
Showing posts from February, 2012

c++ - mysql resultset is empty? -

संपादित करें फ़ॉलोअप प्रश्न: - - resultset खाली लगता है और मुझे यकीन है कि मेज मौजूद है, कोई SQLException फेंका नहीं है यह गिनती मुद्रित करनी चाहिए, लेकिन यह नहीं है। सीडीबेस हैडर वर्ग सीडीबेस {बूल की पुष्टि (स्ट्रिंग, स्ट्रिंग); सार्वजनिक: sql :: कनेक्शन * कॉन; CDatabase (); ~ CDatabase (); }; सीडीबेस :: सीडीबेस चुनाव = ड्राइवर- & gt; कनेक्ट ("", "", ""); चुनाव & gt; setSchema ( ""); सीडीबेस :: सत्यापन bool CDatabase :: सत्यापन (स्ट्रिंग चैनल, स्ट्रिंग हाइपर_की) {if (! Con) विवरण झूठा है; {Sql :: वक्तव्य * stmt; Sql :: परिणामसेट * res; Stmt = con- & gt; सृजन स्थिति (); Stmt- & gt; निष्पादित करें ("SELECT COUNT (*) से dark_souls2_widgets"); Res = stmt- & gt; getResultSet (); Cout & lt; & lt; res- & gt; rowsCount (); Stmt हटाएं; रिज़ हटाना; } पकड़ (एसकेएल :: एसक्लक्सेप्शन एंड ए) {कॉट & एलटी; & lt; "# ईआरआर: SQLException" & lt; & lt; __FILE__;...

Assistance with copying values in Excel - Advanced -

I'm trying to copy from specific column to value specific areas. Here's an example of what I'm trying to do below. At the moment I have all the values ​​in a column, but I want to copy them to separate each column to specify a particular type of value. column 1 column 2 (cat) column 3 (dog) column 4 (sheep) column 5 (fish) cat, dog cat dog sheep, cat cat sheep, dog, cat cat dog fish Sheep, Fish Sheep, Fish Dog, Fish Dog Fish Currently all values ​​are in column 1 (they are not text) and I want Excel to search each field in column 1 And the copy of the word in the related column as shown above B Create. So in the first example it found "cat" and "dog" and copied those words in column 2 (cat) and 3 (dog), respectively. No value was found for sheep and fish, so columns 4 and 5 were left blank (as they should). Also note that the value is not ordered in column 1. For example, cat is the first word in some cases, whereas in the second (i.e. the thir...

java - Using Guice, inject dependency in child class -

I want to inject the dependence in a parent class using the hair class using the movement. In the example below, I am trying to make an example of TrainingCommandData , whereas I want to sign in TelemetryServiceClient using Guice during Wrighttime. How can I do this? Public class training edit data data command {intention of personal intention; Public Training Commendata (User Resource User Commodity Resources, Antient Content) {Super (user commerce server); This.intent = intention; }} Public Class Command Data {Private Telemetry Service Service Telemetry Service Customer; Private user commandsur user commerce resources; @ Public Set Set Set Telemetry Service Customer (Telemetry Service Client Telemetry Service Service) {this.telemetryServiceClient = telemetryServiceClient; } Public command data (user commandsur user commerce) {this.userCommandResource = userCommandResource; When you increase a square, the driver's injection of the parent when you increase a square.}} ...

Desktop C# SQL Server (LocalDB) database access patterns -

मैं एक मूल C ++ / PHP / MySQL / SQLite पृष्ठभूमि। इस सप्ताहांत सीखने C # / WinForms / SQL सर्वर / asp.NET । और यह सब अलग तरह से काम करने लगता है। विशेष रूप से मुझे अभी पता नहीं है कि हुड के तहत क्या होता है, मैं कहां चीजों को और भी इष्ट कर सकता हूं। SQL Server के साथ काम करने की आवश्यकता (लोकलडीबी) मुझे लगता है कि मैंने बहुत सारे ऑनलाइन उदाहरणों में मैंने पढ़ा + वीडियो ट्यूटोरियल्स में एक अजीब डेटाबेस पहुंच पैटर्न देखा है (मुझे अमेज़ॅन से 2 किताबें मिलीं लेकिन वे अब इस समय अगले शताब्दी तक पहुंचते हैं, मेरी शर्म की बात है , ऑनलाइन सीखने की मूल बातें) । जब भी वे उन उदाहरणों में डेटाबेस तक पहुंचते हैं, वे प्रत्येक क्वेरी के लिए SqlConnection खोलते हैं और बंद करते हैं। का उपयोग कर (var sql = नया SqlConnection ()) {sql.Open (); // do Sql सामान यहाँ} एक सी + + आदमी के लिए, यह मुझे बहुत परेशान कर रहा है: ओपन / क्लोज़ कनेक्शन का ओवरहेड क्या है जब मुझे कोई प्रश्न पूछने की आवश्यकता हो, तब किसी ऑब्जेक्ट को खोलने और आवश्यक होने पर इसे पुनः उपयोग क्यों...

python - How to remove the hidden lines in a plot_wireframe via matplotlib? -

क्या अजगर 2.x में matplotlib छिपाई रेखा हटाने का समर्थन करता है? मैं इसे स्वयं कैसे लागू कर सकता हूं? यह यहां हल करने वाले किसी अन्य पोस्ट का एक और प्रश्न है: मैं मानता हूं कि" छिपी "द्वारा आप का मतलब है कि रेखाएं जो देखने में सतह के पैच के पीछे होती हैं, उदाहरण के लिए, साजिश में" पहाड़ियों "के पीछे। उपयोग plot_surface प्लॉट_विरफ़्रेम के बजाय मैंने इस्तेमाल किया plot_wireframe (एक्स, वाई, जेड, रास्ट्रिड = 10 , Cstride = 10) पहले और plot_surface (एक्स, वाई, जेड, rstride = 10, cstride = 10, color = " यदि आप इसे किनारों पर colormapping के साथ जोड़ना चाहते हैं, तो आप को '' सफेद '', छाया = झूठी, किनार का रंग = "नीला") आपको कुछ आंतरिक का उपयोग करना होगा। अगर आप सतह के चेहरे को रंगमेट करने के लिए cmap तर्क का उपयोग करते हैं, तो Poly3DCollection.do_3d_projection के लिए स्रोत कोड कॉल करने के लिए to_rgba (self._A) कॉल करें चेहरे का रंग रंगों को किनारों पर ले जाएं, और आप जा सकते हैं: सर्फ = ax.plot_s...

