
Showing posts from June, 2010

c++ - Access global variable in runtime-linked dll -

I need to use the Global variable of some legacy DLL in run time. I have a header file for global variable definition Is struct CmpSys {public: static const int NAME_LEN = 21; Four SJNM [NAME_LEN]; // user-defined system name} global variable is a c ++ Dll is packed in CmpSys ** gapCmpSys In my CPP file I hDEWModelDll = LoadLibrary ( L "DEWModel.dll"); (CMPSIS **) PTRCMPSIs = (CMPSIS **) GETPROCODERES (HDWodeldale, "GpsCMPCS"); The debugger shows that there is a valid address of ptrCmpSys (not a null), but the content is absolutely wrong. If I write ptrCmpSys [0] -> SzNam I'll get a weird chat string. What should I do?

java - MySQL Prepared Statement with a null String -

I am testing software on any application written by somebody else. When they check that the user's user name is in the and password database, they only send it that the string Check without any - I know it's already bad. I know that it can access SQL injection. However, on one side of SQL injection, is there any other risk? It seems that the databases change in something like this after entering the semi-prepared statement in the Database Manager category. string s = "choose from user * where" + user; When I print it, then it ends like this: Select user from user * Do I fail in this test case and say that this program is not properly processing the input before sending it to DB, even if it is not logged in user?

javascript: get the normalized from two slightly different strings -

I have an equal number of slashes and the same letter in each case is always a letter and a square bracket indicating the index . var first = "/ a / b [1] / c / d [3] / e [1] / f" var second = "/ a / b [1] / c / D [4] / E / F " I hope the output should be result =" / a / b [1] / c / D / E / F " This is what came with me, but it is probably a better way of doing it as it gives the / a / b / c / d / E / f which I did not want first first = "/ a / b [1] / c / d [3] / e [1] / f" Split ("/"); Var seconds = "/a/b[1]/c/d[4]/e/f".split("/"); (Var i = 0; i & lt; first.length; i ++) {first match = first [i] .mail (/ \ [[[0-9] +) \] / g); Second match = seconds [i] .mail (/ \ [[[0- 9] +) \] / g); If (first match! = Second match) {First [I] = First [i] .replace (/ \ [[[0-9] +) \] / g, '') // Get rid of class bracket. }} First.join ("/"); I have solved it, it is a node project but ...

google app engine - GAE dev_appserver build system for Sublime Text 3 -

I'm trying to modify the development (local) app server instead, and I instead I am using Sublime Text 3, if there is any difference. My current is GAE_dev.sublime-build : {"working_dir": "$ project_path", "CMD": ["sh "," -c "," "," -port = 9090 "]," encoding ":" UTF-8 "," shell ": true} The only output is: [end in 0.1s] Visiting localhost: 9090 No success of yield. When I run (which I think) the terminal has the same command: $ cd / project / path $ --port = 9090 is the load of output, the app is running on : 9090 , and for the reason that works, it It keeps going - which makes me doubt the 'finish' of the Sublime highly suspicious. I tried to resume the Sublime, but it did not make any difference. Or just to kick me in the right direction - is there no way to see the sublime raw conversati...

How to Get Unicode Value into a String Objective C -

I'm actually trying to get the unicode value of a letter, and put it in a escape string . I set the title of an NSButton to ±, now I am trying to get the title of this button and convert it to "\ U00B1"; For example Aichaara the Kart = [The Batton Nightlight at Endx: 0]; // Now how will I change the top of the string like "@ \ \ u03b2" There will be a solution: unichar theChar = ... NSString * escapeCode = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "\\\\ u% 04x", author]; Note that to get two in the string as a result, you need four backslashes.

assembly - Jumping to second stage of bootloader -

I am working on a bootloader that closes a CD, and by now I have a lot of success in loading DAP Find, find the CD signature, and find the root directory. When I try to jump to the second stage address, the bootloader code will not execute the code, and I have no idea to fix it. Here is my code: READ_STAGE2: print LOADING_STAGE2_MSG, teal phone Print_ln mov di, [DiskAddressPacket.offset] mov es, [DiskAddressPacket.Segment] XOR BX, BX, clears out bx XOR C, C; Ca xar cx, cx Removes: MOV AL, BYTE [ES: DI + BX]; A file entry CMP L drives a byte of a potential launch of BTE [STAGE2]; .request; If this then loops out of the INC BX; Get ready for the next file entry. Jmp .top .done: print found, print file gets print file X_RN XOR SI, SI; Bx; INC CE X-ray cx, cx; Clear for use as a counter .top2:; Comparing the stars to see if they are equal; Ax ax, ax; Clears ACX; MOV AL, BYTE [ES: DI + BX] MOV AH, 0xE INT 0x010; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 2 Bin; XOR AX, AX MOV AL, Byte [ES: DI + BX] CMP AL, Byte...

storing char* array in C -

I am trying to create and store an char * array. So, first I tried it: int main () {char * values ​​[3]; Value [0] = "Hello"; Value [1] = "Mu meow"; Value [2] = "Miyau Miyau = 3"; For (int i = 0; i It works with this output: Hello Mev Mew Meu Mia = 3 I try: printf ("% s", "Tamono del Dicionario:"); Int tam; Scanf ("% i", and tam); Four * dick [tam]; Word [tam]; For (int i = 0; i & lt; tm; i ++) {printf ("palabra% d:", (I + 1)); Scan ("% 32s", & amp; dic [i]); } For (int i = 0; i Show non-legible stuff like "0xassdfsdf" What can I do to store it in the correct storage? #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; # Include & lt; Stdlib.h & gt; Int main () {char * value [3]; Value [0] = "Hello"; Value [1] = "Mu meow"; Value [2] = "Miyau Miyau = 3"; For (int i = 0; i

classification - Naive bayes classifier calculation -

I am trying to use a simple beta classifier to classify my datasets. My questions are: 1 - Generally when we try to calculate equality, we use the formula: P (c | x) = P ( C | x1) * P (c | x2) * ... P (c | xn) * P (C) but in some instances it says that to avoid getting very little results, we can use P (c | x) = Exp (log (c | x1) + log (c | x2) + ... log (c | xn) + logP (C)). Can someone tell me the difference between these two formulas and they are both used to calculate "creation" or second, which is called "information profit". 2- In some cases when we try to classify our datasets, some additions are zero. To avoid tap joints, some PPL is used for "lamplus smoothing technique". Is not the effect of this technique on the accuracy of our classification? Thank you in advance for all your time. I am just new to this algorithm and am trying to know more about it. Should I read a recommended letter? Thanks a lot. I will take a knife on my fir...

