html5 - Media queries responsiveness not working in IE8 -

The responsiveness is not working in IE8. I have both respond.js & amp; Css3-mediaqueries.js. It still does not work. Below is my code




Below is my style.css file. In IE8's case, getting a horizonatal scroller. I mean it is not responsive. Media queries are also not working.


  body {background-color: #ccc; Font-family: Calibri, Ariel, 'Trebchett MS'; Padding: 0; Margin: 0; Font-size: 16px; }. Wiper {width: 1280px; Margin: 0 auto; Limit: 1px solid # ccc; Background color: #fff; } NAV {Width: 100%; / * Status: Fixed; * /} Nav ul {background color: RGB (64,131,238); Height: 40px; Width: 100%; Padding: 0; Margin: 0; } Nav ul li {list-style-type: none; Swim left; } NAL Li Li (font-size: 1.125m; / * 18px / 16px = 1.125 Name * / Text-decoration: None; Line-height: 40px; Height: 40px; Color: #fff; Padding-right: 20px; Padding-left: 20px; Display: Inline-block; }. Banner {Width: 100%; Height: auto; }. Wrapper-heding {font-size: 1.25em; / * 20px / 16px = 1.25em * / Color: # 6182B3; } @ Media screen and (max-width: 1280 px) {. Usage {width: 100%; }} @ Media screen and (max-width: 480 pix) {body {width}: 100%; Background color: red; }}  


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