c# - Pull on insert the auto increment id -

I am using a SQL Server ( .mdf ) database with C # and I want to enter automatic increment ID

At this time I have a table with 3 cells:

  1. id || Int
  2. StartDate || Date Time
  3. Gamemode || At the code level, I am not including the ID cell, the installation of the database takes care of it:

      db.TblGames .inetombed (new TblGame {StartDate = DateTime.Now, GameMode = gm. ToString ()}); Db.SubmitChanges ();  

    Any ideas?

I take it that you are using LINQ to SQL auto-generated ID After TblGame must be in the instance. Submit () Return the TblGame example to obtain it, such as:

  var game = new TblGame {StartDate = DateTime.Now, GameMode = gm.ToString () }; Db.TblGames.InsertOnSubmit (game); Db.SubmitChanges (); Var id = game.Id;  


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