
Showing posts from August, 2011

PHP - Seek in filehandle pointing to file in zip? -

I want to print a particular line (200th standard) of a file in the zip archive. I am trying the following: $ file = new SplFileObject ("zip: //"); $ File & gt; (200), echo $ file- & gt; Key () "\ N"; Echo $ file- & gt; Present (); But I get PHP Warning: SplFileObject :: seek (): does not support the demand in PHP.php on Stream Line 2 PHP Fatal Error: 'unreliable exception' can not rewind file with 'RuntimeException' message: // # file.txt 'in script.php: 2 If I have to file With open and SplFileObject parameter "file.txt" , it works fine Does this document anywhere that zip file does not work for? I was unable to find it or am I doing something wrong? Thank you. Good questions The behavior you want is clearly expressed by the syntax that you have used. is. I consider it a bug, you can probably report it here The stream should be controlled internally with no-rewind and ...

Basic php process for html -

When using this php process for HTML forms, I get the answer of "Hello," only. Here is a link where I have uploaded the file, it has a problem at my php code it self and html if necessary change $ name = $ _POST [ "$ Name"]; to $ name = $ _POST ["name"]; The dollar sign should not be there ["$ name"] ^ - // delete it tag & lt; Add a reporting error above your file immediately after php error_reporting (E_ALL); Ini_set ('display_errors', 1); // The rest of the code After doing this, there must have also been an error like this: Notice: Undefined variable: In the name ... (Path of file) To learn more on error reporting on line X , go to: In addition, go to the website You can browse through your website where the examples are shown PHP to start with php forms as forms Not a good way Footnotes: In addition to this, you are open for (cross-site ...

c# - Resource-Image usability for a Canvas background -

I will be able to program a small program, where you can click on the canvas and you will get RGB color value clicked pixels for. The first thing I did was the graphics on my own HDD with the full path, the problem is that the program will crash on another PC;) Then, I called "explorer" There was a folder in which the project was Explorer. All the graphics I need should be highlighted. If I define some images in WPF and write it, then ... source = "/ Resourcen / color_wheel_730.png" get the correct source of the image. But if I want to use it for the canvas in the source, then it does not run without errors. # P> canvas_colorpick.Background = new ImageBrush {ImageSource = new bitmap image (new urie (@ ".. \ .. \ Resourcen \ color_wheel_730.png", UriKind.Relative))} ; I tested some formatting, but nothing would work in the source code section: (After a few hours of testing, I thought I had to put a question in these forums. / P...

ios app extension - Recognize the Host App in an iOS8 Custom Keyboard -

How do I identify which host app is running my keyboard? Actually, I want to change It is not possible unless it is an app of your own, or you have some kind of support with the app running. A custom keyboard and a running application can communicate with Darwin Notification. The running application needs to broadcast the Darwin Notification, and the keyboard needs to pay attention to it. So if the developer is not already broadcasting it, then you can not identify it.

wordpress - Site loads with unwanted characters for guest users when "W3 Total Cache" is defined in wp-config.php -

When a user logs in, the site loads without problems, but if a guest user visits the site So it shows some characters in this form: Hey-Yy-square · ¹ "sły # u« LB, G «GƯæÚå-TYûKA! E" ¢ ÀÕÀÕ ÀÕSSS S> "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ™ ™ ™ ™ 1 '' 1 '' 1 1 1 1 1 1 Í & amp; À ... | Z0D "† ~ ¡" ¡«VB> ‡ l1yZ > Ñ Ê Ê â ± ± ± ³ ³ Š and nothing else shows using Q2A with integrated WordPress Q2A Version: 1.6.3 EDIT: I reuploaded all Q2A files and nothing happened. --- ------- I found that Q2A comes in trouble when I define "w3 total cache" wp-config.php As I thought W3 L'was Cache plugin. Disabling "page cache" in W3 total caches can solve this problem temporarily. If possible, I am seeking...

Use of external Jar in android service -

I am having a problem doing this work. In my application, I create an IntentService to offload some of the work that should be done in the background on a given thread. This application is fine, but when it reaches the line related to the external jar, an error "can not be referenced in the class ** ** method" This one I've been compelled for some time, so I'm grateful for some help here.

php - NGINX: Download stops after 1GB - upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) -

There is a big problem on my site. Please help me fix it. I have a site where users can download files from different sites (such as an uploaded hoster like they are uploaded). We work as a proxy, the user generates a link and downloads the file directly. Do not download anything to our script on the server a little bit like a premium link generator but different And it's not wrong. If the user is downloading a file larger than 1 GB, then the download will be canceled when accessing 1 GB. I have duplicated the error in the log file I have tried to keep the settings high but did not help. I tried the following: 1 Nginx.conf: fastcgi_send_timeout 300s; Fastcgi_read_timeout 300s; 2. NGN host file: fastcgi_read_timeout 300; Fastcgi_buffers 8 128 km; Fstcgi_buffer_size 256k; 3. PHP.ini: max_execution_time = 60 (but my PHP script will automatically set it to 0) max_input_time = 60 memory_limit = 128M 4. PHP-FPM & gt; & Gt; Www.conf pm.max_children = 25

Perl hash does not print value if it begins with 2 or 22 under certain conditions -