How to change parameters in javascript function written in html -

मेरे पास html कोड में कुछ फ़ंक्शन है। & lt; span id = 'test' Onclick = "test (" 1 "," 2 ")" & gt; मुझे क्लिक करें & lt; / span & gt; निष्पादित करने के बाद मुझे इस फ़ंक्शन को दूसरे मानदंडों के साथ बदलने की आवश्यकता है I यदि आप इस फ़ंक्शन को ईवेंटलिस्टर द्वारा नहीं लिखने का कोई उपयुक्त तरीका सुझा सकते हैं, लेकिन HTML कोड के रूप में इस फ़ंक्शन को देखने के उद्देश्य के साथ html- विशेषता के रूप में, इस onclick = "test (" 1 "," 2 ") और HTML कोड में गतिशील रूप से नया जोड़ें onclick =" test ("3", "4") आपको विशेषता को बदलना होगा (जब तक इसे एक के रूप में प्रस्तुत किया जा सकता है स्ट्रिंग) या एक वैश्विक चर संदर्भ। & lt; span id = 'test' onclick = "test (window.globalVar1, window.globalVar2)" & gt; मुझे क्लिक करें & lt; / span & gt; हालांकि यह संभवतः नहीं किया जाना चाहिए। यह आपके पैरामीटर के साथ एक फ़ंक्शन कॉल करने के लिए बेहतर होगा...

ios - Physics forces not affecting dynamic body Scenekit -

मेरे दृश्य में हैं; दृश्य के मूल में एक स्थिर शरीर _firstNode = [[SCNNode alloc] init]; _firstNode.position = SCNVector3Make (0, 0, 0); _firstNode.geometry = [SCNSphere sphereWithRadius: 950]; _firstNode.geometry.firstMaterial.diffuse.contents = [UIColor greenColor]; _firstNode.physicsBody = [SCNPhysicsBody staticBody]; [[दृश्य रूट नोड] जोड़ें चाइल्डनोड: _firstNode]; यह एक पिंड संपत्ति के साथ एक गतिशील शरीर है (0, -1000,0) एक SCNAction के साथ जो इसे स्थैतिक शरीर के आसपास स्थायी रूप से घूमता है _secondNode = [[SCNNode alloc] init]; _secondNode.position = SCNVector3Make (0, 0, 0); _secondNode.pivot = SCNMatrix4MakeTranslation (0, -1200, 0); _SecondNode.physicsBody = [SCNPhysicsBody गतिशील बॉडी]; _secondNode.geometry = [SCNSphere sphereWithRadius: 2]; _secondNode रन एक्शन: [SCNAction repeatActionForever: [SCNAction rotateByX: -1 y: 0 z: 0 अवधि: 10.0]]]; [[दृश्य रूट नोड] जोड़ें चाइल्डनोड: _secondNode]; जब मैं आवेदन करने की कोशिश करता हूं; [_ secondNode.physicsBody लाग...

windows - How to start reading from x line in a text file with python -

I'm dealing with a large text file on my window machine, and I have a script that prints lines from text Fill to start from a given line index. F: [f] [f] for line: print line with open ('big_file.txt', 'r') There is something like that in the above version that really works. Use: open ('big_file.txt', 'R') Import itertools as f: for line itertools.islice (f, 1000, none): print line

ruby on rails - time bundle exec rspec spec/requests/static_pages_spec.rb ----- the system cannot accept the time entered -

I'm really hoping that someone can answer a question for me, I have everything for the RubyTutorial Diagram Have spent the day and I get this information that comes with Windows OS. I am at section 3.6.3. I've just installed guards and sparks. Michael Hart says, "Before running sparks, we can obtain a baseline based on the time of the test test, as per our test suite:" $ time bundle display rspec spec / requests / static_pages_spec.rb ...... 6 instances, 0 failures real 0m8.633s user 0m7.240s sys 0m1.068s Below I have found Time bundle exec rspec spec / requests / static_pages_spec.rb The system can not accept the entered time. Enter new time: If anyone has any ideas, then I tried to search somewhere else ... a person has a resource, but his Gemfile differs from mine. And it's okay I think that's one of his work-even then. There is a quote from this page, "When the first issue was facing" time bundle express rspec spec / request...

jquery - can someone tell me why my overflow-x is effecting my menu border? -

So, I added an overflow-x: hidden; So that the horizontal scrollbar will not show up and now it is affecting the limit. In my menu bar, its border is not visible in the right part of the menu bar and when I get the overflow-x code from the CSS, the threshold comes back there By the way, keep the scroll bar hidden and get to the right of the border to show thanks! CSS: * {overflow-x: hidden; Margin: 0 px; Padding: 0 pixels; } H1 {font: bold 16px tahoma; }} Header, section, footer, on one hand, nav, article, hg group {display: block; Body {width: 100%; Display: -webkit box; -WebKit-box-pack: Center; } Section {font: 12px vardana; } # Big_User {max-width: 1000px; Margin: 20px 0 pixels; Display: -WebKit-box; -WebKit-box-orient: vertical; -WebKit Box-Flex: 1; } #top_header {background: transparent; Padding: 5px; Text align: center; } #top_menu {float: left; Limit: 1px solid black; Background: -webkit-linear-shield (left, #BDBDBD, # E6E6E6, #BDBDBD); Width: 1000 pixels; Text align: ...

osx - alpha regex does not pick out alpha chars in bash -

I have this Dragon Regex p = "(2024 (?:(?: (?: [Ed.] + ?) +)) 93) " for UNIX reggae to improve the speed of GRP to test (and start), I grep --color -e" [: Alpha:] "/ Volume / USB / Corpus / Masked Contracts_ Pre_N / 01-01-09-Maximus-Ink-Second-Amendment. Txt to try and find the characters in the file. I thought it would select all alpha characters but it only chooses some of them. Do I forget something in the docs? What is happening? grep (version 2.12 on Linux) actually returns a message when you -e '[: alpha:]' : If you try to use grep, there is descriptive character: the letter class syntax is [[: space:]], No [: space:] In other words, using syntax [: alpha:] inside Is for Racket expression, which means that there will be nested bracket final syntax: [[: alpha:]] . This is logical, when you think about it, because any regex engine is between the square class, and only , ,,, and h [: alpha:] / html>

javascript - Live Updating Frosted Glass UI jQuery -

I need a frosted glass UI effect, which is basically a transparent, white division Is overlaying. Part of the material below the div should be blurred. The effect should look like this: Random code because the stack overflow forced me to add it The problem is, I'm not using. My app is a drawing tool, where the user can draw shapes and text. Then on the area on which the glass box will be over, it will update every other. I tried but I could not work it. Still, will it be enough? Or does it take a snapshot of my body element on this page load? This is a method Apply a sharp blur (Mario Clingman) to your image, Overlay 25% "frost" created by a white rectangle on ambiguity. The blurry script is here: Example code and demo: var canvas = document getElementById (" canvas "); Var ctx = canvas.getContext ("2D"); Var img = new image (); Img.crossOrigin = "Anonymous"; Img.onload = start; Img.src = "https://dl...

