animation - Fade In/ Fade Out a Screen in JavaFx -

I have created a JavaFix application that has a main screen. And that main screen has buttons, each button shows a different screen. Now I want to, when I press a button, my current screen at FadeOut and new screen on FadeIn

  public-class gaipactus applications Enhances {personal stage stage; Public stationary zero main (string [] algens) {application.launch (GuiPractice.class, (java.lang.String []) tap); } @ Override Public Null Start (Stage Primary Stage) throws an exception {try {stage = primaryStage; Stage.setTitle ("Home Screen"); GotoWelcome (); stage show(); } Hold (Exception Pre) {Logger.getLogger (GuiPractice.class.getName ()). Log (Level.SEVERE, null, ex); }} Private Wide Goto Welcome (try {{WelcomePageController wc = (WelcomePage Controller) Citizens ("WelcomePage. FMCL"); // Check 'replaceScene' below wc.setApp (this); } Hold (Exception Pre) {Logger.getLogger (GuiPractice.class.getName ()). Log (Level.SEVERE, null, ex); }} // When I press button handler handles this method .. // This method is working fine, except that FandIn Fortune Private Zero Getto Signinine ({{SigninPageController wc = (SigninPageController)) Place Sceene ("SigninPage.fxml"); // Check 'replaceScene' below wc.setApp (this); // This phase has fad transition, IT is not working FadeTransition ft = new FadeTransition (duration. Militia (3000)); Ft.setFromValue (0.0); Ft.setToValue (1.0); (); } Hold (Exception Pre) {Logger.getLogger (GuiPractice.class.getName ()). Log (Level.SEVERE, null, ex); }} Instead of a personal initial replacement, the SCEIN (string FXML) throws an exception {FXML loader loader = new FXL loader (); InputStream ins = GuiPractice.class.getResourceAsStream (fxml); Loader.setbuilderFactory (new JavaFXBuilderFactory ()); Loader.setLocation (GuiPractice.class.getResource (fxml)); Anchran Page; Try {page = (AnchorPane) loader.load (ins); } Finally {IN.close (); } Visual View = New View (Page); Stage.setScene (view); Stage.sizeToScene (); Return (Initial) Loader. Gate Controller (); }}  

You have to pass the node You want to apply for transit to the manufacturer of FadeTransition .

Approach 1

Then you can take the following lines and replace them with the view = new view (page)

  page = (anchpane) loader.load (ins); Fertracnation Feet = New Fatttransition (Duration. Milies (3000), pg); Ft.setFromValue (0.0); Ft.setToValue (1.0); (); Visual view = new view (page);  

However, there will also be a bizarre effect on the welcome screen and you will have to use some arguments!

approach 2

fxml load inside gotoSignin () / Anchorpane Get the reference and the controller pass. Although, I believe this will bring a lot of change for your current design! You can take a call and decide!

Hope it helps!


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