This is really disappointing to me. I am writing scripts that indexing indexing in a hash and then using those index numbers To remove values ​​from the array. The strange thing is that if the price starts with 2 or 22 then it will not be printed. Any other number works I will show you two variations and the script's output. First variation This is the script that I want to do. Print the chromosome, position, value. #! Use / usr / bin / perl strict; Use warnings; File :: Use Search; Use scalar :: Util qw (looks_like_number); IN open, "/home/big/scratch/affy_map.txt" or dead "can not open context \ n"; My% ref; My $ head = & lt; IN & gt; My $ index = 0; While (& lt; IN & gt;) {chomp $ _; My @ro = partition / \ t /, $ _; My $ value = "\ t", $ line [1], $ line [2]; If ($ line [1] == 2 & amp; amp; $ line [2] & lt; = 50000 & amp; amp; $ line [2] & lt; = 51113178) {$ ref {$ index} = $ Value; Print $ $. "\ T...

powershell - Parse local HTML file -

I can use PowerShell to parse an HTML page PS & gt; $ Foo = Invitation- WebRequest Ps & gt; $ Foo.Links.Count 1 However if I download the page PS & gt; Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile example.htm and then attempt to parse the downloaded page so that it gives unexpected results ps & gt; $ Foo = Invitation-WebReview file: //$pwd/example.htm PS & gt; $ Foo.Links.Count 0 How can I parse the local download page? It appears that come-webReview load file Protocol URI is OK, but fails to parse them even in Parscheld 4.0 (where it is officially supported). An alternative that does not require a website to be installed, it must be directly loaded and parsed in HTML. $ html = new object -comobject "HTMLFile"; $ Source = Get-content -Path "file.html" -Rao; $ Html.IHTMLDocument2_write ($ source); $ Html.links.length; Note that when I tested it, a single & lt; Meta http-equiv = ...

haskell - Any way to add patterns, type signature, to a function in GHCi? -

^ - No, it does not completely. Including my question involves interacting pattern and type signature ... which is apparently impossible. X: foo xs if you do this on foo.hs and the GHCi prompt type : load foo.hs . You can then invite Foo to the list and get the list back. The beginner Google search tells you that you need the let statement in GHCI but in this case (the function defined with many patterns) this will not work: prelude & gt; Let foo [] = [] Introduction & gt; Let foo (x: xs) = x: foo xs preface & gt; Foo [1, 2, 3] [1,2,3 *** Exception: & lt; Interactive>: 3: 5-27: non-full pattern foo in the function The second "let's" overwrite the first "let". Let's go out is not an option. And if you foo :: [a] - & gt; Do not like it if you type in the expression [A] either. Tutorials tend to tilt it and send you your code quickly in the file. If you do not want to create a file, and want to do interac...

r - Why is the following parameter in a bash script not working properly? -

मेरे पास निम्न बाश स्क्रिप्ट है: #! / Bin / bash जबकि getopts " 1: 2: 3: 4: "आर्ग; मामले में "$ arg" 1) fileWithSpeeds = $ OPTARG ;; 2) शीर्षकऑफ़्राफ़ = $ OPTARG ;; 3) निम्नएचपी = $ OPTARG ;; 4) उच्चतम एचपी = $ OPTARG ;; एएसएसी ने किया ./myPlotter.R $ fileWithSpeeds $ titleOfGraph $ $ न्यूनतम एचपी $ उच्चतम एचपी असल में, myPlotter.R किसी दिए गए फ़ाइल में डेटा से एक प्लॉट बनाता है (विवरण हैं इस सवाल के लिए महत्वपूर्ण नहीं है)। जब निम्न पंक्ति में कमांड लाइन में कहा जाता है: ./ myPlotter.R myFile "मेरा शीर्षक" 30 34 स्क्रिप्ट ठीक काम करती है (डॉन myFile , 30, 34 पर ध्यान न दें, वे इस प्रश्न के लिए केवल अन्य पैरामीटर नहीं बल्कि महत्वपूर्ण हैं I मामले में उन्हें वहां छोड़ दिया है)। हालांकि, जब इस तरह की बास स्क्रिप्ट से बुलाया जाता है: ./ -1 myFile -2 "मेरा शीर्षक" -3 30 -4 34 मुझे एक त्रुटि संदेश मिलता है (आर्ग्स में त्रुटि [3]: आर्ग्स [4], "सहायक बलों द्वारा शुरू की गई" अगर सहायक) चलते समय: प्रतिध्वन...

T-Sql Script for SQL Server Backup Maintenance Plan? -

What is a T-SQL script for a backup maintenance plan? I want to manage it with the app. In fact, I want to configure Auto Backup with Task Scheduler with T-SQL script from the app. Thank you. OK You should use a SQL agent In Object Explorer, connect to SQL Server, expand 'SQL Server Agent' node, expand Jobs; right click ; Create a backup job Click on 'New' to create a new job. Step Type a name for the job step and type the T-SQL statement in the backup database and in the last step, you can click ok to save or generate the script You can click on "script" to do this in your program.

visual c++ - Reference to reference is not allowed in ISO C++ 2003 standard, but why it is allowed by compilers? -

According to ISO C ++ 2003 Standard Section 8.3.2 "References " But I have tried to do the following code in Visual C ++ and Iododon, and both compilers are running this code successfully. int main () {int i = 2; Int and Rif_I = I; Int. & Amp; Ref_ref_i = ref_i; There should be an error according to the // C ++ 2003 Standard Cot; & Lt; I & lt; & Lt; Andal & lt; & Lt; Ref_i & lt; & Lt; Andal & lt; & Lt; Ref_ref_i; Return 0; } I am really confused by seeing this behavior of the compiler; Can anyone explain this? You do not make reference-to-context in your code. This is just another int and , i.e. both an int (an invalid C ++ 03 reference of TC For reference) C ++ 11 Standard section § 8.3.2 clearly shows with an example (References to reject contexts, of course, C ++ 03 and C +11, but the reference mold is new in C ++ 11): If a typed name (7.1.3, 14.1) or a deltopepe-specifier ( A type of T tha...

