xcode - Objective-C Fast Enumeration: checking for BOOL -

Scenarios = I need a loop through an array and find out how many " Unread "and

what I'm looking for = some like this (this is not my real code)

< / P>

For P <
  (NSDictionary * Dick in self.objects) {[Unread Counter Array Ad Object: Dick [["" Reed "]]; (UnreadCountArray in Ya) {// statement}}  

Question = Does anyone know how to get booleans through all the loops and yes ?

  NSPredicate * predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat: @ "was read = yes"]; NSERE * ARR = [array filtered array using message: bidet];  

0.0004 can sort a thousand objects in seconds.

Then just do it:

  for (anaScript * object in ARM] {// Statement}  

edit Do: After using further in fact, the use of fast-annuation is nearly four times faster, about 0.0001 , which can be plated on 100000 objects, too much ([Dict [@ "theKey"] boolValue]] [test addObject: dict] can be used in the form of an alphabet. ;

For sorting, Fast-En MARATION is really fast, but for just two hundred items, the increase in performance is insignificant.

And in this way, before getting the question, please get downvot, by checking the documents can be completely avoided. Like and
