json - Jquery receiving return value from $.post as array -

I have read many threads about it and still it is not working, but actually got passed i jquery My database will return a record: $ row ['parcel_id]' ' and $ row [' address] , just 2 columns, Which is then json_encode () .

json is encoded using

data in my query return. I have something like this:

  var arr = $ .parseJSON (data); Warning (data); This return:  
  {"parcel_id": "1", "address": "5000 Charlotte Avenue"}  

However I can not

  data.parcel_id or data ['parcel_id']  

So my question is, what is the return value is? Is this an array? Objection? How can I use each element?

Since you have arr , you have to:



  arr [parcel_id] ']  


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