javascript - Call anonymous function with 'this' from function -

How can I execute this mismatched function with the reference of a given function through a call? function testing (text) {this.first = 'test'; Console.log (this.first); } {Function (val) {return function (val) {console.log} (this.first);}} ()). Call (test) I did not take it in myself; Before entering the return function: (function (val) {var self = this; // This line returns function (val) {console.log (self.first);}} )). Call (test)

html - I want that two span tags to have the same vertical position -

Entire code: I am creating a theme for my blog. Part of the title is a problem. & lt; Div class = "post_title" & gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; H2 & gt; & Lt; A href = "[## _ article_ rep_link_ ##]" & gt; [## _ article_rep_title _ ##] & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / H2 & gt; & Lt; Span class = "post_cate" & gt; 나만 보기 & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Span class = "post_date" & gt; [## _ article_rep_date _ ##] & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; The h2 tag will show the title of the article. The first span tag will show the category of the article. The second span will display the tag while uploading the article. They are in a line. The H2 and the span start from the left side, the second span starts from the right due to the float. / P> When I run the code, two spans have a different vertical position. The second span is kept more than the first span. I...

html5 - using svg child tags in content of custom polymer element's template's svg tag -

मेरे पास मेरे पृष्ठ में निम्न है: & lt; tag-graph id = " ग्राफ "& gt; & Lt; वृत्त cx = "50" cy = "50" r = "20" & gt; & lt; / मंडल & gt; & Lt; / टैग ग्राफ & gt; और किसी अन्य फ़ाइल में निम्नलिखित कस्टम तत्व & lt; link rel = "import" href = "packages / polymer / polymer.html" & gt; & Lt;! - संभवतः एसजीवी - & gt; का उपयोग करके ग्राफ़ विज़ुअलाइज़ेशन के लिए टेम्पलेट & Lt; बहुलक-तत्व का नाम = "टैग-ग्राफ" & gt; & LT; टेम्पलेट & gt; & LT; शैली & gt; & lt; / शैली & gt; & LT; svg & gt; & LT; सामग्री & gt; & lt; / सामग्री & gt; & Lt; / svg & gt; & Lt; / टेम्पलेट & gt; & Lt; स्क्रिप्ट प्रकार = "एप्लिकेशन / डार्ट" src = "टैग-ग्राफ डार्ट" & gt; & lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; & Lt; / बहुलक तत्व & gt; जब भी मैं इसे डार्ट एडिटर में चलाने की कोशिश करता हूं, मुझे Re...

ios - nstimer not working in background even after enabling Voip in info.plist in xcode 5 -

I am developing a VoIP application but in my app to enable VoIT in info.plist After, when the app goes in the background, all the functions and timers are turned off To enable VoIP background mode in your info.plist should be the following - & lt; Key & gt; UIBackgroundModes & lt; / Key & gt; & Lt; Array & gt; & Lt; String & gt; VoIP & lt; / String & gt; & Lt; / Array & gt; But it's easy to fix the right box on the Capabilities tab

Unix — grepping for a value at the start of a line -

as having a data below and I try to get delimited by the fourth value of each row (for 1 value :) I am doing. But as 1 value is available in the second row as well, it is issuing me as below MSG_KENAN_KBILLDT1 sample.txt $ cat:. Mulconfield: liter, GE, GE, GE, GE, GE: MSG_KENAN_KPAYDDT1 MSG_KENAN_KBILLDT2 MSG_KENAN_KBILLDT3 MSG_KENAN_KBILLDT4 MSG_KENAN_KBILLDT5 MSG_KENAN_KBILLDT6 MSG_KENAN_KBILLDT3: mulconfield: le, GE, GE, GE: MSG_KENAN_KPAYDDT3 MSG_KENAN_KBILLDT4 MSG_KENAN_KBILLDT5 MSG_KENAN_KBILLDT6 $ $ grep MSG_KENAN_KBILLDT3 sample.txt | cut -d: -f4 MSG_KENAN_KPAYDDT1 MSG_KENAN_KBILLDT2 MSG_KENAN_KBILLDT3 MSG_KENAN_KBILLDT4 MSG_KENAN_KBILLDT5 MSG_KENAN_KBILLDT6 MSG_KENAN_KPAYDDT3 MSG_KENAN_KBILLDT4 MSG_KENAN_KBILLDT5 MSG_KENAN_KBILLDT6 $ You can also see MSG_KENAN_KBILLDT3 on the first line. I only need to have my search string in position 1 position. But my expectation is output MSG_KENAN_KPAYDDT3 MSG_KENAN_KBILLDT4 MSG_KENAN_KBILLDT5 MSG_KENAN_KBILLDT6 Because...

firefox - How can I inspect a XUL popup element without it disappearing? -

My problem is that since firefox 31 broke my Googlebar Lite extension, and why I'm trying to debug The mouse no longer clicks for search suggestions that appear in the autocomplete popup menu (which comes as part of the control). I want to inspect these chrome elements, but closes popups (before destroying anonymous children) before inspecting them. How can I inspect a popup element (in this case it) without disappearing? Is there no way that I can force such an element to remain open so that I can check my children? "post-text" itemprop = "text"> Autocomplete code requires automatic hacking in order to inspect the complete DOM so that the objects To prevent them from destroying. If possible, then I would like to first see that if the autocomplete code has changed, then I tried: Find the result interface on MXR: Check logs: Check out the latest changes and bugs. And in fact, the interface was modified in Bug 754265. So I implemented the in...

jquery - flot chart actual data with percentage -

I am new to floating charts and javascript / jquery so I do not have much information about how things work How can I show my label in a format like "Data: Percent"? I got a percent code from SO: pie: {show: true, label: {Show: true, // Added custom format here ... formatter: Function (label, point) {return (point.percent.toFixed (2) + '%'); }}} and data code from SO: label: {show: true, radius: 2/3, formatter: function (label, series) ) {Return '& lt; Div style = "font-size: 8pt; text-align: center; padding: 2px; color: white;" & Gt; ' + Label + '& lt; Br / & gt; + [0] [1] + '& lt; / Div & gt; '; }, Threshold: 0.1} Resolve the problem yourself: formatter: function (label, series) {return " "; }

parsing - Wanting to get hard coded data from php files -

Forgive me to ask such a general question, but I have been flooded with alternatives and in fact Some opinions may know how you will proceed, perhaps it may be a bit of discussion with some points / counter points So I currently work on a friend's art gallery for a new website I am doing The new website is an ISSL-supported CMS (processware), the old website is old-school hard-coded PHP. Current items or artwork are in hard working functions: artinfo ($ field1, $ field2, $ field3, $ field 4, $ field5 , $ Field 6) This is just a function that assumes several strings and makes some formatting to display them on a page. Artiflu ('abeles-conundrum.jpg', 'Sigmund Abel', 'condom', 'lithograph', '34 x 24 inch ',' $ 1600 ',' '); So where am I stuck here, I have access to their filemaker database, which has many fields but no image, and their current administrator has all the images on the website Exist. What I...

ios - Parse Push Notification Security -

I am using paras for push notifications. Is there a way to ensure that malicious users will not kill the parse API and will give fake push? Of course, making information on server side helps limit this risk, but if the system can only prevent malicious use depending on the membership of the channels? Is there enough unique channel to make the name so that they can be guessed? I think client side is a way to remove push capabilities.

java - Facebook SDK Test Users -

I have now been dismissed almost 7 times because "my app crashes" when Facebook reviews team "share" Tries to facebook I am writing an Android camera app that allows Facebook to integrate Facebook by uploading a photo, which he directly took on Facebook. For my submission, I am trying to get permission for "Publish_actions" permission, for which the Facebook review team will have to pass my app for the first time. Here's my problem: How can I share a Facebook review team on Facebook without this permission? I have been asked to setup test users (which I have done) but all I have done is this. Do I need some account tokens or some things for test users etc? Is it necessary? Right now, I allow the user to log in to Facebook, and wait for the time to share the request for publishing responses. But this is where the review team is saying that the app is crashing. This is not an accident for me because I am a developer and I have permission. So how ...