Where session variable is stored in java web application -

1 - जहां सत्र चर जावा वेब अनुप्रयोग में संग्रहीत है? क्लाइंट या सर्वर साइड पर? 2 - अगर मैं सत्र के माध्यम से बहुत सारे ऑब्जेक्ट और वेरिएबल डालता हूं तो यह क्लाइंट के अनुरोधों को धीमा कर देगा? मेरे मामले में मैं वसंत एमवीसी का उपयोग करता हूं। "सत्र" चर में दो टुकड़े होते हैं, एक बहुत छोटा सत्र पहचानकर्ता जो ग्राहक आमतौर पर नामित jSessionId पर संग्रहीत होता है और कुकी के रूप में संग्रहीत होता है। लेकिन, सत्र आईडी भी URL में एन्कोड किया जा सकता है। एक सत्र का दूसरा भाग वास्तविक डेटा है, और यह सर्वर पर संग्रहीत है संभवतः एक सर्वर-साइड डेटाबेस में यदि आपका सर्वर एक बहु-सर्वर क्लस्टर का हिस्सा है। प्रत्येक सत्र के सत्र को पहचाना जाता है और क्लाइंट प्रत्येक अनुरोध के साथ इसे भेजता है यही कारण है कि इसे बहुत छोटा बनाया गया है।

c# - Difference between XMLDOM document, XML document and XML String document -

Can anyone tell me what is the XML string document and XMLDOM document? What will be the expansion of those two documents (XML string and XMLDOM) how is this document different from the normal XML document (.xml)? XMLDOM document (which is actually XML's DOM) or XML document object model An XML document has an in-memory presentation. Dome allows you to read, write, change, manipulate and copy an XML document through code. To read further, take a look and The XML string has never heard about the document, but I mean that XML represents the written text inside the document, take a look for more information.

PHP reorder array with starting index -

I have an array of weeks that I want to order again by giving the starting day. $ days_order = array ("Mon", "Mars", "Mercury", "Guru", "Venus", "Saturn", "Sun"); Echo '& lt; Pre & gt; '; Print_r ($ days_order); Echo & lt; / Pre & gt; '; output array ([0] => som [1] => Mars [2] = & gt; Mercury [3 ] = & Gt; Master [4] = & gt; Venus [5] => Saturn [6] => Sun) Question: How to re-order array when set to start day? Note: Index values ​​are important. Example: If I set day start "Mercury" , then array it Will produce: array ([0] = & gt; Mercury [1] => Thurs [2] => Venus [3] => Saturn [4] = & Gt; Sun [5] = & gt; Mon [6] = & gt; Mars) There is no array of pre-defined dates, just loop through date. $ start_date = 'Mercury'; ($ I = 0; $ i & lt; 7; $ i ++) $ arr [$ i] = Date ('D', St...

Concatenating two Float columns and insert them to another Float column in SQL Server 2008 R2 -

I am dealing with a situation as mentioned in the question: Give me two Float column that I want to add: (column 1 + '_' + column2) and column3 . I think the right question will be something like this: Set as an updated table A.Column3 = select ((Column1 + '_' class = "post text" itemprop = "text"> If you want to be sure to avoid getting faucet, then you need to do something like this Use: UPDATE dbo.YourTable SET Column3 = Convert (NVHAR (50), ISNUL (Column 1, N '')) + N'_ '+ Convert (NVHAR (50) , ISNLL (column2, n '')) Assume that all three You are in the same table, otherwise you will need to use JOIN in your UPDATE Update: Converting the FLOAT column to NVARCHAR in the CONVERT function ) is required.

linux - MySQL installation from deb, permissions issues -

I'm trying to install MySQL on Microsoft 14.04 from deb package. I'm having trouble starting mysql server, it looks like a permission problem I followed the steps I mentioned. Download / Unreserved / Installed Deb Tark Bundle. sudo apt-get install libaio1 tar -xvf mysql-server_5.7.4-m14-2ubuntu14.04_amd64.deb-bundle.tar md5sum mysql-server_5. 7.4-M14-2UNTUU 14.04_AMDI 64. ADB-Bundle. Sudo DPKG-Eye MySQL-Common_5.7.4-M14 Ubuntu 14.04_AMD64. Deb Shadow DPKG-IISLL-Community-Server_7.4.4-M14 Ubuntu 14.04_Amdi 64. Deb Schuo Dpkg -i mysql-community-client_5.7.4- M14-214.04_Amadi64.deb sudo dpkg -i libmysqlclient18_5.7.4-m14-2ubuntu14.04_ amidi 64.deb This is where the files are installed on my system: All configuration files (Such as my.cnf ) under / etc . All binaries, libraries, headers, etc. are under the data directory under the / var . I am creating a MySQL group and user: groupadd mysql useradd -r -g mysql mysql I change the ownership of mysql scripts to my...

winforms - Why control location changed in form when the form is building? -

I have some controls like label s and texbox in every There is a thing. Everything is fine, but when I create the project, the form will reproduce and the location of all the controls will be changed. What's the problem?

