r - Does a dot after numbers have any particular meaning within arithmetic statements? -
I keep some code where the previous author used such statements:
x & lt; - (a)
z [z
f < - aa + bb / 2. In these statements the dots are not visible in the names of parameters or functions, and they are not visible in the formulas, so I have a problem finding this Whether they have any significance or not? As far as I can tell, the identical figures evaluated with a substituted constant for the variable do not evaluate in any different way. I thought that the result was probably put to emphasize a float, but the statements seem to be obscure in this regard, and I was not under the impression that R is in this regard Need some help with different numerical types. He can come only with other explanations that the original floats in the original and the last writer had asked lazy to remove the decimal point when he was converted into an integer.
Is there any other possible use for the dot that may be relevant or are I securing these statements?
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