Windows 8 Kiosk Mode - Launcher App for multiple Apps in Kiosk mode -

In Windows 8 kiosk mode, we can set a launcher that is the app that starts at the time of logging. Although we have to provide access to a set of apps in kiosk mode, I could not find any way. So I want to develop a Windows 8 app that will be a container or placeholder. Apps My requirement is that in Windows 8 kiosk mode we want to launch a Windows 8 app that will contain a container to launch the other Windows 8 apps. So as an example, I want to develop a Windows 8 app - Enterprise App Launcher This app will have a tile for other apps like Client Relationship app in Enterprise, Skip app application and more. When the user enters Kiosk mode in Windows 8, then Enterprise App Launcher will be launched. Users can launch other apps See this example from MSDN You can also see here

python - Speed up loops in Tornado Template -

Is it possible to loop the speed in the template using the sithan, papi or numba? {For students for P [p for p.student and p.age & gt; 23]%} & lt; Li & gt; {{Survival (}} & lt; / Li & gt; {% End%} My intention is that the loop can be made faster for template rendering purpose. In Numba something can be tried out like something in Xrange (1, N): i = x = y [i] xx numba_sum = autojit () (python_sum) I> x = If a template is tried to pass as a function, then it fails. The file "C: \ Python27 \ lib \ site- package \ numba \", line 123, _compile_and_call does not contain kws AsserttionError; The error throws when you call the template as a function If you call server in pypy Templates should also fly, due to the template code being dynamically generated, it is not possible to use the citation for templates. I am not familiar with nmos, but with the error message it seems that it is * * Kwargs does not create tha...

angularjs - validation directive with a small red strip at right or left side inside textbox -

I am making verification instructions with the NG-model. Target: If the model is empty, empty or undefined, then it will give a small red strip inside the special text box. Even I have done so far ... in my example, it converts the entire background to red when I left only a small red bar on the left or right side of the text Want in the box .. Illusion: I do not know how to create CSS that will only generate a small red bar within the textbox . CSS .require {background: red; } .html .js var app = angular Module ('app', []); App.directive ("nxRequired", function () {return: "a", required: "ngmodel", scope: {ngModel: "="}, link: function (scope, atr, amm) {scope. ("Ngmodel", function (newville, oldwail) {debugger if (newewell! = Undefined and newell! = "") {Elem. $ RemoveClass ("required");} Other {AMM $ addClass ("requirement");} });}};}); If I think your question is corr...

java - Creating new object from method argument or referencing instead -

सार्वजनिक setArrayList (सूची & lt; पूर्णांक & gt; सूची) {this.list = list; // या this.list = नया ArrayList & lt; पूर्णांक & gt; (सूची); } मैंने देखा है कि अलग-अलग लोग इस कोड को एक दूसरे शब्दों में प्रयोग करते हैं। इन दो कार्यान्वयनों में क्या कोई अंतर है? हां - दो उदाहरण कार्यात्मक रूप से अलग हैं। सार्वजनिक setArrayList (सूची & lt; पूर्णांक & gt; सूची) {this.list = list; } यह उसी ऑब्जेक्ट उदाहरण के लिए वर्तमान वर्ग के list सदस्य को निर्दिष्ट करता है जो सूची में दी गई है। सूची से / में तत्वों को हटाने से मूल सूची पर असर पड़ेगा। this.list = नया ArrayList & lt; Integer & gt; (सूची); यह सूची का एक नया उदाहरण बनाता है, मूल एक से तत्वों की प्रतिलिपि बना रहा है। इस नई सूची से तत्वों को जोड़ना और निकालना मूल सूची को प्रभावित नहीं करेगा।

javascript - How to stop setInterval in a do while loop in jquery -

I want to, stop setting while the loop completes the position. My problem is that even when the position of the loop is set by the interval it is still running. do {setInterval (Vinformation () ;, 500); } While ($ ('$ emailCodeResult'). Val ()! = '') Function WinNation () {var data = {}; Data.emailCodeResult = $ ('# emailCodeResult'). Val (); $ .Azax ({type: "post", url: "OPPAPPP."), Data: data, cache: incorrect, datatype: "Jason", success: function (result) {}}); return false; } var itvl1 = window.setInterval (function () {Vinformation} ;}, 500); Function request () {var data = {}; Data.emailCodeResult = $ ('# emailCodeResult'). Val (); If (data.emailCodeResult! = '') {Window.clearInterval (itvl1); }; $ .ajax ({type: "post", url: "OPPAPP"), data: data, cache: incorrect, data type: "sends here", success: function (result) {}}; return false; }

Play android application content to chromecast -

I have an Android app that is able to flip the photo received by an internal FTP server in the main activity. After a step-by-step Google example, I've successfully added the Chromecast button to the app and I can select the available devices. Now, the final target photo play has to be inserted into the activity on the selected Chromecast device so far, when the device is being asked to launch the app, the configured URL is accessed in it. Do I want to take care of creating video content for serving that URL? Or is it possible to run the activity of my app directly? When you launch an app on Chromecast, the device is configured for the app you have configured for the html The page loads and after that point, it's just an HTML page; If you want to show a picture with a certain URL, then you have to pass that URL through your receiver (using cast SDK) and that URL should point to your image (i.e. your media content is served by a web server It should be done in the clo...

sql server - C# insert in table doesn't work but select works perfect -

I work on a windows form C # application but I have some problems when I want to select everything from the table , Then that works right, but when I want to insert the data into my table, then there is no error and my application is "data entered in the database", but my table is empty This is my The connection is: SqlConnection conexiune = new SqlConnection (@ "data source = (localized) B) \ v11.0; AttachDbFilename = | data directory | \ Banjo-D -date.mdf; Integrated Security = true "); This is my code: try {SqlCommand insert = new SqlCommand ("INSERT INTO [dbo]." [Tabel] ([ID], [ Noam], [pennem], [yorka] value (@ id, @ nme, @pranum, @ versta) ", consession); Insert.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@ ID", textBox1.Text); Insert.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@ nume", textBox2.Text); Insert. Parameter. AddWithValue ("Inspiration", Text Box 3. Text); Insert. Parameter. AddWithValue ("@ varsta", textBox4.Text)...