javascript - jQuery val() doesn't work properly on dropdown menu -

तो मुझे यह लिल कोड मिला: & lt; script type = "application / javascript "& gt; $ ("फील्सेट & gt; चयन करें: प्रथम-के-प्रकार")। परिवर्तन (फ़ंक्शन () {var day = $ (this) .attr ('id') + "starttime"; $ ("#" + दिन) वैल ("2300");}); & Lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; मेरा कोड अधिक या कम काम करता है, यह वास्तव में चयनित विकल्प को बदलता है, लेकिन यह नेत्रहीन इसे बदल नहीं सकता (अगर मैं ड्रॉपडाउन पर क्लिक करता हूं तो मुझे लगता है कि नया विकल्प चुना गया है, लेकिन ऐसा लगता है कि कुछ भी नहीं बदला गया था)

haskell - Memory exploding upon writing a lazy bytestring to file in ghci -

निम्नलिखित प्रोग्राम नहीं विस्फोट करता है जब निष्पादन योग्य ( ghc -O0 विस्फोट के माध्यम से संकलित किया जाता है .एचएस ) चलाया जाता है, लेकिन जब ghci में चलने में करता है विस्फोट करता है ( ghci explode.hs या ghci -fobject-code Explode.hs ): - Explode.hs - साथ विस्फोट नहीं होता: ghc -O0 एक्सप्लोड एच एस - के साथ एक्सप्लोड: ghci Explode.hs - साथ एक्सप्लोड: ghci - एफओबीएक्स-कोड Explode.hs मॉड्यूल मुख्य (मुख्य) जहां आयात डेटा। आयात योग्य डाटा आयात करते हैं। बायट्रेडिंग। एलएल आयात योग्य डेटा के रूप में एलएजी। ब्इटेस्ट्रिंग.लाज़ी। सीएचआरएल के रूप में बीएलसी बनाओ एसआरआर :: इंट 64 - & gt; स्ट्रिंग - & gt; BL.ByteString createStr num str = BL.take num $ BL.cycle $ BLC.pack str मुख्य = do BLC.writeFile "results.txt" $ createStr 100000000 "abc \ n" क्यों यह ghci में विस्फोट हो जाता है और ghc -O0 Explode.hs के साथ नहीं है, और मैं कैसे इसे ghci में विस्फोट से रोक सकता है? मैं जिस तरीके से अपनाया था, वह यहां काम करने में नहीं लग रहा है writeFile कोड का ...

java - Does Comparator work differently with wrapper class? -

I fail to sort student ID from database, after a long time it detects that it is incorrectly Why is the solution, I have concluded that this Comparator works differently with the rapper class? Public Class comparator demo {public static zero main (string [] args) {Comparator & lt; Integer & gt; IDComparator = new comparison & lt; Integer & gt; () {@ Override Public Int Comparison (integer first ID, integer sec ID) {return firstID & lt; SecondID? (-1): (first id == sec id? (0): (1)); }}; System.out.println ( (new integer (1), new integer (1))); // print1 system.out.printLN ( ((1), (1))); // print}} What's going on here? In Java, when comparing two references to == By using, the result will be true and if only two references point to the same exact object, then when you enter new integer (1) to new integer false primitives (like int ) are compared with (1) , == When using == to compare with, ...

c# - ASP Web API create directory on server gives access denied -

Text after "div class =" itemprop = "text"> I save the file as a link to create a directory on the server, when I give it access to a directory Is trying to deny the file path in How do I do this public static string CreateFile (string filePath) {string Path = ""; String path path = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath (""); // rootpath = rootpath. Applestrings (0, root path - tall - cropped); System.IO.DirectoryInfo DirInfo = New System. Io DirectoryInfo (Route Path + Phylax); System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity DirPermission = New System. Security. AccessControl.DirectorySecurity (); System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule FRule = New System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule ("All", System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights.ReadAndExecute, System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType.Allow); DirPermission.AddAccessRule (FRule); If (DirInfo.Exists == incorrect) {System.IO.Dir...

html - getting url param value encoded in some format -

I have written the code below to get the value of the URL parameter. char * param (char * attribute_name) {char * query_str = getenv ("QUERY_STRING"); UrlDecode (query_str); Printf ("qstr =% s query_str); Int i; Char * param_value; Char * temp = malloc (strlen (attribute_name) + 3); Four * x; Strcpy (temp, "?"); Dome (temp, att_t_name); Dome (temporary, "="); X = Strust (query_str, temp); Att_t_name = strdup (attribute_name); If (x == faucet) {free (temporary); Temp = malloc (strlen (attribute_name) + 3); Strcpy (temp, "& amp;"); Dome (temp, att_t_name); Dome (temporary, "="); X = Strust (query_str, temp); } If (x! = Null) {param_value = malloc (strlen (x) - strlen (temp) + 1); Int s = strlen (x) - strlen (temp); Int t = strlen (x) - s; Strncpy (param_value, and x [t], 1); (I = strlen (temp) + 1; i & lt; = strlen (x); i ++) {if (x [i]! = '& Amp;' ') {strncat (param_value, and x [i] 1); } And {break} ...

c# - Implement SQL unicode search in Entity Framework using contain -

I'm trying to find my user with this query: dbcontext.tbluserinfo .where (i = & gt; ("مهرپو"); I have a record in my database with this value , But the query 'results will return. So I tried to type my query in SQL Server like this: select from tbluserinfo * where'% مهرپو% 'Names like this No results again! Lake When I changed it: from * tbluserinfo where name 'n'% مهرپو% ' the result is returned. So my question is how do I use my searchvalue EF before N , and the second question is that the value of this value I have this problem for مهرپو and it works fine for other users - why?

android - Custom seekBar drawable XML: set thumb size to available height -

I want the height of a button and its thumb as the screen. For example, their height is at a screen height of 10%, where the height of the container in the searcher is set to 10% of the screen height, and the height of the back is set to 'match_parent' I Customized. So I created a file 'res / XML' in 'thumb_drawable.xml': & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Size xmlns: Android = "" Android: Size = "Oval" & gt; & Lt; Shield Android: startColor = "#ffffffff" Android: endColor = "# ff585858" Android: Angle = "270" /> & Lt; Size Android: height = "20dp" Android: width = "20dp" /> & Lt; / Size & gt; And in my layout file, this is: Android: SeekBar Android: layout_height = "match_parent" Android: thumb = "@ xml / thumb_drawable" What is the...

python - How do you find the login provider in Django-Allauth? -

I have seen the code in the answer accepted for this question: But when I run a template with {{user.get_provider}}, nothing shows up. I was hoping to call it "LinkedIn Oath 2" or maybe "Original" (They have two ways to enter me.) Do you need to make a template call? Other template items are working properly, like account.get_avatar_url. The user profile in my knowledge that did not use the credentials to establish the current session I did not know, nor do I know that a list of the related credential type of a particular account automatically comes into the user context object (I'm not sure which question you were trying to get from ). You can use Python & amp; Export these references For example, see the Social Account / Connection template that comes with django-allauth.

