ios - How can I save an image taken through AVCaptureSession -
I have set a custom camera view, which is the overlay button on the scene. Everything works as it should. The camera takes the picture, and the picture appears in the UIImageView. How can I save this image once in UIImageView?
Code below:
@ View Interface Viewer: UIViewController & lt; UIImagePickerControllerDelegate, UINavigationControllerDelegate & gt; {} @protecti (strong, non-monomitive) IBotlate UIUUUI * framefactor; @protecti (strong, nonmomic) IBolet UIImageView * imageView; - (IBAction) LEFOTO: (ID) sender;
@ View implementation controller AVCapture session * session; AVCaptureStillImageOutput * stillImageOutput; - (zero) viewDidoadload [[Super Viewedload]; // Setup an additional after loading the view, usually from a nib } - (Zero) ViewVillage: (BOOL) animated {session = [[A Wikipedia session alloc] INS]; [Session set sessionprayset: AVCepture sessionPreset photo]; AVCaptureDevice * Input Devices = [AVCaptureDevice Default DeviceWithMediaType: AVMediaTypeVideo]; NSError * error; AVCaptureDeviceInput * deviceInput = [AVCaptureDeviceInput DeviceInputWidth Device: Input Device Error: & amp; Error]; If ([session canAddInput: deviceInput]) {[session addInput: deviceInput]; } AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer * previewLayer = [[AVCaptureVideo previewlayer alloc] initWithSession: session]; [PreviewLayer set videogravity: AVLair videogwism recycledofffil]; CALayer * rootLayer = [[Self View] Layer]; [Rootletier set masks tabbeds: yes]; CGRTF frame = self.frameForCapture.frame; [Previewlayer setframe: frame]; [Routular entry scissor: index on previewlayer: 0]; StillImageOutput = [[AVCaptureStillImageOutput alloc] init]; NSDictionary * outputSettings = [[NSDI allocon] Initwith object endase: AVVDOKDJJPEG, AVVDOKODEK, ZERO]; [StillImageOutput setOutputSettings: outputSettings]; [Session addOutput: stillImageOutput]; [Start the session]; } - (IBAction) LEFOTO: (ID) sender {AVCaptureConnection * videoConnection = NIL; (For [[AVCaptureInputPort * port in connection input ports]) {if ([[port mediaType] isqual: AVMediaTypeVideo]) {videoConnection = connection; for connection to AVCaptureConnection * connection). break; }} If (video connection) {break; }} [StillImageOutput captureStillImageAsynchronouslyFromConnection: videoConnection completionHandler: ^ (CMSampleBufferRef imageDataSampleBuffer, NSError * error) {if (imageDataSampleBuffer! = Null) {NSData * imageData = [AVCaptureStillImageOutput jpegStillImageNutRepresentation: imageDataSampleBuffer]; UIImage * image = [UIImage imageWithData: imageData]; Self.imageView.image = image; }}]; } - (zero) did risiv memorialisation [[super daviditamammy warning]; // Any resource settlement which can be reproduced. } @end
You can use this function to save image in the tool
UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum (UIImage * image, ID completion goal, SEL completion selector, zero * referencesInfo);
You only need to complete the Goal, the complete selector and the reference interface if you want to notify when saving the image, otherwise you can pass in zero.
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