Returning to Android app after external video player closes -
I start a video player from my Android app using the following code:
Intent to intent = new intent (Intent.ACTION_VIEW); Intent.setDataAndType (Yuri, "Video / MP3"); Intent.putExtra (MediaStore.EXTRA_FINISH_ON_COMPLETION, incorrect); Activity.start activity (intent);
It works fine, as long as I do not use my app back when the user returns the player using the back button: when the video player is over I come back to the launcher screen - the user is not expecting
Any sign that what can be done to re-activate my app when the external player is finished? I know that I can execute playback within my app using the media player and my player, but I do not want to start this practice now.
MediaStore .EXTRA_FINISH_ON_COMPLETION ensures that the external video player does not close when it does not have any effect when reaching the end of the video.
Thanks, Herald
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