regex - Downloading data from website -

I use the following code to download two files from one website to a folder I want to download some files that include "MOD09GA.A2008077.h22v05.005.2008080122814.hdf" and "MOD09GA.A2008077.h23v05.005.2008080122921 HDF". But I do not know how to select these files. The codes below download all the files, but I need two of them. Do anyone have any ideas? URL = ''; LocalPath = 'E: / myfolder /' on the local path; Read% HTML content and parse file names with * .hdf urlContents = urlread (URL); Ret = regexp (urlContents, '"\ s + .hdf.xml"', 'match'); Loop on all files and download them to k = 1: length (copy) filename = rate {k} (2: end-1); FilepathOnline = strcat (URL, file name); FilepathLocal = fullfile (Local Path, Filename); Urlwrite (file pathOnline, file path local); instead regexp with token Try: localPath = 'E: / myfolder /'; UrlContent...

javascript - JS class without constant reference to "this" for member access -

मेरी ठेठ JS वर्ग संरचना इस तरह दिखती है: MyClass = function (args) { This.myProp1 = अपरिभाषित; This.myProp2 = आर्ग्स [0]; //... अधिक सदस्य डेटा = function () {return.myProp1 + this.myProp2; // & lt; - समस्या } //... अधिक सदस्य फ़ंक्शन} // यदि मायक्लास एक सुपरक्लास विस्तार करते हैं, तो निम्नलिखित जोड़ें ... MyClass.prototype = Object.create (MySuperClass.prototype); MyClass.prototype.constructor = MyClass; ... जेएस के साथ मेरे चलते झुंझलाहट यह है कि मुझे लगता है कि सदस्य कार्यों में लगातार यह का उपयोग करने के लिए लगता है ताकि बहुत ही वस्तु के गुणों का उपयोग किया जा सके जिसके लिए वे कार्य संबंधित हैं। कई अन्य भाषाओं में, उदा। शिविर; जावा, यह सुरक्षित रूप से छोड़ा जा सकता है जब सदस्य कार्य एक ही कक्षा / उदाहरण में सदस्य डेटा के साथ काम कर रहे हैं। (मुझे एहसास है कि जेएस को मौलिक रूप से अलग तरीके से संरचित किया जाता है क्योंकि इसे एक क्रमबद्ध विरासत भाषा के बजाय एक प्रोटोटाइप के रूप में डिजाइन किया जा रहा है।) सवाल एक और तरीके से डालने के लिए: क्या अनिर्दिष्ट ग...

java - Optimize Swing Program for OS X Yosemite -

I just updated to OS X Yosemite's public beta. While working with the swing, I think the components are not optimized. What do I mean by the buttons that they are from Mavericks (10.9) instead of Yosmith (10.10). If you can not understand what I am saying, then I can provide a screenshot. Is there a property that I can change or is there something that Oracle needs to do? Oracle now manages UP's representatives as part of Apple, You can see the source, but you can wait for Oracle to include them in the future creation.

java - How to make scanner accept constant input -

I am very new to Java, and would like to know that whenever I offer something to it, the scanner gets input How to approve everything is still working. I have tried to use the loop for a while like this. scanner scanner = new scanner (; While (scanner.hasNext ()) {string next = scanner.xt (); } now accepts this input all the time, but nothing else is working. I have tried Google search but I have not been able to help. I know that I will go Being told to read the docs, but I do not know what I should read there. Actually what I am trying to do is a simple command system for me. I currently have this scanner scanner = new scanner (; String next = scanner.xt (); If (next.startsWith ("-") {string [] commandline = next. Split ("-"); String command = command line [1]; If (command.equalsIgnoreCase ("start")) {if (running!) {Timer.scheduleAtFixedRate (New Listen (), 0, 5000); System.out.println ("Started."); } Else {Sy...

java - Traversing weka J48 tree -

I created the database and J48 tree using the Weka API. I wanted to know that there is a way to cross a tree in real time (like asking input from the user) until the leaf is reached to classify the given inheritance (ask the user without the values ​​of all the features ) I am doing this for a videogame. I tried to see the web for some information and I could not find anything. Apart from this, in all the 48 classes in the classroom, I do not see what I see. Thanks a lot! You can make your JAY decision tree and then output source code. Once you have the source code, you can modify it according to your needs! An example of outputting and modifying source code is shown in this. However, if the decision tree is changing often, this is probably not the best choice. A good option is to make input from the user by making their own examples and classifying that. Unfortunately with that route you can ask more than enough questions to cross the tree.

Cucumber + Capybara testing: AJAX RequestForgeryProtection trouble since Rails 4.1 -

After updating Rail 4.1, I got cigar in a new project and found an interesting problem with Capacare. Inside a scene I put some thumbnail portraits. The user is supposed to click on the thumbnail image link, so that he can get more information about the person he has chosen, through the magic of AJAX, information is displayed below the thumbnail. Here's how I did it in this scene: Like normal proceedings for cases like this response_to do Format.js end etc. Works perfectly in the browser and I like it. However, cucumber and capebara do not work so easily. Here's the Capepara line which gives me a lot of headaches: When clicking on any one of the pictures to display the person's luggage, click_link ("jack_sparrow_THUMB") # To run the scenario with @curee, I receive this error message for the above statement: Security Warning: An embedded & lt; Script & gt; Tag protected JavaScript requested on another site If you know what you ar...

php - Is-it worth to split a page into many pages? -

I got a question about php and pages: Is this code split into several other files? So in the end, index.php will be made of: include 'footer.php'; 'Header.php' is included; Include 'home.php'; Include 'load.php'; [...] Should I put all code in a unique page? Other questions, if I include a php page, then all the wars can be made, the included page should be used in the main page, or should I use $ _SESSION? Thank you for your help! This is the value for your main question. In fact, if you do not follow this method for a long time So it will be a pain to manage your web page for you. I am not a php guy but I can tell you this because it is a universal truth that thoughts have to be written here once and there is necessary use anywhere. You do not want to write like this repeatedly, right? This is the reason that we produce functions while programming, we define a function and use it as often as we want. Now consider that you have sudden...

