ios - UITextView not saving markedTextStyle (UITextInput protocol) -
Marking text in a UITextView, but for some reason it's refusing to accept anything, I set it to setmarkedTextStyle With-the -Marked Textstyle always depends on zero, and the marked text always looks the same (maintains blue background and text color).
[_Type text setting options: @ {UITextInputTextColorKey: [UIColor whiteColor], UITextInputTextBackgroundColorKey: [UIColor TranceLinkBlue], UITextInputTextFontKey: [UIFont fontWithName: @ "helvetia new-medium-medium" Size: 14.0]}];
When I distract text, trying to both of these before and after correctly marking the text, but it still maintains the default style, and for the style Returns zero. After a lot of tests, I can only say that this is a bug in SDK What can we read in this document: such A dictionary of properties that describes how the marked text should be drawn. I told it to Apple as a bug (bug ID -
marked text
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