vb6 - Installing activeX control as a standard user -
I have an Active X control done in VB6 that is packed in a cabinet with an inf file, and I The problem is having it installed as a non-administrator (to avoid UAC prompts).
[version] sign = "$ CHICAGO $" AdvancedINF = 2.0 [Add.Code] fppd.ocx = fppd.ocx [Deployment] InstallScope = User [fppd: inf. Ocx] file Win32-86 = thiscab CLSID = {B175C045-20AE-4660-98CE-544AB2143E19} FileVersion = RedirectToHKCU = Yes
HTML code that controls call:
& lt; Item id = "mini" width = 640 height = 480 ClassID = "CLSID: B175C045-20AE-4660-98CE-544AB2143E19" codebase = "fppd.cab" & lt; / Object & gt;
Nothing happens when the page is opened immediately after the page has loaded, the reserve location disappears. The control is not installed or has not been launched at all. If I remove the [Deployment] part from inf, or change the InstallScope for the machine from the user, it normally works but which does not require which I want the administrator right.
Do I need to change the code as the user controls to set up? Maybe it does not know how to set it as a user. Or maybe I'm missing something in IF or cab file?
per machine HKLM \ SOFTWARE \ classes \
. You can type information that will appear on HKCU \ Software \ Classes
which is per user installation key.
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