objective c - NSAnimationContext On Several Views Simultaneously -

I have two NSViews .

I am playing with the NSAnimationContext and have been successful in getting a nice simple animation, though it 'alerting both of my thoughts.

Here's my code:

  [NS Animation Contact Sampling]; [[NSAnimation contactcontactcontact] Setdition: 1.4]; [[NSAnimation contact content content] Setting function: [CameticTiming function functionWithname: KCAMDITIMING functionsSInisAut]]; [[NS Animation Contact Contains] Set Ends Handler: ^ {//..Collect Callback Code Goes Here ...}]; [Self.loginView.animator setFrameOrigin: NSMakePoint (self.loginView.frame.origin.x + animView offset, self.loginView.frame.origin.y)]; [Self.signUpView.animator setFrameOrigin: NSMakePoint (self.signUpView.frame.origin.x + animViewOffset, self.signUpView.frame.origin.y)] ;; [NSAnimation contacts and grouping];  

All I'm doing to move both scenes from left to right, to 1000 pixels (that animViewOffset )

As the code is currently, it will only animate gaviewview if I comment on setting the line to the signupview frame origin, then it log inview will be animated.

Thank you.



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