R ifelse avoiding change in date format -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 6 जवाब मैं इज़ेल बनाने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं दो तिथियों के लिए मेरे पास दो कॉलम हैं - दिनांक में और दिनांक ऑफ करें मुझे तीसरी वैरिएबल जोड़ने की ज़रूरत है, जो कि दिनांक मूल्य या तारीख में है अगर "दिनांकऑटो" दिखाएगा, यदि है: दिनांक में दिनांक तारीख यात्रा दिनांक 2010-11-24 & lt; NA & gt; 2010-11-24 2011-12-21 2012-01-21 2012-01-21 2010-10-25 2010-11-25 2010-11-25 2014-01-14 & gt; एनए & gt; 2014-01-14 मैंने ऐसा करने की कोशिश की ट्रैवलडेट & lt; - ifelse ( (date.In, DateOut, DateIn) लेकिन परिणाम मैं प्राप्त कर रहा हूं: दिनांक में दिनांकऑटो यात्रा तिथि 2010-11-24 & lt; NA & gt; 15018 2011-12-21 2012-01-21 15151 2010-10-25 2010-11-25 14 9 72 2014-01-14 & gt; एनए & gt; 14 9 72 यात्रा की तारीख को "तार्किक" के रूप में वर्गीकृत किया गया है क्या कोई तरीका है जिससे आप को आर संख्या को बदलने की तारीख को प्राप्त करना है? बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद! यदि dat डेटासेट है मुझे लगता ...

Custom domain name for github project page -

I have a JVC blog hosted on my GTB account and I've attached a domain for it I have also created a Zithub page for any of my treasures, it has been hosted by Jithub because it is my name - username / github-page My question is that I have used my repository How can I add a new domain name to my domain, like when I got wrong, it's a repository of my repo Show. Thank you For this, you must CNAME record my please refer to this link And I think this link also helps you set goals

php for loop freezes while looping -

When I tried the variable while raising the loop, my screen was frozen and I got the error: Fatal error: maximum execution time of 30 seconds /home/diligenceh/domains/ line exceeded 16 Loop: $ lesson_count = preg_replace ('# [^ 0-9] #', '', $ _POST ['description_count']); ($ I = 1; $ i & lt; = $ lesson_count; $ i ++) for {$ image_url_ + $ i = $ _POST ['image_url _' + $ i]; Echo $ image_url_ + $ i; } I think your code should be something like this: $ _ POST ['description_count'] = preg_replace ('# [^ 0-9] #', '', $ _POST ['description_count'], -1, $ deducted); For ($ i = 1; $ i & lt; = $ lesson_count; $ i ++) {echo $ _POST ['image_url _'. $ I]; } Pay atention to the following: 1.- preg_replace () has the number of replacements in 4 parameters. 2. - Return the original string with the function preg_replace changes. Read the manual here:...

c++ - open file folder in the directory -

I want my C ++ application to implement the functionality of "open file folders" like my Firefox and download manager . This is the code that I have come up with. int file :: openTempFile (std :: string temp_file_dir) {std :: string file_path = temp_file_dir + "/"; File_path = file_path + this- & gt; Additional_info; // If you already have a temporary file, delete it // if (temporary_file! = "") {//: TODO: open temporary file stack // // when app deinit we remove those // (Temporary_file.c_str ()); } / * Write temporary file * / file * fp = fopen (file_path.c_str (), "w"); If returned (fp == NULL) wrong; Filitt (m_data, 1, m_size, fp); Fclose (fp); // Now open it using Netlus / Four * Permalink [] = {strdup ("nautilus"), strdup (file_path.c_str ())}; Int pid; If ((pid = fork ()) == -1) Pillar ("Kanka Fail"); If (pd == 0) {int a = execvp ("notilis", permliext); Printf ("exevp failed to load temporary f...

ios - Swaping the in-app alertview notification with the banner view when using Parse Push -

I was wondering if alert view is a way to swap style information when user Notification is inside the app in the banner notification style (which is found when receiving another app is active). I am using the Pars push notification configuration as the following, but uncertain how I can make these changes (or if possible) - Thanks for your help! FineishLaunchingWithOptions [Application RegisterForreremote Notification Type: UIRemoteNotificationTypeBadge | UIRemoteNotificationTypeAlert | UIRemoteNotificationTypeSound]; // in appDelegate.m - (Zero) Application: (UIApplication *) Application: Device token with registration notification for registration: (NSDT * * newDeviceToken {// Touch the device in the current device and save it to parse. PFInstallation * currentInstallation = [PFInstallation currentInstallation]; [Current installation setvisitokindamadata: newdevitecon]; [Current installation save in background]; } - (empty) Application: (UIApplication *) The application d...

How can I stop "property does not exist on type JQuery" syntax errors when using Typescript? -

मैं केवल अपने आवेदन में jQuery की एक पंक्ति का उपयोग कर रहा हूं: $ ("div .printArea ") printArea ()।; लेकिन यह मुझे एक टाइपस्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि दे रहा है: संपत्ति 'printArea' प्रकार JQuery पर मौजूद नहीं है? क्या कोई मुझे बता सकता है कि मैं इस त्रुटि को कैसे रोक सकता हूं? आप इसे & lt; any & gt; में डाल सकते हैं या अपनी खुद की विधि जोड़ने के लिए jquery टाइपिंग का विस्तार कर सकते हैं। (& lt; any & gt; $ ("div.printArea "))।प्रिंट क्षेत्र(); // या अपना स्वयं का कस्टम तरीके जोड़ें (मान लें कि यह कस्टम प्लग इन के एक भाग के रूप में स्वयं द्वारा जोड़ा गया है) इंटरफ़ेस JQuery {printArea (): शून्य; }

java - Writing Background color -

I am trying to write a background color with three sebbars. I use this code: shared context mColor; Public static final string APP_PREFERENCES_COLOR = "color"; Color S = RGBTOX (R, G, B); Try {Editor Editor = mColor.edit (); Editor.putString (APP_PREFERENCES_COLOR, COLOR S); Editor.apply (); } Hold (exception e) {toast. GetApplicationContext, e. Toasting (), toast. LNNGHHORT). Show (); }} But I can see the message "java.lang.NullPointerExeption" How can I fix this? When you receive the editor, the shared options are zero. Try: mColor = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences (getApplicationContext ()); Editor Editor = mColor.edit (); Editor.putString (APP_PREFERENCES_COLOR, COLOR S); Editor.commit (); should correct your problem Hope it helps.

