apache - unable to connect to localhost:8080 with Vagrant and Ubuntu -
I tried to install Ugrant and Ubuntu on Mac OS 10.9.4, from which the local development server @fideloper:. Vagrantfile includes:
config.vm.box = "ubuntu / trusty64" config.vm.network "forwarded_port", Guest: 80, Host: 8080 config Vm.synced_folder ".", "/ Var / www / html"
Evreything worked fine during the process: Frequency and Virtualbox installed, Apache is installed on the guest
, I tried
- On guest, Code> curl-v 'http: // localhost: 8080' gives the same page.
But the browser says this webpage is not available
at localhost: 8080
Why is not the browser showing localhost: 8080?
config.vm.synced_folder "." Whatever is in the server's
directory (shared directory)./ var / www / html
directory, with theof your host machine, whatever is in the "/ var / www / html"
< / Pre>will be overwritten
Now the default
fileis not on HTML / code
because you have that in the Wishent sync-folder settings Place your shared directory on the mount.Whatever you are saying, it's working perfectly and you can just start adding your own .html files to your shared folder and go! You do not have a .html file in your shared directory for the service, so fall back to showing Apache's index of files.
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