symfony - Doctrine 2, Getting the last n articles for each category -

I have 2 entities, articles and categories, which have many links owned by the article, and I want the last 4 Get articles for each category. If I was working with MySQL, the solution would be here, but unfortunately I am working with DOCTRINE2 and DQL, I really do not know how to translate into two queries "text"> If working with language language or question builder is your You can write your pure question and call it in your repository category: public Nkshn fetchSomeRecordFromMyTable () {$ sql = 'My net MYSQl QUERY'; $ Connection = $ this- & gt; GetEntityManager () - & gt; Mill Connection () - & gt; Ready ($ sql); $ Connection & gt; Executed (); Return $ connection- & gt; Get all (\ PDO :: FETCH_ASSOC); }

sql - Is there a Selectivity Clause to inject selectivity directly in PostgreSQL similar to IBM DB2 -

To provide additional selection information with basic forecasts to help IBM DB2 query optimization Support for: SELECTIVITY clause can only be used with basic forecasts (as defined in the SQL context), as if it is not liked or elapsed. A lower selectivity value (very small number) will tell DB2 that qualitative low rows (and encourage the use of defined indexes on that column) will qualify. A high selectivity value (about 1) will mean the opposite. An example from : SELECT c1, c2, c3, from t1, t2, t3 WHERE T1.x = T2.x and T2 .y = T3.y and T1.x & gt; =? Selectivity 0.00001 and T2.y & gt; ? Selectivity 0.5 and T3.z =? Selection 0.2 and T3.w =? I am looking for a similar facility in PostgrassQL which by which we can choose directly as part of the query regarding the selectivity or at least affiliation of each municipality. Does anyone exist? Or is there any work on this front? If no work is going on, how should I implement this feature? Additional note: Selecto...

c++ - Ear cliping - right perspective -

I am using OpenGL now I am programming 3D model loader using the ear clipping algorithm. My main problem is that what axis should I use I have 3 options: (xy), (jd y), (x z). For example, if I need a quad - 4 digit - (1, 1, 0) (-1, 1, 0) (-1, -1, 0) (1, -1, 0) I need (xy) It is the axis because all zs are the same. So I'm trying to program some code which requires 2 axes which I know. It checks whether the axis is similar to each other. But this code only works when an axis is the same. When polygon does not work on the code diagonally, I have been added to the code to check a function that checks all the rows on the same line, then I found this polygon and my code failed: You can see that it is the top on top, right There are 3 top calculations on the top and as you can see (XZ) is the correct axis that I should fix. If you look at the (ZWY) axis, you can see it: On the left one head, one middle and 3 calculations on the right. Not all corners are on the same lin...

python string replace() method when replacing a character with surrounding spaces only replaces the first occurrence -

I have a string that I am trying to change when it is located around the place below the character: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Strvar = "a a b b" gt; & Gt; & Gt; Strvar.replace ('a', 'r') "rrbb" #Works! & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; Strvar.replace ('a', 'r') "rrbb" #Works! & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; Strvar.replace ('a', 'r') "rrbb" #Works! & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; Strvar.replace ('a', 'r') "r a bb" # Only the first event has been changed & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Strvar.replace ('b', 'r') "aarb" # Only the first event is replaced My question is why in the last two circumstances why not replace the workplace Can not be found Your problem is that you have only one example of a string that can be changed. Li one space a space Li> Space Only one in The only set is (st...

perl - Rearranging uniq rows in text file -

I have a txt file that looks down from the input file: test.txt AC 1 CAAAAAC 2 CGSD AC3 FGGB AC1 GHSH AC 2 GHSR AC 1 FGR My expected output: Amount (Number of rows is of column 3) AC1 CAFA, GHSH, FGR3 AC2 CGSD, GHSR2AC3FGGB1 I tried with the first awk: awk '{Line = ""; (I = 2; i & lt; = NF; i ++) Line = line $ i ","; Table [$ 1] = Table [$ 1] for line;} END {(key in table) print key "\ t" table [key];} 'test.txt | Sort Here there is a little Pearl solution that you may like to command this input file Expect to keep on line as a parameter. This divides each row of the file into white space and fills the hash % data where the key ac 1 , ac 2 etc. All keys corresponding to the reference of the arrays of the corresponding values. Once it has been a hash population, it is easy to dump data as necessary. Use strict; Use warnings; My Information; While ( Output AC1 CAFA, GHSH, FGR3 AC2 CGSD, GHSR2AC3FGGB1 ...

