directory - vbs file to save the current dictionary in txt file -

I want the batch file to save the existing dictionary in the txt file for example

  CurrentDirectory = Left (WScript.ScriptFullName, (Lane (WScript.ScriptFullName)) - (Lane (WScript.ScriptName))) WScript.Echo Current Directory Existing Directory & gt;  

If you want a batch file, use wscript There is no need to do Just a cd is sufficient:

  cd> Using C: \ currentDir.txt  

and cscript and VBS :

  currentDirectory = Left (WScript.ScriptFullName, (lane (WScript.ScriptFullName)) - (lane (WScript.ScriptName)) set objFSO = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject") set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile ("currentDirectory.txt" ObjFile.WriteLine (current directory) objFile.Close  


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