android - Closing AdMob interstitial destroys activity I called it from -

When I close the AdMob interstitial test-Aid, the activity I call it is destroyed. I will make intermediate like this:

  interstiad = new interstitial (this); InterstitialAd.setAdUnitId (AD_UNIT_ID); AdRequest adRequest = New AdRequest.Builder () .addTestDevice (MY_TEST_DEVICE_HASHED_ID) .build (); InterstitialAd.loadAd (adRequest); InterstitialAd.setAdListener (New AdListener) {@Override public void onAdClosed () {System.out.println ("Ed is closing");}}); Public Zero show_ad () {if (interstitialAd.isLoaded ()) (); } @ Override Protected Zero is derireau () {System.out.println (called "onDestroy (")); Super.onDestroy (); }  

Logcat output:

  07-27 14: 39: 35.348: I / ad (5699): Opening ads 07-27 14:39: 35.438: I / Chromium (5699): [Info: (56)] Async Pixel Transfer 07-27 Not Supported 14: 39: 35.498: I / Chromium (5699): [Info: 39: 35.498: (56)] Async Pixel Transfer 07-27 14 Not Supported E / qdutils (5699): FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO has failed 07-27 14:39: 45.659: D / dalvikvm (5699): GC_FOR_ALLOC 3174K Free, 23% Free 11067/14272, 21ms paused, total 23ms 07-27 14:39: 48.612: I / VI Trapan (5699) advertisement closing 07-27 14 3 9: 48.612: I / systems. Out (5699): Ed is closing 07-27 14:39 39: 48.622: I / System. Out (5699): On Destory ()  

Why the activity is being destroyed?

Understand this I have used | ScreenSize to android: configChanges and now it's working fine.


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