- Dynamic Websites on Parse -

I am trying to explain how the dynamic websites work on parses and I have followed the instructions given here. :. To establish a basic example

Clouds / ideas / hello.ejs next, I used to have clouds / ideas / mything.ejs and used them that works from app.js and all this works.

Now, for example, I would like to show the number of records in MyClass on Parse. In other words, inside my dynamic website, I want to display information related to pars content on DB. How can I do that? Obviously I need to include some DB queries at some point, but is there any samples?

itemprop = "text">

Here is an example snippet

handles a GET request for this / mypage , It creates one on execution but returns the record set that matches the query. On completion of the query, we set the count or error on the response using res.set (). After this you can use EJS to display the count or error.

  app.get ('/ myPage', function (request, race) {var query = new Parse.Query ('my class'); query.equalTo ("name", "which Blog "); query.count ({success: function (count) {res.set ('count', count);}, error: function (error) {race set ('error', error);}}) ;});  


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