ios - Using the object returned from getObject in NSMutableDictionary -
I'm an Obj-C newbie, so this could be a clear question.
I am adding 10 numbers as keys to an NSMutableDictionary, for all of those 0 value such as -
(i = 1; i & Lt; 10; i ++) {{dict set object: [NSNumber number: 1] for KA: [NSNumber numberat: i]]; }
Now in the code later I want to get the object for the key number and I want to get the value of it. In this case for example, we store the value 0 for the number 3. I use this code for this -
ID number obz = [game object foreaki: [nsnumber number: 3]]; Int numbersobject value = ????
I see the ID in the debugger pointing to 0. But I'm not sure how to declare it in the integer variable, I declare it. Hope that makes sense.
I print numbers oz and some address is expected as print, how do I change this general ID into an NSNumber and store it in the number objectview later?
is not a datatype, its simple meaning is that any Also can return the object type when you are certain that you have inserted NSNumber
, then you in a NSNumber
Can get it.
NSNumber * myNumber = [myDict objectForKey: key];
That's it. If you want to make sure that it is actually returning a NSNumber
, then use isKindOfClass:
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