javascript - finding the height of text in jspdf -

कोड: var doc = new jsPDF ('p', 'mm', [300, 210]); Doc.fromHTML (पाठ, 15, 15, {'चौड़ाई': 175,}); Doc.text (10, ऊँचाई, 'ऊंचाई क्या होना चाहिए, ताकि यह पिछले पाठ के साथ ओवरलैप न हो'); यह मेरा कोड है लेकिन दो पाठ एक-दूसरे को ओवरलैप कर रहे हैं? क्या ऊँचाई का मूल्य जानने के लिए कोई तरीका है (पता है कि पिछले पाठ कहाँ समाप्त हो रहा है) ऐसा दो जो ओवरलैप नहीं है? पाठ एचटीएमएल स्थिर नहीं है।

c++ - Qt 5 build error: extra characters after test expression -

I'm trying to learn QT 5.3, and this is my first program (Hello World). I do not understand why this error occurs. I have taken some simple code from the Internet to check whether I have installed QT correctly or not. Here's the code: #include & lt; QApplication & gt; # Include & lt; QPushButton & gt; Int main (int argc, char ** argv) {QApplication app (argc, argv); QPushButton Button ("Hello World!"); (); Return app.exec (); } The error is displayed in row 3, 5, 6, 8. I'm totally new to Qt, so please give a simple explanation. Check the .pro file. Sometimes this happens because you do not have a blackslash at the end of a line that is not the last: HEADERS + = Qt / mainwindow.h \ Qt / MPrintableWidget.h \ Qt / Ampantable WidgetGram.H #OUoff \ "QT / MFICXDialog H \ QT / MSCPPH H \ / Code> Exclude every line given below, and need to end in a backslash.

Assign JSON value to property in C# -

From the API, I get a JSON object that looks like this: {" air": {"speed": 7.31, "degree": 187.002} , "Rain": {"3h": "cloud": {"all": 92}, "coordinate": {"lon": 139, "late": 35}, "dt": 1369824698, ID: 1851632, "COD": 200, "Weather": [{"id": 804, "main": "cloud", "icon": "description": "cloudy cloud"}], "main": {"Humidity": 89, "Temp_max": 292.04, "Temp_man": 287.04, "Temp": 28 9.5, "Pressure": 1013}, "Sys": {"Country": "JP", "Sunrise ": 1369769524," Sunset ": 1369821049}," Name ":" ShoeZone "} The in my class to assign these two values: public class Weather {public string Name {get; Set; } Public string temporarily {get; Set; }} The name that I can assign to...

html - unresponsive javascript, on clicking submit -

Below is a part of the code in my project, after submitting the form to the database, I have to show another php page to javascript Want to For the test purpose I tried a simple warning box to appear on the click of submission of the form button. But the script does not show any response & lt; Width of table = "100%" height = "100%" range = "0" & ​​gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td height = "31" & gt; & Lt; Form onsubmit = "open ()" action = "addguestbook.php" method = "post" & gt; & Lt; Font face = "wordana" size = "2" & gt; Name: & lt; / Font & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" name = "name" & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt; Font face = "wordana" size = "2" & gt; E-mail: &...

vim - Generate random id in neosnippet html snippets -

I am using neosnippet addon for auto-completion of code templates, and I have a cutom snippet that looks like this From ( Html.snip ): snippet amyhyide & lt; P & gt; Input type = "button" onclick = "return toggle ('$ {1: hideID}')" value = "toggle show / hide" & gt; & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; Div id = "$ 1" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; Since it can be used multiple times in an HTML file, I have to ensure that each hideID is unique, so I am wondering if my It is possible for VIM to work, generate a random letter-numeric ID of just 12 and keep it there. Neosnipate documents: Vim has an inbuilt expression evaluation You can also use this feature inside the snippets if you use the back type as the examples given below, "%: t" extends over the name of the current active file and the current time is the output of the streamtime command Being inserted by the extension of Is there. Snippet ...

Python: Want to get both (plus and minus) square roots -

I have to find the roots of a number square using python. My simple code is: #! / Usr / bin / env python import numpy as np x = 4.0 print 'roots of square', x, 'are:', np.sqrt (x) Gives: Square roots of 4.0: 2.0 But in the form of the answer I also want to -2.0 To see, i.e. the roots of the square of 4 +/- 2, not just +2 In a wider problem, I have a function f (x) = sqrt (x) I want to plot I want to hold both branches of Parabol in one shot. The code is now: #! / Usr / bin / env python import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy np x = np.arange (0.0, 16.0, 0.2) f = np .sqrt (x) plt.plot (x, f) ( ) which does not conspirate the values ​​in the negative y-axis. Is it possible to do this without any trick (for example, plotting to specify it for a second time)? It is not necessary that I have to use numpy thanks. I think OP is a bit confused about that: the root of the class of +/- 2 , Why numpy.sqrt just give positive? ...

python - Managing PYTHONPATH for development environment -

I am developing several different Python packages with my team, let's say we have ~ / src / Pkg1 , ~ / src / pkg2 , and ~ / src / pkg3 . How can we add each of them to PYTHONPATH without managing dot-files? We can add, say, ~ / src / site / , which is added once in PYTHONPATH , but It is "guaranteed" that the global will not be. Virtual Ive looks like a wrong solution, because we do not want to create / install packages after every change. You have a lot of options ... 1) Why not dotfile ? You can centralize the management of dotfiles with a centralized repository and optionally with version control. I use a dropbox folder named dotfile , but many people use other services to manage github or dotfiles. If you do this, you will guarantee that in order to share some dotfiles to everybody on your development team, you can define a dotfile that says .python_proys Suppose that the appropriate PATH and PYTHON...

java - How to identify a piece of data in an SQLite database's column? -

This is my first time installing a SQLite database, and I have trouble knowing how to control the cursor Suppose that my column names are (author, year published, title) in that order. And says that I have already saved some entries in the data base: Bob, 2007, "Builder" Jack, 2003, "Headless Horseman" Andy, 2012, "The mistress Legend" So for each book title there is a button with the names of the books on it (for example, "The Builder "On a user-created button) Users can then click on this button, go to another activity page Not, and may already have information about this book. For example, it is almost like a library where a new book called "Green egg and ham" is called Dr. , Published: The user goes through the other parts of my app, by entering the information of this book, thus saving data as an entry in the SQLite database and with it on "Green Eggs and Hams" Creating a button and when the user clicks on ...

