ios - found nil while unwrapping an Optional value - spriteKit -
I have a problem in my touch event function, it says "Fatal error: unexpectedly while opening an optional value Zero found "I'm trying to click on a node under a label,
overview to touchesBegan function. (Touches: NSSet !, withEvent Event: UIEvent) {Location: CGPoint = touches.anyObject (). LocationInNode (self) nodes: For NSArray = nodesAtPoint (space) node: {println ("node name:" + // here error in anyObject nodes // here error}
Fatal error: node name: mylabel node unexpectedly while unwrapping an optional value equal to
The console output found name: MyNode
The problem only appears on my device, it works perfectly on the simulator. Xcode 6.4, SDK 8.0, Target 7.0, Device 7.1.2
In this view, my only phantom code is score.text = " 0 " =" scoreLabel "score.fontName =" Chalkduster "scores SKLabelNode = SKLabelNode (): When I click on it got unwrapped error
.fontSize = 42 score.zPosition = 100 score.fontColor = UIColor.redColor () score.position = CGPointMake (CGRectGetWidth (self.frame) - 50, CGRectGetHeight (self.frame) - 40) self.addChild (score)
Try this device for you:
override func touchesBegan (Touches: NSSet !, withEvent Event: UIEvent) {Location:. CGPoint = touches.anyObject () locationInNode (self) Go Nodes: NSArray = nodesAtPoint (for location) node: AnyObject {go in strands = node. The string name as the println ("node name: \ (strName)")}
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