Excel concatenate unknown number of cell values without VBA -

I need to send an excel file to the third party to capture the data and I should not use VBA. The user must capture at least one string and by default, instead of capturing up to 10 stars, say in range D23: D32. Line 33 is an empty row, else data must be captured from line 34. I can define a name for D33 or D34. If the user needs to capture more than 10 strings, then he can insert additional lines. Now I have to add the user's strings, separated them by a semicolon. To clarify what I mean if the user was not able to insert the rows, then this formula would: = D23 & amp; If (D24 = "", "", ";" and D24) & amp; If (D25 = "", "", ";" and D25) & amp; IF (D26 = "", "", "," & D26) & amp; IF (D27 = "", "", "," & D27) & amp; IF (D28 = "", "", ";" & D28) & amp; IF (D29 = "", ""...

c# - How can I fake a DbSet<T> using FakeItEasy when the classes are internal? -

I am using unit framework 6 and want to test some of my business logic code unit. After Microsoft's examples of doing so, they are MOQ : var mockSet = new mock & lt; DbSet & lt; Blog & gt; & Gt; Using the following (), provide the following examples; Var moccontx = new fake & lt; Blogging Contex & gt; (); Mokkontext. Setup (m => m.blogs). Return (masket object); Var Service = New BlogService (mockContext.Object); I'm using FakeItEasy instead of MOQ, and I expected that this would be just as simple, although FakeItEasy complains that this can not make a duplicate for me using DbSet the following: on fakeDbSet = A.Fake & LT ; DbSet & LT; InstalledProduct & gt; & Gt; (); I have an exception as follows: FakeItEasy.Core.FakeCreationException: In the form of "TN.Prs.Persistence.LicenseContext" Failed Below is a list of reasons for Constructor failure: No Constructor Logic Fail: A usable default construct...

php - Comma separated taxonomy terms in Drupal -

I want to separate my classification words with a comma, and there is no comma behind the previously listed word. I have noticed that there are some modules which can be a help, but I want to use a pre-publication function, because I do not believe there is an additional module for such a simple task Will be required. I do not understand the correct function and php. Can anyone help me with this? Instead of using a preprocess function, you can specify the theme for the tag field in the template php file. The theme_field () function can overwrite. In this function, you will render tags in a different format than coma. The advantage of this approach is that it is a more general solution and it will work in spite of visual mode of classification rules, that is, they are presented as links or just plain text. Since there is something necessary for the solution, I have written a blog post about it here's the link. Nirav Mehta

ios - UITableViewDelegate tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath: crash when inserting cells -

I have a table view with different sections and cell styles, i.e. the iOS Settings app. I have a problem with height ForRowAtIndexPath If I include it, whenever I try to insert a cell, the app crashes: 2014-07-27 17: 24: 48,660 Shudules [413: 31582] *** Exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', Reason: '*** - [NSArrayM insertObject: atIndex:]: Object can not be zero ' However, because there are several types of cells in the table view, I need to implement the method, for example, most Ikaon 44px tall, but I do not give a date picker cells that is always visible and 216px tall. If I use auto layout, the height of the cells is fine, but the animation is jumping to include the cells. I did not have to face this problem before, but I decided to split one of these sections into the table in two different sections Now, whenever I try to insert a cell The app crashes, this was not before, and only occurs when the heightForWindexpath or the predicted whitefirereadin...

generics - Generate an integer binary representation using Swift? -

How to create a function of accepting any kind of int or UIT in swift (and about the type of bits Pre> init & lt; T: _SignedIntegerType & gt; (_ V: T, radix: int, uppercase: boole = default) init & lt; T: _UnsignedIntegerType & gt; (_ V: T, radix: int, uppercase: boole = default) which can be used here: num = 100 commands Give string (num, radix: 2) print (str) // output: 1100100

javascript - How to get all fields in a same level in embedded documents in MongoDB -

Thanks to the embedded documents, we do not have to join the operation. However, I need to get it Is there any easy way to get all the fields at the same level? For example; I want to prepare a report with all the following areas, in this situation, I need to get all the JSON data at the same level. {"_id": "1", "date": "2014-07-30 02:00", "customer": {"_id": "14", "name" : "Name": "xxxx stackton", "address": {"city": "nevercity", "province": "neverland"}}, "customer": {"_id": "473", "xxxx Jordan" }, "Payment": {"method": "cash", "zodiac": "67.40"}} You can iterate object keys as a JSON object sample name and age below var myObj = {name: 'Tom', age: 21}; (Key in myObj) {print (key); }

ruby - Rails create one or create multiple records from a range -

I have a class called IP, which has : address attribute, and two virtual features: : start_ip and : end_ip class IP & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base # The address attribute is saved in the database #start_ip and end_ip is the virtual feature, my form has been used in attr_accessor: start_ip,: end_ip end I get a form Enter a single IP (in: address field) or a range of addresses in the field for my virtual attributes (: start_ip and: end_ip) that I have entered. If I enter an IP then everything works fine: Address field. If I enter multiple addresses (say that it spans 5 addresses), then I want to create an IP record for each address in the category, and I think it is the most to reject it It may well be that after entering a category as my current record, its address: address field will not be there. So I think I already need a save callback: before_save: range_given? Def range_life? Make it! ([@ Start_ip .. @ end_ip]) End But this is not exactly right. Can I cu...

web services - SOAP: PHP invoking .net webservice -

Hi friends, anyone can find out how this request can be made in php. I am starting a pure soap web service. & lt; Soap: envelope xmlns: soap = "" xmlns: xsi = "" xmlns: xsd = "http : // "& gt; & Lt; Soaps: Body & gt; & Lt; ConfirmCustomerReq xmlns = "" & gt; & Lt; Client id xmlns = "" xsi: type = "ENDeviceID" ean = "xx" /> & Lt; Terminal xmlns = "" xsi: type = "ENDeviceID" ean = "xx" /> & Lt; MsgID xmlns = "" DateTime = "xx" uniqueNumber = "xx" /> & Lt; AuthCred xmlns = "

html - Having trouble changing a number inside span tags using a javascript function -

Edit: Thank you! It works perfectly now, I appreciate the quick response! The relevant jumble. I have a list of spaces, with each unique ID, that I want to be able to modify using a href or input (either will work). I am trying to work now, but it is not available anywhere. Related HTML is: & lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; STR & lt; Span id = "str" ​​& gt; 0 & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Br> & Lt; Input type = 'button' onClick = "abilUp ()" value = 'increase from 1' / & gt; And the relevant javascript is: var statVal = 1; Function abilUp () {var aV = + document.getElementById ('str'); AV = AV + Statewise; Console.log ("str =" + aV); } The button works, and the function is increasing in the console, but the actual value is not changing within the period. I am pretty sure that it is not identified as 0, so I have tried to use the following: + docume...