rstudio - How to create a shortcut to insert a particular string in R -

For the purpose of uniformity in my code, I repeatedly type four hashes according to one tab, such as (####) Is there a way to create a shortcut key-combination in R / Rustudio where such a string can be defined? "post-text" itemprop = "text"> However this does not answer your question, still you still be useful for whatever you are trying to do Could. You can organize your code in Arstudio by using the "code". A normal section looks like this: # some section ------------------------- These can be entered manually (like the above code section) or you have convenient shortcuts, Ctrl + Shift + R . A great result of using these sections is that you can navigate a special section by its name, as shown in the screenshot below:

php - Symfony2 - "Killed" process when clearing cache for production environment -

अचानक, जब मैं php app / console cache: clear --env = prod टाइप करता हूँ www-डेटा उपयोगकर्ता, कंसोल केवल आउटपुट: नष्ट विकास पर्यावरण के साथ यह ठीक काम कर रहा है। मैंने सोचा कि यह एक अनुमति मुद्दा हो सकता है, इसलिए मैंने किया: सुडो chown -r www-data app / cache लेकिन यह समस्या बनी रहती है ऐसा क्यों हो रहा है और इसे कैसे हल करें?

ios - How to save HTML text in RTF file -

Is there any way to save the HTML string in the RTF file? I have tried the code below but the RTF file is open. [strHTML writeToFile: [DOCUMENT_PATH Stringbapansetingpathkanpani: @ "1.rtf"] atom as: Yes Encoding: NSUTF8 string encoding error: nil]; Please guide me. You can try it NSMutableAttributedString; NSMutableAttributedString * textView = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] init]; [TextView append attribute string: [[NSAT-encrypted string allocence] Invite string: stratified]]; Save NSRTFTextDocumentType Document Type NSMutableDictionary * dict = [NSMutableDictionary DictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: NSRTFTextDocumentType, NSDocumentTypeDocumentAttribute, [Ansanmber Nanbrvithintegr: 1], NSCharacterEncodingDocumentAttribute, zero]; NSData * Data = [textView dataframeRemark: NSMakeRange (0, [textView length]) Next document: Dict error: zero]; [DOCUMENT_PATH stringByAppendingPathComponent: @ "1.rtf"] atom as: Yes] [data to write: end ...

How to retrieve many objects from .dat File using Java? -

I have an administrator account that should be enabled in the multiple users by adding to the .dat file . Then I want to retrieve all the objects from the .dat file for further programming. Implements the public category user serializable {// meet and set methods} this is hwo I am writing every object in the .dat file Public Zero addNewUser () throws exceptions {user newUser = new user (); = "test"; NewUser.position = "administrator"; FileOutputStream Outstream = New FileOutputStream ("Users.dat", true); ObjectOptputWatchStream objectOptputableFile = new objectOutputstream (outstream); Write the object to the file. ObjectOutputFile.writeObject (NEWUSER); // close the file objectOutputFile.close (); } How to recover all objects from the .at file in ArrayList ?? public class displayUsers {** // what to do ?? You can write list items and read it as a list. But since you are writing user objects individually, you can do someth...

javascript - Web API string parameters and POST values -

I am using a jQuery plugin. The plugin has the following functions to load the table: $ ('# PersonTable'). Jtable ('load', {CityId: 2, name: 'Halil'}); The values ​​of the load functions are sent as POST data. The plugin also sends two query string parameters through the URL to paging the table for paging. An example in the document demonstrates how to handle it in ASP.NET MVC but not in the web. API: [] Public JSLult student listBufffitter (string) Name = "", int cdid = 0, int jettyct index = 0, int jtipixies = 0, string jtSorting = null) {try {// get data from database var student = count. Student Repository Var students = _repository.StudentRepository.GetStudentsByFilter (name, city id, jtStartIndex, jtPageSize, jtSorting); // jTable Return return results for Json (new {result = "OK", Records = students, Total records count = student count}); } Hold (exception before) {return Jason (new {result = "error", ...

php - Retrieving data from a database -

I have a database designated product, and I want to use PHP data from the database, I have never php Have done First of all, I have tried to use information from other answers in this forum, but still got stuck. Any help is appreciated I have used the code of Nenja Admov and it worked well. Here is the code to connect with the database and get the results: 1. DB Connection & lt? Php $ host = "localhost"; $ Username = "your_username"; $ Password = "your_password"; $ Db_name = "your_db_name"; $ Connection = mysql_connect ($ host, $ username, $ password) or die ("Error :: [1]"); Mysql_select_db ($ db_name, $ connection) or die ("Error :: [2]"); ? & Gt; Wrap the code above "", and later if you want to do something with the database (update / insert / read), just include 'em' ' ; 2. Get results. & lt? Includes Php (''); $ Query = "...

apache pig - Amazon EMR: use .pigbootup file -

Is there a way to use .pigbootup file on Amazon? And if so, how can I do it with the command line? Thank you in advance, Cheers .pigbootup The default location to look for is in the user's home directory ( $ HOME / .pigbootup ). You can change it down through the command line: pig-dpig.load.default.statements = / tmp / myAlternatePigBootupFile

XLSTForms with twitter bootstrap css -

I am using XForms and I use the XSLTForms implementation There is a problem running the page with the link I have read that XSLTForms requires a CSS file so that there is a valid XML file for parsing. So I got a & lt; Css & gt; ... & lt ;! [CDATA []] & gt; The page tag attached to is still not loaded at all. I used to include processing instructions for CSS conversion and debugging, but this does not work either: What I would eventually achieve, for example, using Bootstrap's responsive style rules and customizing input controls and form elements. What would you recommend to me? Has anyone done something like this (I can not get it). UPDATE : Even when I have the processing instructions & lt ;? Css-conversion no? & Gt; , my CSS file was still not loaded, found that you have to explicitly close the link tag for the CSS file. So, it should be that: & lt; Link type = "text / css" href = "myStyle.css" rel =...

multithreading - Is Java fork/join (divide and conquor) possible when inserting line-by-line into MongoDB from InputStream? -

The list I listed below that batch inserts into MongoDB This code takes a long time - approximately 10 million To include 20 million Mongo documents. Code time consuming part - scanner. HasNextLine () - Next line () - Insert loop - Runs as time moves slowly in 20 seconds. It becomes clear between the slow job, I pay attention. (The answer on this forum indicates that the Mongo insert can be batch or regular costly, binary format, due to the conversion of json into bson.) I want to speed up the process . I would like to process this work in parallel to many cores. Can I use it for a fork / join? I would ask because I could not see a way of how to apply a split and how to get strategies in this code case, while with its loop on the input stream. Another possibility is using ThreadPoolExecutor to use an executable best? What would an executor deliver to work on the core? code: scanner line scanner = new scanner (inputstream, encoding); (LineScan.hasNextLine () {// to insert...

