python - MySQLdb import error Enthought Canopy -

I am going to lose my mind on this, so any help is greatly appreciated.

I am working with win8.1, and cleverly python 2.7.6 think that I am running from the command line. I had difficulties initely installing MySQLdb, but eventually worked with installer.

A few weeks later, there is nothing stupid that works in MySQLdb 1.2.4, so I use PIP to roll it back to 1.2.4 and now it's gone - anytime I program runs do I 'import error: No module named' MySQLdb

I've tried PIP, easy-installation, installation sources, the installer again, to no avail. It is saying that it is established, it is included in CP / remove programs. When I installed PSI MySQL-Python:

From the requirement already satisfied (using the upgrade to upgrade): MySQL- python in c: \ use rs \ laura \ appdata \ local \ enthought \ canopy \ user \ Lib \ site-packages is cleaning ...

when I navigate to the directory name two mysqldb folders - mysqldb - it - constant, init , connection, converters, cursor, release, Times

and mysql_python-1.2.5-py2.7.egg-info - it Nirbrta_links, Pikeji-information source, Top_Love

Thanks in advance for any help, Laura

EDIT: I've ended the problem using pymysql instead.

I have a locally installed MySQLdb module and can fix scripts in the command line with it , But this does not work when I run Speedes with the MySQLdb module in the Canopy IDE. I would like to see if the MySQLdb module has an installed package on the canopy because I'm very sure that (may be wrong) that you have to subscribe to the canopy to get that module. Hopes


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