language agnostic - Is floating point math broken? -

0.1 + 0.2 == 0.3 - & gt; झूठा 0.1 + 0.2 - & gt; 0.30000000000000004 ऐसा क्यों होता है? बाइनरी गणित की तरह है इस। अधिकांश प्रोग्रामिंग भाषाओं में, यह पर आधारित है। जावास्क्रिप्ट 64-बिट फ्लोटिंग प्वाइंट प्रस्तुति का उपयोग करता है, जो जावा के डबल के समान है समस्या की जड़ यह है कि संख्याएं इस स्वरूप में एक पूर्ण संख्या के रूप में दो की शक्ति का प्रतिनिधित्व करती हैं; तर्कसंगत संख्याएं (जैसे 0.1 , जो कि 1/10 है) जिसका दोरार्य दो की शक्ति नहीं है, वह बिल्कुल प्रतिनिधित्व नहीं किया जा सकता। मानक binary64 स्वरूप में, प्रतिनिधित्व को ठीक तरह से लिखा जा सकता है 0.1000000000000000055511151231257827021181583404541015625 दशमलव में, या 0x1.999999999999ap-4 इन। इसके विपरीत, तर्कसंगत संख्या 0.1 , जो कि 1/10 , जैसा कि 0.1 दशमलव में, या 0x1.99999999999999 के रूप में लिखा जा सकता है .. .पी -4 सी -1 99 हेक्सफ्लोट नोटेशन के एक एनालॉग में, जहां ... 9 के एक अंतहीन अनुक्रम का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है। स्थिरांक 0.2 और 0.3 अपने कार्यक्रम में भी उनके...

javascript - Handlebars sometimes not print {{this}} in each helper -

I repeat an object and try to print the value of the object and sometimes it works and Sometimes this does not happen. It is mainly in Chrome and Firefox and IE9 is working as it should be. Either way the function is different from handlers when it works and when it does not happen. Data is the same for both times. When I use the log assistant to print {{this}}, I can see the right price print in the console. If you are wondering what is underscores, then it is a simple helper and whenever I remove it, it is not any different. Backbone, Handlebars and My application using JS required If someone came to any such issue or knew how it was decided, then it would be very helpful. The data structure is as follows var Errors = {"Custom_agent": "You can not be an agent.", "Min_length": "Business must have at least 2 characters should be there." }; The handlar code is as follows {{# error_message}} & lt; Span class = "error -...

multithreading - Is Session variable thread-safe within a Parallel.For loop in ASP.Net page -

Would it be safe to change a session variable (i.e., the session ["progress"]) in the code below? This code is part of the code-behind of the ASP.Net page. On running a loop in parallel, two iterations run simultaneously and the same session variable has been replaced by both iterations. public zero-long operation () {parallel. (0, Total Member, (i, LoopState) => {Thread. Sleep (2000); Wait for some time ++; session ["Progress"] = Progress to simulate processing progress; // Is this thread-safe?}); } This thread is not secure , but Is safe to change sessions in separate open pages . So if you call in certain circumstances, then it is safe. This is because the only one time from your page , then it is safe in different pages, because the session is fully loaded from the beginning of the page load to the session Locks up To prove some similar answers. If you call it different threads from from the same page , You need synchroniza...

javascript - chrome.identity.getAuthToken returning "bad client id: {0}" error -

I am trying to use to get a token, but every time I get this error, Looks like: OAuth2 request failed: response with service error: 'bad client id: {0}' I do not know why The client ID that I'm putting in manifest.json is similar to the Google Developer Console, and includes the correct scopes : oauth2: {"Client_id ":" Number-number Rt. "," scope ": [" "]} is an extension on Webstore, and I Do not know why he is still giving bad client id error? What is the result of this error? What am I missing here? "post-text" itemprop = "text"> Please refer to the "Consent screen" in the Google Developer Console for details on "Email Address and Product Name" on this issue.

bash - 'vagrant ssh -c COMMAND' behavior differs from running commands inside a 'vagrant ssh' session -

यह काम करता है: vagrant ssh cd / vagrant & amp; amp; ग्रंट बिल्ड यह नहीं है: व्हायट्रेट एसएसएच-सी 'सीडी / व्हायट्रैंट एंड amp; ( bash: grunt: command not found ) के साथ निकलती है क्यों? कारण मैं 'मैं पूछ रहा हूं कि मेरे पास एक खोल स्क्रिप्ट है जो साइट को तैनात करने के लिए गिटहब पेज पर है, और मैं तैनाती से पहले एक ताजा निर्माण प्राप्त करने के लिए शुरुआत में एक बिल्ड चरण जोड़ना चाहता था। मैंने भी लिखने की कोशिश की खोल स्क्रिप्ट की तरह: सीडी / आवारा घुरघुराना निर्माण और आवारा के साथ आवारा रन यह होने ssh -c 'बैश /vagrant/' , लेकिन यह अभी भी नहीं मिल सकता है घुरघुराना डॉक्स का कहना है कि आवारा ssh। - सी कमांड एक ही आदेश चलाता है, क्या मुझे उस 100% सचमुच लेने की ज़रूरत है? मैं इसे 'टर्मिनल में एक पंक्ति में फिट कर सकता हूं' के रूप में व्याख्या कर रहा था। क्योंकि घंटन आपके vagrant के रास्ते में नहीं है इसलिए इसे पूर्ण पथ दें सीडी / व्हायाग्र & amp; amp; / पथ / टू / ग्रंट बिल्ड ...

Error in configuring EhCache and Spring -

मेरी प्रसंग फाइल इस तरह दिखती है & lt; बीन Id = "cacheManager" वर्ग = "org.springframework.cache.ehcache.EhCacheCacheManager" पृष्ठ: cacheManager-ref = "ehcache" / & gt; & LT; सेम आईडी = "ehcache" class = "org.springframework.cache.ehcache.EhCacheManagerFactoryBean" पी: configLocation = "classpath: वसंत / कैश / ehcache.xml" पी: साझा = "true" / & gt; मेरा EhCache.xml इस तरह दिखता है: & lt; defaultCache अनन्त = "झूठा "maxElementsInMemory =" 1000 "overflowToDisk =" false "diskPersistent =" false "timeToIdleSeconds =" 0 "timeToLiveSeconds =" 600 "memoryStoreEvictionPolicy =" LRU "/ & gt; & LT; कैश नाम = "bdmCache" अनन्त = "false" maxElementsInMemory = "100" overflowToDisk = "false" diskPersistent = "false" timeToIdleSeconds = "0" timeToLiveSeconds...