perl - How to match numbers that lie outside the range -

I'm trying to print range values ​​@ arr3 which are similar and the range of @ arr4 Arr4) but me The desired output is not available File 1: Results As to get the output as 1,2,8,13, please give me the following code Suggest modifications in 1..5 5 ..10 10..15 File 2: Annotation 3..7 9.12 14.17 code: #! Open / usr / bin / perl ($ inp1, "& lt; result") or die "did not get"; Open ($ INP2, "& lt; annotation") or "Not Found"; My @ arr3 = & lt; $ Inp1 & gt; My @ arr4 = & lt; $ Inp2 & gt; Forward my $ line1 (@r4) (my action 3 foreach $ 2) (mine ($ $ to $ 1, $ to1) = split (/ / .. /., $ Line1); mine (from $ 2 $, $ To2) = Partition (/;.,., $ Line2); ($ $ = $ 2 + $ 2; $ j ++) ($ $ i = $ 1 to 1; $ i ++ } {To ($ my $ j = $ 2; $ j ++) {$ res = grep (/ $ i /, @ result); To avoid repetition, if you want to save $ (! $ I! = $ J & amp; $ Res == 0) {print "$ i \ n"; push (@fluss, $ i);}}}}}} Try...

java - Can't connect to MS access database -

I have taken IT project home to finish school and although I can connect to your database in school I , I can not connect to it. It's on my own computer. I've changed the directory in the database class and I'm almost 100% sure the directory is right. It always gives me this error: Driver unable to connect successfully loaded: [Microsoft] [ODBC Driver Manager] did not get the name of the data source and specify a default driver not been java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft] [ODBC driver Manager] did not get the name of the data source and no default driver sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.createSQLException ( sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc Sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.SQLDriverCon specified in .standardError ( Java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver.connect ( on nect (JdbcOdbc.java3080) sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcConnection.initialize ( T7171) on java.sql.Driver...

mysql - dumping larg database backup or splitting large sql files into smaller parts to dump -

I have a backup file from a large database about 85 MB in GJP format and 1.5 GB in SQL format. Now I want to import it into my local database. But no phpMyadmin nor hero for Mysore can do it. Therefore, I should make an application that it should divide it into smaller parts and import it into the part of the part. I read Notepad ++, Glogg and TSE Pro TI and attempted to split manually, but it could not be opened except for TS other, and TSE was selected and hung after cutting 10000 lines of text. I also tried the GSplit to split it, but it seems that for the split of GSplit it is a type of self which is not txt. Thank you for your help. There may be another solution for you to restore my DB at the local level ... Post-text "itemprop =" text "> thanks @ souviks did great work.

javascript - Resize ndarrays -

If I have the value of x1 , y1 I have a 2d and some data in it, how do I find it sidelengths x2 , y2 (where x2> = x1 & y2> y2> y1 ) so that the original data remains on the same index and the operation does not always need to allocate a new typed aurora and there is no need to copy the data further .

ruby on rails - Complex form with nested attributes, how to add relation to existing model -

मेरे नेस्टेड रूपों के साथ जटिल रूप है उत्पाद & lt; - OneToMany -> संस्करण (: product_id) & lt; - OneToMany -> संपत्ति (: variant_id) एकल रूप में सभी ... मेरे पास क्लाइंट साइड पर नए आइटम जोड़ने के लिए नेस्टेड_फ़ॉर्म मणि है I यह सब अस्थिरों के साथ अच्छी तरह से काम करता है ... अजाक्स का उपयोग कर फाइल अपलोड करके बनाई गई संपत्ति ... इसलिए जब मैं नया उत्पाद बनाता हूं तो संपत्ति में पहले से ही संपत्तियां हैं। तो उत्पाद (और इसके लिए वेरिएंट) नया है और इसे बनाने की आवश्यकता है डेटाबेस में, लेकिन संपत्ति पहले से ही मौजूद है .. सवाल यह है कि एक नया उत्पाद बनाने के तरीके में नए प्रकार को मौजूदा परिसंपत्ति से लिंक करना है ... और समस्या जावास्क्रिप्ट में नहीं है नेस्टेड फ़ील्ड जोड़ने के लिए ... लेकिन मुझे यह काम करने के लिए किस फ़ील्ड में जोड़ना चाहिए ... वर्तमान में मैं & lt; इनपुट वर्ग = "id" id = "product_variants_attributes_1406469924735_assets_attributes_1406469935999_id" नाम जोड़ रहा / रही हूं = "उत्पाद [वेरिएंट_ैडिट्रीज] [1406469 924735...

objective c - Having issues getting a percentage of a number in iOS 7.1 applicaion xcode 5.1 -

In my iOS 7.1 application, which I am trying to develop, I have to find the percentage of that specific number While executing the code in a UITextField, I think the wrong percentage of that number is recorded. I have tried in two different ways, for which I see the percentage answer is required, but it is giving wrong answer. I have tried two methods given below. For example, I have to get 250% to 72%. If you do this on a calculator or better, an excellent spreadsheet gives me the correct answer 250 x 1 - 72% = 70. This is the correct answer that I need method 1 (.m file) is not working Values ​​are set specific .text parameters: UITextField _linuxOracleOnDiskw_oRTC.text = 250 value UITextField _formulaNumber.text = 1 percent value _linuxOracle_Percent.text = 0.72 _linuxOracleOnDiskwithRTC.text = [set to set to NSString stringWithFormat: @ ".% 2f", ([_linuxOracleOnDiskw_oRTC .text doubleValue]) * ([_ formulaNumber.text doubleValue]) - ([_ linuxOracle_Percent...

DataTable Linq with two join statements in C# -

मेरा कोड: var परिणाम = ArrAbsDiff में TempRow जहां TempRow.Strike == हड़तालऑफ़मैनएब्सडीफ TempRow.PutMidPrice का चयन करें; मुझे पता है कि उपरोक्त कोड केवल एक दशमलव प्रकार के दशमलव (शायद दोहरी) लौटाता है। हालांकि, परिणाम एनफ़ोलीय प्रकार की है और मैं आसानी से परिणाम + 2 नहीं लिख सकता। मुझे इसे संपत्ति में परिवर्तित करना होगा मैं इसे निम्न कोड के माध्यम से कर सकता हूं: var परिणाम = (ArrAbsDiff में TempRow से जहां TempRow.Strike == StrikeOfMinAbsDiff TempRow.PutMidPrice का चयन करें) .मिन (); क्या इसे पूरा करने के लिए और अधिक कुशल तरीका है? सादर, मुझे पता है कि उपरोक्त कोड केवल दशमलव प्रकार का एक मान वापसी फिर पहले विधि का उपयोग करें न्यूनतम ।

