java - "built in dependency injection" in scala -
Hi, the following post says that "built in dependency injection" in Scala
"As a Scala and Java developer, I'm not even trying to change Scala as my main language for my next project with Java. If I have to write Java mandatory, then it's Java 8 It may be better, but if I have a choice, there are so many things (OP In the right way), which are forcing Scala beyond Lambdaas to me, which means that adding this feature to Java does not really mean anything to me. Ruby's Lambdass, so Python and Javascript, Dart and I I believe that any other modern language. I like Scala because of many things other than Lamdas that a comment is not enough.
But some people have names (some say OP
Everything is an expression, for understanding (especially with many futures, solving the callback triangle of death in a beautiful syntax) in the IMHO, the underlying C inversion, the case Class, pattern matching, tuples, the fact is that everything is equal and hashcode has already been implemented correctly (so I can put a duplicate in the map, or even an arrow as a key Am), st Writing interpolation, multiline string, default parameters, nominated parameters, Built in dependency injection , the most complex, most powerful type system in any language, I know type type (not as good as Haskell But better than non existent in Java). The fact is that I always return from a group of right type "monedic" tasks, such as thanks to CundledFrom (which is pure genius). Do not forget to pass the name logic and the ability to build a DSL. Extractors (via pattern matching) and many more.
I think Scala is to stay for at least Scala developers, I'm 100% sure that you will not find a single scala developer who will say: "Java 8 Lambda? Great, forever!" Bye slash! "The only reason I can think is time compilation and binary compatibility. If we ignore those two, then I can say that it just proves how scala is in the right direction (since Java 8 lambda and default interface methods and steam are clearly affected)
< P> Scala Java 8 would be better in interoperability, just as it supports functional interfaces and adding new built-in conversions to the Java 8 archive, along with the benefits to improve JVM Mr. raise.I'll replace Scala as soon as I get a language that scales me and makes it better so far I have not found any such language (has been investigated Scale, Go, Cotlin, Ceylon Some of them were very promising, but since I need a JVM language, and preferably type in a static form, , These options have been narrowed very quickly)
Java 8 is still not closed, sorry. Great improvement, I am very happy for the Java developers that it may be "permission" (to be adopted by Scala in an enterprise) to use it, but this is not the idea of returning to Java for Scala shop. "<]
This is not a discrete language feature. I think the author was pointing to the fact that Scala's feature set is flexible enough to support a lot of technologies which can be said
This diversity is rather symbolic, designed to apply the language of Scala language to a NU. The case of very powerful concepts, mostly orthogonally, resulted in many legitimate ways to solve many problems. The challenge depends on understanding the detail and then make a wise choice for your project. Many times, this choice criteria are used internally to implement your components depends on this.
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