your site and make sure to test again that the proxy running with your files does not have the captions heading It is not normal for proxy to shut down, but testing with SSL will be at least sure what this is happening.


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