.net - Nuget $project.Object.References.Add fails in install PS-script -

I have my newsletter packages, call it A to depend on another public package nunit.runner when one relies on Nünit. The renter does not include the assemblies that are involved in my project, the parliaments I depend on are in the NUnit.Runners. 2.6.3 \ tools \ lib Therefore, because Nug only refers to assemblies in Lib, I think I need to add an install.ps1 to my newsletter package Now I Ultimate ($ installPath, $ toolsPath, $ package, $ project) $ NunitRunners = join-path-path $ packagesFolder -childpath "NUnit.Runners.2.6.3" $ project.Object References.Add ($ NunitRunners + "\ nunit.core") $ project.Object.References.Add ($ NunitRunners + "\ ninit.core.infaces") but throwing it Exception that calls "add" to " Any such sign That's why this is "welcome" my install.ps1 (for reference here) write the ultimate ($ installPath, $ toolsPath, $ package, $ project) -Host "Install Path" $ InstallPat...

ios - How to base64 encode/decode a .wav file in Objective-C? -

मुझे base64 एन्कोड और डीकोड .wav फ़ाइल की आवश्यकता है I मैं ऐसा क्यों करना चाहता हूं: मैं ऐसी स्थिति में हूं जहां मैं एप बंडल में एक .wav फ़ाइल शामिल नहीं कर सकता ( एक मानक विकसित करना पुस्तकालय और के मार्ग पर जाना नहीं चाहते हैं)। इसलिए मुझे अपनी ध्वनि फ़ाइल को स्मृति में NSString के रूप में संग्रहीत करने की आवश्यकता है और इसे आवश्यकतानुसार ध्वनि में बदलना होगा। मैं जो प्राप्त करने की आशा करता हूं: (1) कैसे (2) इस स्ट्रिंग को कैसे डिकोड करें और किसी तरह इसे मूल ऑडियो सेवाओं के साथ खेलने के लिए। अग्रिम लोगों के लिए धन्यवाद / Gals। आप किसी ExtAudioFileRef के साथ सीएआर में wav को पढ़कर शुरू कर सकते हैं। ढांचा में विस्तारित ऑडियओफ़ाइल एच पर एक नज़र डालें। सी एआर में आपके ऑडियो के बाद आप एनएसडीटा का इस्तेमाल सीरियललाइज करने के लिए कर सकते हैं। /

r - Stacking Scatterplots in ggplot2 -

I'm making scatterplots in R by ggplot2 to visualize the population over time. My data set looks like the following: sample_piper cage total_1 total_2 total_3 4 y 34 95 12 4n 89 12 13 5n 23 10 2 I am creating individual scatterplots for total_1, total_2, and total number of variables with total code: qplot (data = blpcaged, x = sampling_period, y = total_1, color = cage_or_control) Qplot (data I want to create a scatterplot in which over time Also contains information about the three people I want the final product to be made up of three Skatrplots top of each other and on the same scale axes. In this way I can compare all three populations in one scene. I know that I can use the aspect to make different plots for one aspect level, but it is used for different variables You can use melt () to resize your code to total one factor As you can do the aspect: BLPcaged = data.frame (sampling_period = c (4,4,5), cage = c ('y' 'n', ' N ')...

video encoding - How to implement frame skipping in MediaCodec android -

I am creating an app that uses the MediaCodec API, the app runs on two phones First phone from SDCD Reads and then uses the MediaCode encoder to encode the frame in AVC format and streams the frame to another device. The other device is running a MediaCode decoder. Decoder decodes frames and render them on the surface. This code is working fine, but after some time when the size of the frame is high, the first device is not able to stream the video for some time and the encoder Closes the reporting of the following logs: E / OMX -VENC-720p (212): Pole time-out, halted pipeline due to client / firmware ETB: 496, EBD: 491 , FTB: 492, FBD: 492 That's why I I want to introduce myself leaving skipping frames on the encoder side and the best way to stream them to other devices What is? PS On a separate note, if someone can suggest some other way of streaming video to another device then it would be really good. Please try the Intel Indie Media Pack with tutorial. It has ...

java - Crop a photo to be 600x600 around a point (x,y) -

I need some logical help with my program. I need to keep the 600x600 photo around the point (x, y). The thing I need help with is when the point is near the edge, then how can I move the crop area, so that it fits inside the picture. I have the code: buffled image fail IMG = capture.getSubimage (Math.max (0, x - 300), Math. Max (0, y - 300), 200, 200); As far as I can see, the code works for the top and the left side, but I have no clue how to apply the same effect on the bottom and the right. If it helps, I want to capture the screen and crop the picture around the mouse (x, y). Thanks BufferedImage original image = reed image (input file location); / ** * Image Cropping Parameters * / Int Fahrenheit = 600; Int crop withth = 600; Int cropStartX = 50; Int cropStartY = 50; Buffard image processed image = crop image (original image, cropwhite, crophit, crop startx, crop start);

python - How to kill a pure console application in PySide/PyQt? -

I am trying to convert from code (old-style) PyQt signals / slots to new-style PySide code . An example is a pure console application, which I have never done before. Unfortunately, when I try to run it several times, I have been told that the previous application is still going on. This is a simple app: it basically lets you set a number, and if the number is new: PyTrade Import from QtCore Import Class TaxRate (QtCore.QObject): rateChangedSig = QtCore.Signal (float) def __init __ (self): QtCore.QObject .__ init __ (self) auto rate = 17.5 DEF ART ART (self): return self. Set the DRT set (self, nuarett): if new! = Self. Rate: Self. Rate = NewRait itself Level changed SIG. (Self-rated) # twenty self imit (signal ("rate change", self rating) @ kytikore The slot () #Ttechnache does not really require DRF. Changed slot (value): Print ("tax rate {{.: 2f}%" is changed in format (value)) if __name__ == "__ main__ ": QtApp = QtCore.QCoreApplication (sys.arg...

java - ServletFilter - changing URL does not work -

मेरे पास एक GWT एप्लिकेशन है जो यूआरएल ... / Organizer.html है। मैं इसे url ... / organizer से भी एक्सेस करना चाहता हूं। इसलिए मैंने मूल एचटीटीपीएसर्वेटर्यूयेस्ट को ओवरराइड के साथ आवरण के साथ बदलने का निर्णय लिया getRequestURL () और getRequestURI () एक सबलेट फिल्टर में तरीकों। फ़िल्टर कोड: स्ट्रिंग [] urlSplit = req.getRequestURL ()। ToString ()। विभाजन ("/"); स्ट्रिंग urlEnd = urlSplit [urlSplit.length -1]; अगर (urlEnd.equals (ORGANIZER_URL_ALTERNATIVE)) {स्ट्रिंग newUrl = req.getRequestURL ()। ToString () (ORGANIZER_URL_ALTERNATIVE, ORGANIZER_URL) की जगह; स्ट्रिंग newUri = req.getRequestURI ()। ToString ()। (ORGANIZER_URL_ALTERNATIVE, ORGANIZER_URL) की जगह; अनुरोध = नया ChangeUrlRequest (req, newUrl, newUri); } // बस यह जांचने के लिए कि क्या यह req = (HttpServletRequest) अनुरोध करता है; Println (req.getRequestURL ()); Println (req.getRequestURI ()); Chain.doFilter (अनुरोध, प्रतिक्रिया); अनुरोध आवरण: वर्ग ChangeUrlRequest HttpServletRequestWrapper क...

