target - Why is xcodebuild not building dependencies when testing? -
When I run xcodebuild
, it crashes It seems that this test target Is not compiling the dependency, which is the main app, the test target is called NiknikTests
, while the goal of the app is called WTATest3
LD Build / Uninstalled Product / NiknikTests.xctest / NiknikTests General i386 CD "/Users/ethen/.jenkins/workspace/Build Niknik" Export IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 7.1 Export Path = "/ Applications / Xcode .app / content / developer / platform / iPhoneSimulator.platform / developer / usr / bin: / applications / / Bin: / usr / sbin: / sbin: / usr / local / bin "/ application / xcode .app / content / developer / toolchains / xcodedefault.xctoolchain / usr / bin / jagged -arch i386 -bundle -isysroot / applications / SDK L / Users / Ethen / .jenkins / Workbench / Build \ Niknik / Build / Release- iphonesimulator L / Users / Ethen / .jenkins / Workbench / Build \ Niknik / NiknikTests / TestLibraries / Includes / Lib F / Users / Athens / Jenkins / Workspace / build \ nnetnet / build / release-i-phoneimulator F / app / / content / developer / platform / iPhoneSimulator.platform / developer / SDKs / iPhoneSimulator7.1.sdk / developer / library / frameworks / F / / Content / Developer / Library / Framework -fi Lelist /Users/ethen/.jenkins/workspace/Build \ Niknik / build / / release- iphonesimulator / / Objects General / i386 / NiknikTests.LinkFileList -bundle_loader /Users/ethen/.jenkins/ Workbench / Build \ Niknik / build / Release- iphonesimulator / / Niknik -Xlinker -objc_abi_version -Xlinker 2 -force_load /Users/ethen/.jenkins/workspace/Build \ Niknik / NiknikTests / TestLibraries / include / lib / libOCMock. One -ObjC -fobjc-arch -fobjc-link-order -Xlinker -no_implicit_dylibs -mios- simulator version min = 7.1 -framework UIKit -framework foundation -Xlinker -Xlinker /Users/ethen/.jenkins/workspace/Build -dependency_info \ NikNik / Build / / Release-iphonesimulator / / Object-General / i386 / NiknikTests_dependency_info.dat -o /Users/ethen/.jenkins/w I386: "_OBJC_CLASS _ $ _ NNBoundaryLineModel", referenced from: NNBoundaryLineModelTests. o in objc-class-ref (perhaps you mean: _OBJC_CLASS _ $ _ NNBoundaryLineModelTests) "_OBJC_CLASS_" or "Okespes / Build \ NikNik / build / uninstalledProducts / NiknikTests.xctest / NiknikTests" refers to $ _NNConstant ",: NNConstantTests. O referenced in objc-class-ref Or (probably you: _OBJC_CLASS _ $ _ NNConstantTests) "_OBJC_CLASS _ $ _NNPlayerModel", referring to: objc-class-ref in NNPlayerModelTests.o (probably you mean: _OBJC_CLASS_ $ _NNplayerModelTests) LD: symbol for architecture (s ) Not found i386 clag: error: failed with linker command failure code 1 (Use -V to see invitations)
This is my xcodebuild
command :
xcodebuild \ -target NiknikTests \ -arch i386 \ configuration "debug" \ -sdk iphonesimulator \ TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY = "2" \ ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH = no clean install
When i check with i In the upper part of Xcode, it just works fine.
EDIT: This is showing the goal dependency of NiknikTests
Why is not it being made Is goal dependency?
I think this arc is not creating target dependencies due to some issues with I386 is. In order to correct this I have two suggestions, 1) Remove the two arch statement from the xcodebuild command:
xcodebuild \ -target NiknikTests \ configuration "debug" \ -sdk iphonesimulator \ TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY = " 2 "\ clean install
This program should automatically choose the correct architecture. However, if it does not work, 2) "ARCHS = i386" IE
xcodebuild \ -target NiknikTests \ ARCHS = i386 \ -configuration "debug" with "-arch i386 \ "Try to replace" \ -sdk iphonesimulator \ tARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY = "2" \ ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH = Install any clean \ n
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