java - Wildfly 8.1.0 Final and Netbeans 8.0: WildFly Application Server Start Failed. HTTP Connector port 8080 is already in use -
U has updated from Wildfire 8.0.0 to last 8.1.0. When I'm trying to run the app in Netbeans 8.0, it fails to initiate and the following message is shown:
WildFly application server fails to start the HTTP connector port 8080 already Is in use.
When I'm trying to manage the server from the Netbeans menu, the stop is disabled and I can kill the server from the system to kill hangs, but nothing changes. However, I can not deploy / run applications from the environment in any way.
It seems that Netbeen starts the server twice.
OK, I just got the problem The previous problem occurred when I started " Update Existing 8.0.0.Final Install "is used.
When I was installing a fresh 8.1.0 installation, everything seems to work. So the problem is probably in the update package.
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