javascript - open fancybox over another fancybox ajax -

I have a fancy box that shows me a few buttons and a button to click. When I click on this button, I want to open another fancy box on the current one .. or on the second position on the screen, but I do not want to lose the existing fancy box already. I want to fill them both by an AJAX request .. Is this possible? Because I tried to lose the original faxbox. I found this code: $ Fancybox.showActivity (); $ .jax ({type: "post", cache: false, url: "../testservlet?select=1, data: $ (this) .Seriq (), height: 600, width: 800, padding: 30, ShowCloseButton: True, Success: Work ($) .fancybox (Data);}}) $ Fancybox.showActivity (); $ .ajax ({type: "Post", cache: incorrect, url: "test? Select = 2, Data: $ (this) .serializeArray (), Padding: 30, Show Close Button: True, Success: Function (Data) {$ .fancybox (Data);}}); Unfortunately you can not be more than the same faxbox at the same time. It's designed like this You can have another fancy box ...

proxy - resetting http_proxy in ubuntu -

I am using ubuntu 12.04 whenever I update the sudo apt-get in the terminal Using or downloading anything I'm showing from software manager that I can not solve the "" now I can use the proxy Do not want to. Then, I tried the following things apt / apt.conf.d file. Get: : http proxy ""; Get :: https :: Proxy ""; Get :: FTP :: Proxy ""; Get :: Socks :: Proxy ""; But still it is not working.

html - Displaying images based upon certain collection -

I am trying to find an image to display a picture in which a collection is a special image. I am able to successfully display an image, but I am unable to reach the proper location of the image. {% if template == 'index'%} {% for% in collection%} and lieutenant; H2 & gt; {{Frontpage.title}} Collections & lt; / H2 & gt; {% If frontpage.image%} & lt; A href = "archive / {{frontpage.handle}}" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "{{frontpage.image.src | frontpage_img_url: 'medium'}}" /> & Lt; / A & gt; {% Else%} & lt; Img src = "{{frontpage.collections.first.featured_image | product_img_url: 'large'}}" alt = "{{frontpage.title | escape}}" /> {% Endif%} {% endfor%} {% else%} {% endif%} Image link as /collections/test-product.png I need to appear in the form of How can it be found to work? Shopify gives an example on Wiki how to display a collection featured image : {% if collec...

c++ - QRegExp - How to get specific text between two HTML tags -

I want to remove some text from the following HTML code in " Qt / C ++ " QRegExp . & lt; Table range = "0" width = "99%" & gt; & Lt; COLGROUP & gt; & Lt; Col width = "100" & gt; & Lt; COL & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; TD align = "center" valign = "middle" bgcolor = "# EEEEFF" & gt; & Lt; B & gt; MCT-to-K.R. & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; TD align = "center" valign = "middle" bgcolor = "# EEEEFF" & gt; Font class = "result" & gt; This is the text that I want; / Font & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; TD align = "center" valign = "middle" bgcolor = "#dddDEE" & gt; Generalized & lt; TD align = "center" valign = "middle" bgcolor = "#ddddee" & gt; [AL-LYA-A] & LT; TR & gt; & Lt; TD align = "center" valign = ...

php - Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'RedisException' with message 'Redis server went away' -

An application of mine suddenly started to give a sudden error: Fatal error: the undiscovered exception of 'RedisException' Along with the /var/www/_slim/_core/system/generator-001.php:133 Stack trace: # 0 /var/www/_slim/_core/system/generator.001.php(133) Message: Redis-> auth ('77B1BFFBCBC378DF ...') # 1 /var/www/_slim/_core/system/generator.007.php(144): Generator-> R6_REDus_start ('R') # 2 / Var / www /_slim/_core/system/generator.007.php(26): Generator 007-> HarvestRedius (# 3 /var/www/_slim/_core/system/ Generator 007-> Generator 007 () # 4 / var / www / _slim / _core / system / generator .last.php (43): Generator-> Generator 800 () # 5 /var/www/_slim/site/home/php/index.php(16): Generator List-> Generator LIT () # 6 / var / Www / index.php (96): GUI-> GUI () # 7 {main} /var/www/_slim/_core/system/generator.001.php Throwed Line 133 URL: I have re-installed the redis-server but there is no luck yet. ...

Link_to and routing in ruby on rails -

I have to link_to link to localhost: 3000 / questions / 1, but it is still joining localhost: 3000 / Question Link to the code & lt;% = link_to RootsRb file Rail. Application Arts Scare "/" = & gt; "Get Main_app # index" / location "=> & gt; "Location # location" post "/ location / index" = & gt; Get "Location # Index" / location / index "=> "Location # index" to "/ location / directions" = & gt; Receive '/ logout' for 'Question # index': 'Session # Destroyed' via: "Delete Resources: User, Only: [New, Creating] Resources: Season , Only: [: new, creating] resource: except: [: new] resource: Answer, only: [: create] end / register, for this: 'user # new' / 'login' For: 'session # new' to get '/ logout',: 'session # deleted', via: go to # Question / Remove your_questions: 'Question # Your_Question...

eclipselink - Unable to run native JPA queries in testEntityManager container -

Note: I posted this question on the eclipse forum but I did not get any response, although I thought the problem description Was clear enough I'm posting it here. If someone can help, then it would be great. I have a JPA unit class on which the table does not support it in the database. We made it only because we needed to run a query that was necessary to be included in several tables. So instead of creating a named query, we went through the original query mode to improve the speed. We have a JPA unit like: @intexty @ SQLRetsSetmapping (name = "usermapping", entities = @entiarcelt (Entity Class = user class)) @ Enrolled Technology (name = "User. Public query user {} Now it runs fine with a unit manager object such as: em.createNamedQuery (query) "query", query = "- original query here -", resulting in nmentation = "User Mapping") ("User.query") Set parameter ("sub .org), Ultimate) .getResultList (); But w...