http - Angularjs Service performing a POST request randomly gets cancelled -

मेरे पास एक ऐसी सेवा है जो एक साधारण पोस्ट करती है: saveVersion: function (styleGuideId, डेटा) {return $ http ({method: 'post', url: '/ style_guides /' + styleGuideId + '/ new_version', डेटा: डेटा})। फिर (function (project) {console.log ('request complete' )}); }, कंसोल में, अगर मैं यह अनुरोध आग लगाता हूं, तो यह ठीक काम करता है। लेकिन जब मैं अपने यूआई में एक बटन पर क्लिक करता हूं जो यह अनुरोध करता है, तो मुझे मेरे सर्वर पर अनुरोध 200 के साथ पूरा हो जाता है लेकिन क्लाइंट की तरफ ब्राउजर का कहना है कि इसे रद्द कर दिया गया है। अतिरिक्त जीईटी भी एक रहस्य है कंसोल में, मैं इस तरह से अनुरोध को ट्रिगर करता हूं: angular.element (document.body) .injector ()। ('StyleGuides') प्राप्त करें। SaveVersion (sg_id, डेटा) // sg_id और डेटा स्थानीय वेरिएबल्स हैं जो मुझे इस तरह मिले: sg_id = angular.element ($ 0) .scope ()। Project.style_guide_id बस इसे सुलझा लिया। बेवकूफ गलती सहेजे जाने वाले बटन को इस तरह देखा गया: & lt; a href = ...

c - Dynamic memory allocation for 2D array -

I want to allocate memory to dynamically for 2D array. Is there any difference between these two? 1) array = (int **) malloc (size * size (int *)); For (i = 0; i 2) array = (int **) malloc (size * size * sizeof (int)); If so, what's better and why? In the first case array = (int **) Malloc (Size * size (int *)); For (i = 0; i You are allocating size to size size of sizeof (int) that you are one-on-one Allocating shapes- dimensional arrays accordingly, you are allocating size signals which point to the first elements of these one-dimensional arrays. In the second case expression (int **) malloc (size * size * Sizeof (int)) That is, the allocation of a range of shapes * the size of objects of the type of size and the returned indicator is interpreted as int ** . So this expression has no meaning what is placed on the left side of the assignment. Keep in mind that the size of the pointer may be greater than the size of int. You can write i...

google cloud messaging - Why my Android device is registered at UrbanAirship without GCM Registration ID -

I've integrated the Airship SDK in an Android app. Since app startup and airship, I am receiving the following debug information in my log: 07-27 12: 46: 31.916 XXX - UIILB (1545): push start 07-27 12: 46: 31.937 XXX- Ulyab (1545): Push enabled: True 07-27 12: 46: 31.941 XXX- Ulyab (1545): Starting GCM 07-27 12: 46: 31.941 XXX APID (1545): F28dc1b8-76a7-4c2f-9135-66e968ca8922 07-27 12: 46: 31.941 XXX - Ulyab (1545): Getting Rich Push Getting Started 07-27 12: 46: 31.952 XXX - UALib (1545): Register Default Actions. 07-27 12: 46: 31.953 XXX - UALib (1545): Getting Started with Analytics 07-27 Disambr: 46: 32.025 XXX - UALib (1545): Using GCM registration id: APA91bG3ae7LxgdhRBhpFOS7_QlA0OuYtg5CIoycO6v0moSziWBjycSSs-WMJJ8t6x9liRWi7jaWnaqnKuYU3ORA5S4hsn_vMkEz_7I1YWe76l7kdSiGwkPfc70q4oJCaSp-TaxX1WaHu0SWpX6XHbgwT4vsTABAI187A8xHTy4kGTUg0J6ywMo But when I go to the airship portal and review token - a device without the registration ID: apied f28dc1b8-76a7-4c2f-9135-66e968ca89...

javascript fadeIn/fadeOut not working simultaneously -

I have developed a page for a customer who is involved in video production. I have created a gallery of thumbnails, which is displayed when a click with related video is displayed. When you click on a slightly "X" graphic, you are again hidden, and you can navigate to the next or previous video in the gallery with arrow graphics, which fades into the next video and the current video is a Pulls out. Here's some JavaScript: $ (""). Click (function ($ ("# background"). CSS ({opacity: 0, visibility: "visible"}. Animate ({obscurity: 1}, 680); $ ("body"). CSS ({ Click (overflow: "hidden"};}); $ ("# video1 link") (function () {$ ("# video1"). CSS ({opacity: 0, visibility: "visible"}). ({ Fuzzy: 1}, 680); $ ("# video1"). Feidin (680);}); $ ("# Video1previous") Click (function () {$ ("# video2") .Fedhat (680 ); $ ("# Video1"). CSS ({obscurity: 0,...

xml - add alfresco ui action visible only by administrator -

I am trying to add a UI action to Alfreso and it works with this code: & lt; Action ID = "CreateDoc" & gt; & Lt; Permissions & gt; & Lt ;! - Each permission can be allowed or denied - & gt; & Lt; Permission permission = "true" & gt; Type & lt; / Permission & gt; & Lt; / Permissions & gt; & Lt; Label ID & gt; CreateDoc & lt; / Labels ID & gt; & Lt; Image & gt; /someco/images/icons/stoplight-disable.png< / Image & gt; & Lt; Action Listener & gt; # {WebSettingsBean.createDoc} & lt; / Action listener & gt; & Lt; / Action & gt; & Lt; Action-group id = "document_browse" & gt; & Lt; Action idref = "CreateDoc" /> & Lt; / Action group & gt; & Lt; Action-group id = "document_browse_menu" & gt; & Lt; Action idref = "CreateDoc" /> & Lt; / Action group & gt; & Lt; Action-group id = ...

