MySQL Syntax Error When Creating a Trigger -

I am trying to create a trigger but I am getting a syntax error and I really do not know why I I am

Create Triggers Section - After Entry Section - & gt; Starting for each line - & gt; Include in the audit (change time, tagname, work) value (now (), 'section', 'INSERT'); Error 1064 (42000): There is an error in your SQL syntax; To use near '3 'for line 3, check the manual associated with your Mariadaby server version for the correct syntax.

The following might be useful:

  DELIMITER // Drop Trigger if If present, 'section_internet' // display tab if existing 'stream' // create table 'stream' (`change time ') DATETIME not tap,' tagname 'VARCHAR (64) No' Action 'VARCHAR (64)) / Create / Create trigger 'for each section after signing `Section' for 'Start section_In' corals (now,), 'section', 'INSERT'); 'Audit' (`change time`,` tagnamename`, `verb '] END // DELIMITER;  


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