javascript - automatic login to a website -
I have found a third party website, which my customer can access to download some data timetables from me Wants to Data is customer specific, and password is protected. I have a username / password, and I have searched for ways to login myself so that I can pull data, but no success has been done so far, this is the way I have tried to:
When I look at the login page of the website that I am trying to login (see source), I do not see the entry form, but if I click on the " Observe the element ", it shows that there is an entry form hidden. Any suggestions
Here is the website which requires the knowledge of my own: Unfortunately it is not in English. The first field is the user name, the second field is the password and the button is logged
taking palm advice, I was able to find the Java code when the text is being triggered to modify the boxes Now I am going to make this script as element.DomContainer.Eval
(function (n, t) {function vi (n) {var t = n I want to run manually using the length, r = i type (n); returns i.isWindow (n)? 1: 1 === n.nodeType & T? 0: "array" === Come || "Function"! == R & amp; amp; amp; amp; (0 === T) "Number" == Type T & T> 0 & amp; amp; T ; 1) n function ne (n) {var t = li [n] = {}; Return i.each (n.match (s)). [], Function (n, i) {t [i] =! }}, T} function uu (n, r, u, f) {if (i.acceptData (n)) {var s, h, c = i.expando, a = "string" == type r, l = N.nodeType, o = l. I.cache: n, e = ln [c]: n [c] in & amp; & Amp; C; If (E & amp; O [E] & amp; amp; (f || o [E]. Data) || A || U! == T) Return E || (L? N [c] = e = ttpp () || i.guid ++: e = c), o [e] || (O [e] = {}, l (o [e] .toJSON = i.noop)), ("object" == type rr = "function" == type of r) & amp; ... (T = N (this); R = R.not (t), t.removeData (f), r.length || clearTimeout (c)}, add: function (t) {function s (t, U, e) {var s = n (this), o = (this, f); ow = u == iu:?!? S.width (), oh = e == i e: s .height (), r.apply (this, debate)} if (! U [o] & amp; amp; and [a]) return! 1; var r; if (n.isFunction (t) returns) r = T, S; R = T.handler, t.handler = s}}} (jQuery, this)
I'm not sure how to activate it and give it related data. / P>
If you have the right mix of technical requirements, I do not want SSL and I do not want my username and password on all my sites, they are all on the same server. The site supports SSL, so I can safely log in to my own site.
You need to speak perceptibly, the IP log of the administrator account with the data / time stamp Please. Then if you go from the same IP to your client's website (on the same server), then you can check your scripting language file. I need a little time-period (anywhere from 30 seconds to two minutes at the top) and the same IP address is required. You can definitely add additional technical requirements to strengthen the security, although your options will be limited because the domain name will be different. If the IP matches the criteria, then the user is being certified (clearly not to be your administrative account information on your site) and you can be automatically signed in.
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