rest - Android app fails to ping static ip of machine on same WLAN -

I have a lush service that runs on my tower and my house is connected to wifi. I know that the service work Because I can curl up on WiFi from a different laptop and get the right data: curl-g " some / Cool " I have created an Android app that does the same GET I have made an asyncascus that uses the Apache HTTP Client Library Which comes with Android API1: @ Override protected input stream image background (zero ... parameter) {InputStream result = null; {HttpClient httpClient = Try New DefaultHttpClient (); HTTP Gate Mill = New HTTPAgent (" / Coal"); HTTPReponse response = httpClient.execute (get); If (response! = Null & feedback .getStatusLine (). GetStatusCode () == HTTPTitas.Sc_OK) {buffer HTTPT buffer HTTPTE = new bufferHPTPTY (responsiveGetientity ()); Result = bufferedHttpEntity.getContent (); } Else {// Insert Error Handling}} Grip (Exception e) {reportError (e.getMessage ()); } Return ...

html - Stop PHP from running if a GET variable doesn't exist -

On my page, the user has a data to show which data is displayed. I used it only by using a dropdown list and got the parameter. It currently looks like this: Form: & lt; Form method = "get" action = "content.php" & gt; & Lt; Choose name = "tutorial block" & gt; & Lt; Option value = "tuts1" & gt; Block One - Getting Started & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "tuts2" & gt; Block two & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "tuts3" & gt; Block three & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; & Lt; Input type = "submit" & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; Script to load the data based on the user-selected option: & lt ;? Php $ var_value = $ _GET ['tutorial block']; Include '/includes/'.$var_value.'php'; ? & Gt; This works fine, and the PHP includes the correct file based on the user...

configuration - Relationship between different hbase-site.xml for a Cloudera install -

Along with installing HBase's cloid, I saw that there are three configuration information: / etc / hbase / conf /hbase-site.xml , /usr/lib/hbase/conf/hbase-site.xml , and / Var / run / cloudera-scm-agent / process / * - hbase-master Which one is absolutely effective? Or maybe they all do In all cases of hbase / etc / hbase / Conf / hbase-site.xml The file is always read /usr/lib/hbase/conf/hbase-site.xml a / etc / hbase / conf / hbase -site.xml is a symlink, so this is the file itself. Finally, anything in / var / run / is a runtime variable and in your case Claudera is a manager agent. Manager Agent is responsible for admission between manager consoles and other tasks. I hope that helps, Pat

How to cut Audio file using time range in android? -

I can cut audio files in Android by using FILEInputStream and FileOutputStram. But crop audio is not playing, I want to cut the audio file when I give initial time and end time. Only interesting and useful library i have got audio editing for Ringdroid (available here). You can check the source code to get some insight into what you want. Now!

python regex statements on a single line -

I have a regex but I wanted to create them in a single expression without affecting output. Saves a list of code below, saves words and a list from a text. one with import = [] open ('qwert.txt', 'r') as F: line f: res = re .findall (r '(?:? Pro [.] (\ W +)), line if res: a.extend (res) res = re.findall (r '(?: As (\ w +))', line if res: a.extend ( Res) res = re.findall (r '\ w + (? == \ w)', line) if res: a.extend (res) print qwert.txt Output: ['every', 'kail', 'goodness',' How can tensa three regex stmts on one sin? How can three regex stmts on one sin? Gle line? You can use the operator" | ", this allows you to find one or the other expression. res = re.findall (r '(?: Prof [.] (\ W +)). (?: As (\ w +)). (?: \ W + (? == \ w)), line)

javascript - Copy text with same class to clipboard -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 40 उत्तर अगर मेरे पास उदाहरण है पाठ की 20 पंक्तियों, उदा। & lt; p class = "textlist" & gt; चीज & lt; / p & gt; & Lt; p class = "textlist" & gt; जल & lt; / p & gt; & Lt; p class = "textlist" & gt; पृथ्वी & lt; / p & gt; & Lt; p class = "textlist" & gt; हेलीकाप्टर & lt; / p & gt; & Lt; p class = "textlist" & gt; खरगोश & lt; / p & gt; मुझे आश्चर्य है कि अगर कोई भी कृपया सलाह दे सकता है, तो मैं उस पेज पर एक बटन का उपयोग कैसे कर सकता हूं, जिस पर कोई उपयोगकर्ता क्लिक कर सकता है, जो पाठ के मूल्य क्लिपबोर्ड पर कॉपी करता है, पनीर जल पृथ्वी हेलीकाप्टर खरगोश उदाहरण के लिए, ऊपर दिए गए उदाहरण के साथ मैं सिर्फ एक सरल उदाहरण के साथ काम कर रहा हूं, उदाहरण के रूप में उपयोग करने के लिए कुछ उदाहरण। मैं सोच रहा था कि जावास्क्रिप्ट / jQuery / डीओएम तक पहुंच, लेकिन मैं नहीं जानता कि यह कैसे होगा। का प्रयोग करें ।...

javascript - Trying to validate YYYY/MM/dd -

I know that there are so many regex threads, but I can not find anywhere. I have a reggae that works well with the DJ / MM / YYYY format. Here it is: ^ ((0 [[13578] | 1 [02]) [\ /.] 31 [\ /.] [1- 9] [0- 9] { 3}). (([01,1] | [[3-9] | 1 [1-2]) [\ /.] (29 | 30) [. \ /] [1-9] [0-9] {3} ). (? (0 [1-9] | 1 [0-2]).? [\ /] (0 [1-9] | 1 [0-9] | 2 [0-8]) [\ /.] [1-9] [0-9] {3}). ([02,2] [./2/29] [./] (([1-9] [0-9] (04 | 08 | [2468] [048] | [13579] [26])). ([2468] [0] {3})) $ Example: 29/2 / 2014,31 / 4/2014 ... but when I was trying to validate with YYYY / MM / DD format, I know it: ^ (((19 | 20 () [2468] [048] | [13,579] [26] | 0 [48]) | 2000) [\ /.] 02 [\ /.] 29 | ((19 | 20) [0-9] {2} [ \ /.] (0 [469] | | 11) [\ /.] (0 [1-9] |? [12] [0-9] | 30) | (19 | 20) [0-9] { 2} [\ /.] (0 [13578] |? 1 [02]) [\ /.] (0 [1-9] |? [12] [0-9] | 3 [01]) | (19 | 20) [0-9] {2} [\ /] 02 [\ /] (0 [1-9] | ..? 1 [0- 9] | 2 [0-8])) $ This pattern works only with YYYY: 1 9xx -> 20xxx. When I c...

java - Constant resolution inside EL variable -

I wonder what is the solution to this problem: I use Spring I have a MVC I have a value for the attribute where I save an object as continuous I want to use the model through that stability in JSP, Something like this: $ { Do not worry, I do not want to use just the screenplate for clarification, how can I get it? Edit: I want to communicate between the Portlet / Selat and JSP through the Static Dialogues. And so instead of using $ {allMyTemplates} , I want to use something described above. According to your understanding, you can convert jpeg from static file into java to constant Need to read. There is one that is constantly read from the Java file. () Use continuously to read from a Java file You need to add a jar file for this and tag the liability in your JSP file below: & lt;% @ taglib uri = "http: // jakarta / taglibs / unstead -1.0" prefix = "un"% " For any continuous reading you must first includ...