portability - SublimeREPL for Python on a portable version of Sublime Text 3 and portable Python? -

I am trying to work on SublimeREPL on Python code which is being edited in the portable version of succeeding text 3 is. I want to setup a SublimeREPL by using the portable version of Python installed on a USB stick but I'm not sure how ... Besides, I do not know how to use Python version of SublimeREPL to setup Have to install on my windows desktop

My setup:

I am running a portable version of Python () on a USB stick, I have a USB stick Running a portable version of Sublime Text 3 Build 3059 (): " H: Python \ Portable Python " , installed under: " H: Sublime \ 3 "

So far the only thing I have tried is updating SublimeREPL user settings to:

  {" default_extend_env ": {"PATH": "{PATH}: H: \\ Python \\ Portable Python 2.7.6. 1 \\ idle-portable.exe "}}  


This will do the trick:

  {"default_extend_env": {" PATH ":" {PATH}: \\ Python \\ Portable Python \\ IDLE-Portable.exe "}}  

Instead of specifying your drive letter," \ \ "Path relative to the current drive (root of the USB) This will prevent the settings from breaking the file while switching the computer.


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