c++ - Centering the pivot of a GL object that has already been transformed around another pivot? -
Find the best way to turn rotation fumes at the center and offset an object using OpenGL Shader There's a difference between the 3D apps in how they handle it.
I have an object that I translate (0,2,2), rotation to (90, 0,0) and smoke (5,2, 0) and then rotate arbitrarily (or not). So I want the "center of smoke" on the object in the translated BB Center
I have tried the variations of this model without any matrix, where there is a difference between the PVRT bbCeter: ModelM = Translation M * pivRT * glm :: inverse (pivotM) * rotationM * scaleM * pivotM;
In Maya
I do not have any "value of smoke" item and any values visible for user change in other applications like Blender When you focus on the pivot then the translation changes - actually your objects translate into PV translations. This is how it works in a command or class, there is a reading matrix in Maya.
[sp] x [s] x [x] x [sp] x [st] x [Rp] x [ro] x [r] x [rp] x [rt] x [t]
is the matrix " rotate pivot translation " with RT Extraction was started to preserve the rotating changes while moving the translation axis. It is used to stop the object when the object is not pivot point at the original position and the pivot is transferred. [RT]
I believe that Pivot translation will rotate the matrix and will be more intuitive with blender where the value of translation changes, but in any implementation There is a problem.
If I follow your example correctly, then this will be:
< P> With HLM, this model will be the code of the matrix:
- Axis
- Move the object about the new axis (let's say about 2 radians about zi-axis)
- Recent axis on the object
- Rotate the object from about 90 degrees (about the new centered pivot) about the X-axis
- By translating the object (0,2,2)
glm :: mat4 step 1 = glm :: translation (glm :: mat4 (1.0), glm :: vec3 (5,2), 0)); Glm :: mat4 step2 = glm :: rotate (step 1, 2.0, glm :: vec3 (0,0,1)); Glm :: mat4 step3 = glm :: translation (step 2, glom :: vec3 (-5, -2.0)); Glm :: mat4 step 4 = glm :: rotate (step 3, 1.57, glm :: vc3 (1,0,0)); Glm :: mat4 step 5 = glm :: translation (step 4, glom :: vc3 (0,2,2) + glm :: vc3 (5,2,0)); Phase 3 in the list is technically completed in two parts: translating the object before the second rotation and then translating it into the final translation step.
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