javascript - Removing a specific element depending on the URL with jquery -
I have searched the Internet for an answer and I think that when I try to gather Don The main problem is not that I am trying to create an entry show on one page. The problem is that the platform (Tumbler) does not allow you to edit the other pages directly ('/ tags / page') then this element, the carousel, is present on every page. I thought that the solution was to use jquery to remove the element based on the URL, but it is not working.
I am a newbie for programming, while I know the basics, I am missing the experience to implement it.
if (document.location.pathname == '/ tags /') {} else {function showOne (id) {$ ('hide.'). ('#' + ID) .hide (); } ShowOne (1); }
I think you can try the code below:
if (document.location.pathname.indexOf ("/ tagged /")> = 0) {} Other {function showOne (id) {$ ('. Hide'). No ('#' + ID) Hide (); } ShowOne (1); }
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