osx - Kext with invalid signature can load on one machine, but not the other. Why? -
I have an iMac and a MacBook Pro. I updated both of them in Yosemite Beta (public one). But my audio interface Focuser Safer works well in 24 DSP (Firewire) IMAC, but not on the MacBook Pro.
When Safar is installed, there is a Safari. When connecting it with IMAC, this KEXT load is OK, nothing is uncommon, connecting to the MacBook Pro does not load the quad. I tried to manually load it, and I get an error message that it Called because it can not be loaded with an illegal signature.
Now, I have checked the signature on both computers, and they both say that the signature is invalid but this is correct on IMAC, although the signature is invalid.
Why is that so? What I do not understand
Here's some console output that helps if:
Mattiass- MacBook Pro: Extensions Mono $ codesign -dvvv Saffire.kext / Performance = /System/Library/Extensions/Saffire.kext/Contents/MacOS/Saffire Identifier = tc.tctechnologies.driver.Saffire format = Mach -O universal (i386 x86_64) CodeDirectory b = 20100 size = 161 Flags = 0x0 with CodeDirectory (None) hash = 1 + 3 location = embedded hash type = SHA1 size = 20 CDHash = ebc9c42dbea4f51770ff62d7de12552ae82a1fbc signature size = 4240 authorization = developer id application: teas Applied Technology Authority = Developer ID Certification Authority Authority = Apple Original CA Signed Time = 13 March 02 2014: 58:23 Info.plist Entries = 19 TeamIdentifier = No SET Resource Version = 1 Rule = 4 Files = 0 Internal Requirements Count = 1 Size = 180 Mattiass- MacBook Pro: Extension Mono $ codesign --verify -vvvv Saffire.kext / Saffire.kext /: Invalid signature (code or signature is modified) In architecture: x86_64
< P> (travel conn is a Belkin thunderer The Alt Dock, which is connected to the MBP, if the cases are ected) Update:
There is an error message in the log. Invalid signature for tc.tctechnologies.driver.Saffire will not load
Update 2:
I have also got to work in MBP. I've got this post: which inspires me to try this command:
sudo nvram boot-args = "kext-dev-mode = 1"
After reboot, everything was ending and running again.
My question is still unanswered, but why did he work on MBAC on IMAC?
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