php - Site login and session management -
So I'm working on the site for which the "remember me" functionality is entered with a MySQL database Required. I got it right (based on JSPAN's page) I am a little strange, sessions are used to track the user movement I am not worried about their history on the site. I am surrounded by interviews and especially on SO I've seen, but I did not really find what I'm looking for. Maybe I'm not using the right keywords to search anyway ... As I said, I have a real login process, and a cookie has tripled for the "remember me" functionality. But how can the user track the authenticated status while the user is browsing the website? The logged-in user should be able to browse the website's secure area or the script should produce special data, without having to check the "remember me" of the website three times against each page load. I thought of doing something like $ _SESSION ['authed'] == truth, and every page load session will examine the value, but I suspect that there is not a very safe way to go about it. If I set $ _SESSION ['authed'] == true, close the browser, open the browser, and go back to the site, it still says that "Old Free = True Now, I think that The variables of the session are stored on the webserver, browse Not in the cache. However, I can not see the big picture to know about it properly.
I thought that something like
$ _ session ['authed'] == true
, and every page load session value will check
But I suspect that this is not a very safe way to go about it
Okay. You set up a session May include, which means that a user sending a unique cookie. It is your safety. The fact is that you have a session which is your security, then you record the fact that the user is "logged in" in that session.
I have noticed that if I
$ _ session ['authed'] == true
, close the browser, open the browser, and go back to the site It still says that "Olds = true."
Yes, cookies are not closed when the browser is required. Each cookie has a specified end time, but you may want to stay longer. Without the expiration time, cookies are not immediately discarded even when the browser is turned off. It may have been the default behavior of browsers a few years ago, but it is no longer necessary.
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