ios - Getting downpress and constant coordinate for UICollectionView -

When the user presses on a cell in my UICollectionView , so I want to do an action. It is implemented smoothly representatives

  - (void) Collection see: (UICollectionView *) collectionView didHighlightItemAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *) Anukrmnikapath {}  

However, I also want to get consistent feedback for the situation where the user's finger is on the screen. To do this, I was thinking about adding UILongPressGestureRecognizer . Does this make sense?

According to the doctor, I will believe. For this, they need to touch the screen at all times to work their finger. In addition to archive footage of the gesture identifier to implement UICollectionViewDelegate method (A) to select an item / removal is unnecessary appears.

Press the gestures are constantly introducing gesture (UIGestureRecognizerStateBegan) when the allowable number of fingers (NumberOfTouchesRequired) has pressed for the specified period (minimum press) and touches the limits movement (acceptable Maltiment ) Does not move forward. Gesture identifiers change when moving a finger, is the transition from the state, and when someone is lifted fingers (UIGestureRecognizerStateEnded) finish.


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