xcode - Objective-C Fast Enumeration: checking for BOOL -

Scenarios = I need a loop through an array and find out how many " Unread "and what I'm looking for = some like this (this is not my real code) For P (NSDictionary * Dick in self.objects) {[Unread Counter Array Ad Object: Dick [["" Reed "]]; (UnreadCountArray in Ya) {// statement}} Question = Does anyone know how to get booleans through all the loops and yes ? NSPredicate * predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat: @ "was read = yes"]; NSERE * ARR = [array filtered array using message: bidet]; 0.0004 can sort a thousand objects in seconds. Then just do it: for (anaScript * object in ARM] {// Statement} edit Do: After using further in fact, the use of fast-annuation is nearly four times faster, about 0.0001 , which can be plated on 100000 objects, too much ([Dict [@ "theKey"] boolValue]] [test addObject: dict] can be used in the form of an alphabet. ; For sorting, Fast-En MARATION is real...

javascript - jQuery - parent() vs closest() -

कहें कि मेरे पास निम्न मार्कअप है: & lt; div class = "parent" & gt ; & Lt; div class = "child" & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "भव्य-बच्चा" & gt; और मुझे .parent से शुरू करना है .grand-child । मैं निम्न दो में से कोई भी कर सकता हूं: $ ('grand-child')। माता पिता ()। माता पिता (); । $ ( '। भव्य बच्चे') निकटतम ( '। माता-पिता'); कुल मिलाकर, निकटतम () एक अच्छे दृष्टिकोण की तरह लगता है क्योंकि: केवल एक फ़ंक्शन यह .grand-child और .parent के बीच अन्य divs के लिए अप्रासंगिक है, विशेष रूप से, ऊपर # 2 के लाभ के कारण, अगर मैं & lt; div class = "parent" & gt; के लिए अपना मार्कअप बदलना चाहता हूं & Lt; div class = "child" & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "नानी" & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "भव्य-बच्चा" & gt; फिर मुझे एक अतिरिक्त माता-पिता () जोड़ना होगा, लेकिन सबसे निकटतम () अभी भी फ़ंक्शन ठीक है। तो क्या कोई कारण है कि आप कभी भी pa...

C++ operator overload for variables inside class -

I want to add my_Contents (int) of 'left' and 'right' to two square mailboxes. East. mailbox (trial); Mailbox (left); Mailbox (right); Left.setSize (10); // my_contents = 10 right.setSize (10); // "" "= 5 test.setSize (5); //" "" = 5 tests = left + right; However, the class mailbox is not started as a mailbox 'my_contents'. So my code will not run down, so how do I implement operator '+' to apply content in class, which is not used for initialization, as I do? mailbox operator + (console mailbox and left, const. Mailbox and right) {Mailbox T = mailbox (left.my_Contents + right.my_Contents); Return (t); 1) Call setSize to set the results of my_Contents. 1) Mailbox Operator + (Constant Mailbox and Left, Constant Mailbox and Right) {ints = left.my_Contents + right.my_Contents; Mailbox T; T.setSize (s); Return T; } One more thing is that your operator should be a friend of the class mailbox i.e. c...

python - What does 'yaml.parser.ParserError: expected '<document start>', but found '<block mapping start>'' mean? -

मेरे पास निम्न YAML फ़ाइल है: [mysqld] उपयोगकर्ता: "mysql" pid -फ़ाइल: /var/run/mysqld/ skip-external-locking old_passwords: 1 skip-bdb skip-innodb create_key: yes needs_agent: नहीं जानता_ओप: सच्चा पसंद_मैक्स: TRUE महिलाएं: - मैरी स्मिथ - सुसान विलियम्स और निम्नलिखित पायथन कोड: #! / Usr / bin / env अजगर आयात के साथ खुला ("config.yml") के रूप में f: sample_config = f ट्रेसबैक (सबसे हाल ही में कॉल अंतिम): फ़ाइल "/ /> घर / moose / डेस्कटॉप / ", पंक्ति 9, & lt; मॉड्यूल & gt; प्रिंट (yaml.load (sample_config)) फ़ाइल "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/yaml/", पंक्ति 71, लोड रिटर्न लोडर में .get_single_data () फ़ाइल "/ usr / local /lib/python2.7/dist-packages/yaml/ ", पंक्ति 37, में get_single_data नोड = self.get_single_node () फ़ाइल" /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/yaml/composer .py ", लाइन 39, get_single_node में नहीं तो self.check_event (StreamEn... - Tracking Controls via an Array -

