css - JavaFX - styling an unfocused ListView row -
I'm trying to styling a selected, uncompressed list view row with a different color (say gray). It proved useful to me, but it lacks a very useful behavior, but there is a lack of necessary behavior to fill the selection in color. / * 1. Strange rows with white background colors; 2. List view: When there is a mouse on an item, highlight it with blue shadow; 3. List view: When an item is selected, paint it with a shield; 4. List view: When the focus is lost from the list event, the selected item should be painted with a gradient; 5. List view: All items filling text will start with black. But on mouse and / or when selected it will turn into white. * / .list-cell: fill: selected: focus, .list-cell: filled: selected {/ * 3:, 4: * / -fx- Background color: linear-gradient (# 333 0%, # 777 25% , #aaa 75%, #EEe100%); -fx-text-fill: white; / * 5 * /} .list-cell {-fx-text-fill: black; / * 5 *.} .list-cell: Strange {-fx-background-color: white; / * 1 * /} .list-cell: Even {-fx-backgr...