statistics - Partially nested/blocked experimental design in R -
There are 10 participants in the design of the experiment to get them all to go through A, B, C, D for treatment. However, going through 1-5 conditions for participants, E, F and participants, through 6-10 conditions, H
I am using the NLM package to deal with longer data I stop the list-wise extinction of participants. Measured variable = dv, fixed effect = position, random effect = participant). When everything is just crossed, then I have it:
lme (DV ~ cond, random = ~ 1 | ppt, data = outputdata, method = "ml", na.action = What are the prescribed figures for the first part (conditions A, B, C, D), while the second part E, F and G, H are nested ... Any help or guidance will be appreciated! Thanks. /p>
I think your design can be considered as a planned "missing" design, where a part of the subjectThey are not in contact with some conditions in the planned manner (see Enders, 2010). If these values are "completely lost completely" then you can treat your data as a condition with the absent values according to conditions -Referred repetitive measures can be obtained from the design.
I recommend that you get a variable "block" from other topics, going through the subjects of AD Plus E and F. After this you can refer your model to
summary (M1 and LT; - LME (DV ~ cond, random = ~ 1 | block / PPT, data = outcome, data, method = "REML" ) / Code> If you make topics randomly random in 2 blocks, there should not be significant variability related to blocks. You can test it by fitting any other model without blocking random effects and thus compare 2 models:
summary (m0 <- lme (DV ~ cond) , Random = ~ 1 | ppt, data = outadata data, method = "REML")) ANOVA (M, M1)
method = "REML"
Because we are comparing the nested model which is different in random effect To predict definite effects, you can replenish the model with a better fit than the method = "ml"
(hopefully M.).
If you have not collected data yet, then I strongly encourage you to randomly allocate topics for 2 blocks. To block 1 from topic 1-5 (i.e., the conditions are going through E and F) and variables in the other blocks to rotate the subjects of 6-10 (for example, those using for the process Time, technician) can start.
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