Then I have an array in which there are snap boxes. Can someone help me in coding in a more efficient, more efficient way of specifying each indicator? I just can not figure it out Arrybullets (0) = Pikbult0 ArrayBullets (1) = Pikbultl ArrayBullets (2) = Pikbult2 ArrayBullets (3) = Pikbult3 ArrayBullets (4) = Pikbult4 ArrayBullets (5) = Pikbult5 ArrayBullets (6) = PicBullet6 ArrayBullets (7) = picBullet7 ArrayBullets (8) = picBullet8 ArrayBullets (9) = picBullet9 ArrayBullets (10) = picBullet10 ArrayBullets (11) = picBullet11 ArrayBullets (12) = picBullet12 ArrayBullets (13) = PicBullet13 ArrayBullets (14) = picBullet14 ArrayBullets (15) = picBullet15 ArrayBullets (16) = picBullet16 ArrayBullets (17) = picBullet17 ArrayBullets (18) = picBullet18 ArrayBullets (19) = picBullet19 ArrayBullets (20) = picBullet20 ArrayBullets (21) = picBullet21 ArrayBullets (22) = picBullet22 ArrayBullets ( 23) = Pikbult23 ArrayBullets (24) = Pikbult24 ArrayBullets (25) = Pikbult25 ArrayBullets (26) ...

c# - TabStops definitions does not work in PdfSharp -

I am fighting with tab stops in PDFSRP but I have not tried to do any work. I end this code: paragraph = row Seals [0] .addParagraph (); Paraadestast (et.eventetto.tostring ("deed"). Substrings (0, 2) .touper ()); Para.Format.TabStops.ClearAll (); Para.Format.TabStops.AddTabStop ("0.3mm"); Para.AddTab (); Para.AddText (att.EventDate.ToString ("dd / mm / yyyy")); Calling AddTab adds a normal tab, which I have not defined. Any help would be appreciated Thanks Jaime Edit: Let me mark the date of 2 letters There is a need to format, for example, "MO dd / mm / yyyy" I need to use tabstops because I need to combine all the dates, depending on the name of the day, the width will vary depending on the characters . 3 mm is great enough to achieve this. No matter ... I have placed 2 column tables in. Date cells in this way I can align the way I want to. Chirs jamai

login - Symfony 2 path if unauthorized -

My problem is if the user goes to Path A, in which there is a security restriction and the user has to log in, then enter the path To be redirected. I can change how to redirect it to other URLs for example the root path

hibernate - HQL Update with join (Avoid subquery) -

I have two big tables and they have a relationship together. How to write two tables updated together with parameters of goodness and good performance, and to avoid the subclass I can do this by using the following example: Update product set isOK = 1 where id (Choose F_ProductID from sale) But the haven above the example is not good because it does not use the index and I know that we can do this by using the original query but My w Sass is another problem with it.

windows 7 - xampp puts some files to root folder during installing -

During the installation, xampp puts some files to route the folder. After installing XAMPP (xampp-win32-1.8.3-3-VC11-installer.exe, WIN7) it puts some files: [vcredist.bmp,, install.res.1028.dll, install.exe ??? ] To root the folder I type the target folder for XAMPP: "D: / xampp" Can I delete these files?

security - Securely Storing SMTP Credentials in Java EE -

I have a Java EE application running on Glassfish 4 / Java 8 (x64). Development is on a Windows machine, but it will eventually be ported to Linux (either Red Hat or Ubuntu). In that application I need to send an email message from an SMTP server for which user authentication is required and I am using JavaMail to make connections and send an email message. These emails are sent from the system during successful user registration, password reset request etc. Users who initiate the action will not be credentials for sending email. Similar email credentials are used for those tasks, and the email account in question is dedicated to this use. The approach that comes to mind instantly send the email account user name and plain text password to the database or some other data store, or hard code username and plain text password in the Java EE application. There is clearly a clear security risk related to the password of storage. There are variations on this, where I can hardly sto...

java - TomEE + OpenJPA: Error creating EntityManager using container managed DataSource -

I'm trying to configure an example JPA application in Eclipse, and put it on Tommy + on the Data Source Container Managed I am seeing the following error while trying to create EntityManager: The persistency provider is trying to use the property in the persistence.xml file to resolve the data source. The name of the Java database connectivity (JDBC) driver or the data source class should be specified in openjpa.ConnectionDriverName or javax.preistence.jdbc.driver property. The following properties are available in the configuration: "org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.conf.JDBCConfigurationImpl@414793b4". What's wrong with this configuration? is the code below. tomee.xml & lt; Tomee & gt; & Lt; Resource ID = "jdbc / MyAppDS" type = "data source" & gt; JdbcDriver JdbcUrl jdbc: sqlserver: // localhost: 1433 / db_dev Username Password Password JtaManaged true DefaultAutoCommit false...

.net - Visual Studio 2012 - Intellisense shows but no summary description -

In the image, the top is what I see when using the target frame v3.5. However, if I switch to any other framework, for example V3.5 client profiles, then details are available again. I got the problem mscorlib. Dll is different in the context. I right-click on string and then go to definition F12 When I use v3.5, then it is C Refers to: \ Windows , and there is no comment or statement involved in DL, which makes sense why intellisense does not display any. #region assembly mscorlib.dll, v2.0.0 .0 // C: \ Windows \ Microsoft.NET \ Framework \ v2.0.50727 \ mscorlib.dll #endregion When I use the v3.5 client profile (or some other, like v4.0, v4.5), it reference from C: \ Program Files (x86) \ More details begin to work again (even without reviving the Visual Studio) #region assembly mscorlib.dll, v2.0.0.0 // c: \ program files (x86) \ reference assemblies \ Microsoft \ framework \ .NETFramework \ v3.5 \ profile \ Customer \ mscorlib.dll #endregion Can anyone...

java - Inserting joinpoint inside methods with AspectJ? -

I need to write a code coverage program for testing using the aspen plug-in for eclipse. At this time I know, points, what is done by JUnit in case of trial testing and how many times they are called but my problem is that I want to insert a joint point inside a method (eg For if-else condition or a codec with a loop to capture execution of a block-code). As per the Aspects Documenting The number of scripts involved in a large number of scripts is a program. But they only take points to connect with some small types. Those types of join points correspond to some important concepts in Java. Here's an incomplete list: method call, method execution, exception handling, instant, constructor execution, and field access. The issue of connecting each type can be picked from your own special point that you will learn in other parts of this guide. But I have to know that when code-branch has reached inside a ritual. Can there be a possible solution, maybe expanding one aspect?...

