php - How to link database information into a bootstrap table using XAMPP? -

I think something in my table is going wrong, as I get the error:

WARNING: mysql_connect (): A connection attempt was unsuccessful because the connected party did not respond properly after a while or the established connection was unsuccessful because responding to the host failed failed to answer. In C: \ xampp \ htdocs \ bootstrap-3.2.0 \ docs \ list.php on line 44

A connection attempt was unsuccessful because the connected party did not respond properly after a period of time Or the established connection failed because the associated host failed to respond.

PHP is quite basic when I try to load my page:

  mysql_connect ("localhost", "root", "") or Die (mysql_error ()); Mysql_select_db ("drinkdealz") or die (mysql_error ()); $ Result = mysql_query ("select from friday") or die (mysql_error ()); While ($ row = mysql_fetch_array ($ result)) {// print the contents of the entry 'echo' & lt; Tr & gt; '; Echo '& lt; Td> . $ Line ['name'] '& lt; / TD & gt; '; Echo '& lt; Td> . $ Line ['date']. '& Lt; / TD & gt; '; Echo '& lt; Td> . $ Line ['login'] '& lt; / TD & gt; '; Echo '& lt; Td> . $ Line ['artist'] '& lt; / TD & gt; '; }? & Gt;  

The database is called "drinkless" and the table is called Friday.


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