objective c - Displaying image from asset library -
I am trying to get an image selected with imagePickerControl and open it using the provided URL to open it Image View I'm displaying on If I use UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage to set my image, then it works fine, but I do not want to store the image in my database, I just want to store the URL. Before I moved this into my code, I wanted to make sure that it would work as a BELO code that gives the selected image to the PickRCentron and attempts to display the image.
When it moves, return Value is coming in the form of zero when I find it and no image is displayed. I got the code from
Thank you BTW - What does this mean? You can get a lot of image from image picker delegation method. There is no need to get the image again from the Asset Library. Just: assetForURL: Results: Block
case ALAuthorizationStatus authorized: {CCLog (@ "authorized"); CCLog (@ "self.imageURL =% @", self.imageURL); Elasette Library * Library = [[Elsace Library Library] init]; [Library Asset URL: Self Imejayuarel results: block: ^ (* Elaset asset) {UIImage * returnValue = [UIImage imageWithCGImage: [[asset default report] Puarnrswikrn image]]; Dispatch_Assicant (transmitted_tot_me_q ()), ^ {[self. Image display set image: return value]; [Self. Image display set nights display;}); } FailureBlock: ^ (NSError * error) {NSLog (@ "error:% @", error); }]; break; }
- (minus) image picture Controller: (UIImagePickerController *) picker didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo: (NSDictionary *) info {self.imageDisplay.image = [information object For: UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage]; [Self shotgun viewer unpowered: yes complete: zero]; }
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