c# Webbrowser - identify javascript function by div id -

In fact, I'm having some trouble with the weblist I try to get a div content created by a Java content I am doing. Unfortunately I can not understand that this Javascript is actually filling this divis.

How can I find that script?

msg_content textbuff text center "> gt; script & gt; & gt; form action =" http://s124-de.ogame.gameforge.com/game/index.php?page=messages&displayCategory = 9 & amp; displayPage = 1 "name =" delMsg "method =" post "& gt; & gt; Input ID =" new_msg_count "type =" hidden "value =" 0 "/> & gt; Table ID = "Maze" class = "list" cells = "0" cellpadding = "0"> gt; tbody & gt; tr class = "first">
tr id =" TR30738105 "class =" entry trigger alt "/> & lt; tr id =" TR30734795 "class =" entry trigger "/> & Lt; tr id = "TR30734031" class = "FAQ" Trigger Trigger alt "/> & lt; tr id =" TR30731272 "class =" entry trigger "/> & lt; tr class =" last "/> & lt; / tbody & gt; & lt ; / Table & gt; & lt; / Forms & gt;

The tables including those TR30739 ... are created by that unknown script.

I created a firebug I have seen a script after one, but I am not sure if I am calling them correctly and I do not know what this is what I see.

  1. Open the page

  2. Open Dave Tools

  3. Right-click on the table and observe

  4. DOM window In the right-click table element and click on Break ...> Subdivision Modifications

Then when the table is modified, then the Chrome script will close and tell you where the modification is going. Javascript code. If you see the call stack, then you will get the code in question

Of course, the breakpoint is being set before modifying the table run.

Another option, again with chrome, the old exclusion of mutations Using the events New (and mostly better by way of) Mutation Observer Callback is not synchronized with the modified code, but old mutation events are callbacks:

    Open an empty tab

  1. Open Dave Tool

  2. Type in the console (but still press enter)

      function setbroke () {var elm = document.getElementById ("mails"); If (! Elm) {setTimeout (setBreak); Return; } Elm.addEventListener ("DOMSubtreeModified", function () {debugger;}); } Setback ();  
  3. In the address bar, paste the URL of the page and then ** as soon as possible * Switch back to the console and press Enter

Or, if you can modify the contents of the page, then put it in a script element.

That code is the mails element and, if found, it has a DOMSubtreeModified listener which uses debugger; If the statement does not see the code element (yet), then it prepares itself to run again on the next occasion. When the incident occurs in the fire, then debugger; Description Tells Chrome to stop the code and bring the source panel. Again, again, inspect the call stack.


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