jquery - Navigation controller in tabbar controller, to show detail view from tabbar button -

I'm having trouble optimizing a tab bar controller. Please understand that I do not have permission to post an image because I had already joined it. My app has a tabbar controller as the rootbase controller only the first tab is associated with a navigation scene with a three-level hierarchy (see table - 2 table view - detail view). Like the UI of the 'Run Keeper' app, I want a 'shortcut' button in the center of my tabbar, which shows the Quick Details view of the first tab. In other words, please imagine an iPhone music app, with adding the 'Play Now' button in the tabbar.

For a tab's UI, I added a button as the view of the root view controller at the center of the tab bar. It worked, but I failed to implement other things; Methods for shortcut behavior

After touching the center button, I think the steps to do this are:

(i) to show the tab for the first time (Ii) See the first table
(iii) Select a cell from the first table view (previously saved on the basis of a number). (Iv) Second table view (also on a number basis) Select a cell from

Regrettably, the only step step I have applied successfully (I), the method of the tabbar controller

[Self SetsetActed Index: 0];

From the tabbar object [0] the touch and center buttons must be different (by the navigation view controller) separately, because I add a boolean variable to app delegate. Therefore, navigation view knows whether it is shown with tabbar object [0] or center button.
Still, I have not found any way to do three steps (ii), (iii), and (iv), for the navigation controller, (iii) and (iv), in fact they are the same Working, and I partially thought like a post, although I have used it [self performSegueWithIdentifier: @ "showplace" sender: self]; instead of [self.tableViewForSchools.delegate tableView: self.tableViewForSchools did SelectionRowAtIndexPath: indexPathSchool]; Okay, because step (ii) does not work well, I'm not sure that I'm correcting in the following steps

In short, I'm surprised Can I do ...
Q Force a navigation view controller to show the top master scene.
Q or, by tapping a button in the tabbar embedding the navigation controller, there are other ways to do the same thing to see the detail.


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