android - Send SMS with out saving it in sent item in kitkat -
I am developing an application that needs to send an SMS.
I am using SmsManager.SendTextMessage and SmsManager .sendMultipartTextMessage, both are working well, the main problem is sent message will be saved on sent item (only in KitKat, older version SS does not save), but I do not have to save the message.
My app is the default message app, what should I do to stop saving SMS in KitKat?
Here's my code:
try {SmsManager smsManager = SmsManager.getDefault (); String body = "test"; String to = "5556"; ArrayList & LT; String & gt; Parts = smsManager.divideMessage (body); SmsManager.sendMultipartTextMessage (to, blank, part, blank, empty); } Hold (exception before) {toast. Maketext (this, former. Messages), toast. LNNGH_LANG). Show (); }
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