php - not able to create tcp server socket on ec2 machine with ubuntu platform -
I am trying to create a TCP server on an ec2 machine with the Ubuntu platform whereas the php is correct with the index.php file Running, the code returns incorrectly to the following command:
socket_create (AF_NET, SOCK_STREAM, SQL_TCP);
Although this returns incorrectly, socket_last_error () returns 0. I have checked the output of phpinfo (), and the table shows the socket as enabled. I have confirmed security group settings from AAS console, it allows SSH and http traffic.
Please tell me what I remember in the configuration of the machine.
Thanks in advance.
itemprop = "text"> , the correct criteria are: code> PS: Notice Type in AF_INET and SOL_TCP I tried it on a fresh Avenues t1.micro example and it worked. (PLS note that if you want to convey the external world on the open TCP socket then the rule may be added to the inbound rules of the security group). socket_create (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP); According to the documentation of itemprop = "text">
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