ios - Why does my simulator still show node count and FPS? [SpriteKit] -

I have published my game in the App Store. Before I do this, I wanted to count the node and stop the FPS and did not want to show those two things. I have gamensen.m and a headline sine.I am i view.showsFPS = NO; and view.showsNodeCount = NO; Tried to do in my GameScene.m and it works fine. I tried my TitleScene.m self.view.showsNodeCount = NO; and self.view.showsFPS = NO; , but it still shows NodeCount and FPS here is my code for the title code:

  #import "TitleScene.h" #import "GameScene.h" @implementation TitleScene - (id) initWithSize: (CGSize) size {if (self = [super initWithSize: size]) {/ * your view setup here / / self.view.showsNodeCount = no; Self.view.showsFPS = No; Scalcons * Yellow Labeltecture = [Skeleton Texture with Image Named: @ "Yellowlabel." Scalections * BlueLabelTactacts = [Skeleton Texture with Image Named: @ "BlueLabel Page"] Scalcons * Green Layllecture = [Skeleton Texture with Image Named: @ "Greenlabab."] Scalections * Red LABLATCHANS = [Skeleton Texture With Image Named: @ "Red Labell." "]; Scalcons * White Latelyactacts = [Skeleton Texture with Image Named: @ "White Label." "]; SKSpriteNode * Background = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithImageNamed: @" awsome.png "]; background = size = CGSizeMake (640, 1136); Background.position = CP pointmake (0,0); NSArray * Anime = [NSARRA array With object: Yellow labellet, Blue llelectactation, Green lalable etiquette, Red Labell Detection, White labellet, Nyl]; SKSpriteNode * labelNode = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithImage Nominated: @ "White Label"]; LabelNode.position = CP Pointsmake (self-computational with / 2, self-address .ight / 2 * 1.5); SKSpriteNode * startButtonNode = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithImageNamed: @ "playButton.png"]; StartButtonNode.position = CP pointmake (auto size.width / 2, self size. HEIGHT / 3); SKAction * actionAnimate = [SKAction animateWithTextures: Anime Timeframe: .3 Resize: Yes Restore: No]; SKAACAC * ActionRepet = [Sketation Rick ActionAvair: Action Anime]; [LabelNode Run Action: Action Repeat]; [Self Combined: Background]; [To add self: labelNode]; [to add self: startbuttonnode];} healthy return; } - (zero) touch: Contains: (NSSET *) touches the event: (UIIEvent *) Event {GAMESCENT * GAMESIN = [[GAMESCENT ALOCH] INTERVIEW SHAPE: Automatize]; GameScene.scaleMode = SKSceneScaleModeAspectFill; [Self.view presentScene: GameSignin infection: [STTransition doors openhospitalweight: 1]]; }  

Is there anything I am doing wrong? Thanks!

The default Spritekit template sets the node after the start of the scene in and sets the FPS ViewController. M , you must remove these rows


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