Ada + POlyORB: lookup failed in the naming server -

I am trying to create a distributed application using DSA in ADA and end me a few hours after trial and error In order to compile it correctly, however, now I'm having problems with the naming server.

My application is made up of two divisions: hosts a simple RCI unit, the other client who calls the RCI unit. After the compilation, I start the name server by calling po_con_naming and it comes in correctly

Then I start executable with my RCI partition And here's the problem where the problem is pop up. Name on the server console, these lines appear about each other:

  cosnaming.namingcontext: "Aaaa polyorb.dsa_p.partitions RCI; Cosnaming.namingcontext:" Aaaa polyorb.dsa_p.partitions RCI; look for "Cosnaming.namingcontext:" Aaaa polyorb.dsa_p.partitions RCI; "look Cosnaming.namingcontext:" Aaaa polyorb.dsa_p.partitions RCI; "look Cosnaming.namingcontext:" Aaaa polyorb.dsa_p for. partitions RCI; "look for Cosnaming.namingcontext:" Aaaa polyorb.dsa_p.partitions RCI; "look Cosnaming.namingcontext:" Aaaa polyorb.dsa_p.partitions RCI to, "look for Cosnaming.n Amingcontext: "Aaaa polyorb.dsa_p.partitions RCI; look for" Cosnaming.namingcontext: "Aaaa polyorb.dsa_p.partitions RCI; look Cosnaming.namingcontext" To: "Aaaa polyorb.dsa_p.partitions RCI; look Cosnaming for" .namingcontext: "Aaaa look for polyorb.dsa_p.partitions RCI;"  

the printable then RCI division performance:

  picked system . Rpc COMMUNICATION_ARROR: RCI POLYORAB. The look of DSAPPTitis fails  

and closes

So basically, the naming server is contacted, but it can not detect that partition. Please note that this division is not part of my application, I am assuming that it is something that adds the po_gnatdist compiler, but I can not understand what has failed here.

I did not post the code because it's a bit bigger, let me know if it needs to be debug and I'll try trimming it in a small sample.

OK, I got the problem immediately after posting.

In my DSA configuration file I was specifying the "main" process as a customer, it should be in the "server", that is: in the partition that displays the RCI package.


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