Nginx rewrite url to attain clean url -

I have a site with a URL structure that I'm running on NGNX Now the number of pages is dynamic and What would be the exact rule to get a net url, Along with this, I need to implement a rule, give a negative value to a page, Redirected to the positive value of the number Will. Right now my current configuration is given below server {server_name; Error_log /data1/nginx/; Root / data1 / agri; Index index.php; Rewrite_log turned on; Place ~ .php $ {try_files $ uri $ uri / /index.php; Includes fastcgi_params; Fastcgi_pass Unix: /var/run/php5-fpm.sock; 0 expires; Add_header cache-control public; Set $ ​​skip_cache 0; If ($ request_uri ~ * "^ (. * /) Index \ .php $") {return 301 $ 1; }} Place ~ * ^. + (.ogg | ogv | svg | svgz | eot | otf | woff | mp4 | ttf | rss | atp | jpg | jpeg | gif | png | ico | zip | tgz | gz | rar | bz2 | doc | xls | exe | Ppt | rud | mid | midi | wav | bmp | rtf | js | woff | css) $ {access_log ...

Jacoco code coverage for android application using mockito library -

मेरा एंड्रॉइड एप्लिकेशन निम्न कॉन्फ़िग का उपयोग करता है: ग्रेडल - 0.12। + Build.gradle फ़ाइल की सामग्री बिल्डस्क्रिप्ट {repositories {mavenCentral ()} निर्भरता {classpath '' }} {खजाने mavenLocal () mavenCentral ()} लागू प्लगइन: '' प्लगइन लागू होते हैं: "jacoco" निर्भरता {संकलन 'कॉमन्स-संग्रह: कॉमन्स-संग्रह: 3.2.1' संकलन 'org.slf4j: slf4j -android: 1.6.1-RC1 '// निर्भरता इंजेक्शन संकलन (' org.roboguice: roboguice: 2.0 ') {मॉड्यूल को बाहर:' cglib 'मॉड्यूल को बाहर:' aopalliance 'मॉड्यूल को बाहर:' guice '} फ़ाइलें संकलन (' libs /guice-3.0-no_aop.jar ') संकलन' javax.inject: javax.inject: 1 '/ * * परीक्षण निर्भरताएं * / AndroidTestCompile ' dexmaker-mockito: 1.0'} एंड्रॉइड {buildToolsVersion "20.0" compileSdkVersion 19 buildTypes {debug {runProguard झूठी परीक्षण क्वैव्वेशेंस सक्षम सच}} compileOpti...

java - JSP compiled but now has several errors? -

I have a JSP and a sort project - on github -. This code has been compiled properly at least on my old computer when I imported it into my new computer, shows me strange compilation errors. I will show you some codes and errors Please help me improve it. & lt;% @ taglib prefix = "c" yuris = ""% & gt; & Lt;% @ taglib prefix = "sql" uri = ""% & gt; & Lt;% @ page language = "java" pageEncoding = "ISO-8859-1"% & gt; & Lt ;! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "- // W3C // DTD HTML 4.01 Transcription // N" ""> & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" href = "css / affableby.css" & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; The Else Bean & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body ...

android - Google Play Filtering out Tablets with SIM -

Text after " This is my manifestation: & lt; Uses - sdk android: targetSdkVersion = "19" Android: minSdkVersion = "9" /> & Lt; Usage-permission Android: name = "android.permission.READ_CONTACTS" & gt; & Lt; Uses / Permissions & gt; & Lt; Usage-permission Android: name = "android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED" /> & Lt; Usage-permission Android: name = "android.permission.READ_SMS" & gt; & Lt; Uses / Permissions & gt; & Lt; Usage-permission Android: name = "android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS" & gt; & Lt; Uses / Permissions & gt; & Lt; Usage-permission Android: name = "android.permission.SEND_SMS" & gt; & Lt; Uses / Permissions & gt; & Lt; Use-permission Android: name = "android.permission.INTERNET" & gt; & Lt; Uses / Permissions & gt; & Lt; Use-permission Android: name = "android.permission.ACCES...

haskell - List of all Collatz sequences from 1 to n -

I am trying to program a function that calculates the summation sequence of all the numbers from 1 to n. The result should be in the list of lists. Something like this: collatzSeqs 5 => [1], [2, 1], [3, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1], [4, 2, 1], [5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1]] My code looks like this: nextCollatz :: int-> Int next colts N & lt; 1 = Error "less than 1". N == 1 = 1 | Mod n 2 == 0 = div n 2 | Otherwise = 3 * n + 1 - next collet number choltexax :: int-> Counts. [Int] Collazsack N. | N & lt; 1 = Error "less than 1". N == 1 = [1] | Otherwise = n: collatzSeq (nextCollatz n) - Creates a sequence sequence sequence The idea is that I had to program CollatzSeqs head [ CollatzSeq] and somehow to continue it in a recursive form and then take the results and insert it into a new list which is probably empty to clarify my view I have tried to clear it out: (This does not work) collatzSeqs :: [int] - & gt; [[Int]] collatzSeqs n = colla...