Python: MySQL DELETE issues -

I'm trying to delete a value with 2 columns in one column; Twitch and names .

This is the code:

  cur2 = db.cursor () cur2.execute ("Select wicker Choose from winner 45wmzYGCc5C7TIMCdczrel.whitelist (select pinch from Alan45wmzYGCc5C7TIMCdczrel.followers)" ) Results = cur2.fetchall () db.commit () for the result in line: unfollowers.extend (line [0]) unfollowers_join = '\ N'.join (unfollowers) to unforcers_joint cur3 = db.cursor () x For the following: Remove from cur3.execute ("Alan45wmzYGCc5C7TIMCdczrel.whitelist where twitch = (% s);", (x,)) data_unfollower = (Unfollowers_join) db.commit ()  

The result must be deleted, and the results is Cur2 unmatched Query to find scholars.


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