I have two divs, and I want them to be surrounded by the same limit as "look like" Can help solve it?
I like to see it
_____ top | | | __ | Down | | | ─────────
The way PS I tried to add that border-bottom: white
to `` # top` div is.
However, it becomes more complicated because #bottom < Div>
Here is html.
& lt; Div id = 'top' & gt; Top & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div id = 'bottom' & gt; Down & lt; / Div & gt;
Here's the CSS
#top {width: 100px; Height: 100 pixels; Border: Solid 1px black; Border bottom: solid 3px white; Status: Relative; Z-index: 1000; } #botum {width: 200px; Height: 200 pixels; Border: Solid 1px black; Status: Completed; }
If you need this, JSField is here
Thank you for your help!
Another solution, try the selector first:
# Top {width: 100px; Height: 100 pixels; Border: Solid 1px black; Border bottom: None; Background: #fff; } #botum {width: 200px; Height: 200 pixels; Border: Solid 1px black; Border-top: none; } #Botm: {Before Content: ""; Display area; Margin-left: 100px; Border-top: solid 1px black; }
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